Zech's Science Review 12.2018 Flashcards
Balanced force
Balanced Forces - are two forces acting in opposite directions on an object, and equal in size
Magnetic force
Magnetic Force - Attraction or repulsion that arises betweenelectrically chargedparticles because of their motion.
Unbalanced force
Unbalanced force - Forcesthat cause a change in the motion of an object are
At rest
At rest - not moving or exerting oneself.
Motion - is the activity or process of continually changing position or moving from one place to another.
Gravitational force
Gravitational force - is a force that attracts any two objects with mass.
1 Speed
Speed -Therateorameasureoftherateofmotion
Force - strength or energy exerted or brought to bear:cause of motion or change:active power
Friction - is the Resistance to motion of one object moving relative to another. It is not a fundamental force, like gravity or electromagnetism. Instead, scientists believe it is the result of the electromagnetic attraction between charged particles in two touching surfaces
Contact force
Contact force - Aforceis a push or pull upon an object resulting from the object’sinteractionwith another object.
Non-contact force
Noncontact force - is aforcewhich acts on a objectwithoutcoming physically incontactwith it.
Pull - When force moves an object closer from something
Repel - to force away or apart or tend to do so by mutual action at a distance
Attract - to exert a force that draws something in
Acceleration - the rate of change (or derivative with respect to time) of velocity.
Position - its location relative to a reference point (or origin of a coordinate system).
Magnetism - the properties of attraction posed by magnets; the molecular properties common to magnets.
Weight -
Weight - is the force of gravity on the object and may be defined as the mass times the acceleration of gravity, w = mg.
Push - When force moves an object away from something
2 Speed
Speed - Distancetraveleddividedbythetimeoftravel.
Speed can be calculated using the formula:
Speed = Distance / Time
When two objects travel the same distance, the object that reached the finish line first must have been ________________
When two objects travel the same distance, the object that reached the finish line first must have been traveling at a faster speed.
When two forces are unbalanced, acceleration _______
does occur (objects stay in motion).
When two forces are balanced, acceleration _______
does not occur (objects stay at rest).
The heavier an object, the less force/more force that is needed to speed up or slow down the object.
The heavier an object, the more force that is needed to speed up or slow down the object.
When two balls of the same weight are hit from the same place, the ball that is hit with the least force /most force will travel the farthest.
When two balls of the same weight are hit from the same place, the ball that is hit with the most force will travel the farthest.
If two balls are pushed with the same force on a slope, the heavier/lighter ball will travel the fastest and the farthest.
If two balls are pushed with the same force on a slope, the heavier ball will travel the fastest and the farthest.
If two balls are pushed with the same force on flat surface, the heavier/lighter ball will travel the fastest and the farthest.
If two balls are pushed with the same force on flat surface, the lighter ball will travel the fastest and the farthest.
In order to slow down an object, you could add a force in the __________ direction that the object is moving.
In order to slow down an object, you could add a force in the opposite direction that the object is moving.
In order to speed up an object, you could add a force in the ________ direction that the object is moving.
In order to speed up an object, you could add a force in the same direction that the object is moving.
The motion of an object can be changed by
speeding up, slowing down, or changing directions.
An object that is moving at a variant speed/ constant speed has no change in speed or direction if no force is acting on it.
An object that is moving at a constant speed has no change in speed or direction if no force is acting on it.
The heavier the object, the lesser/ greater amount of gravitational force that acts upon it
The heavier the object, the greater amount of gravitational force that acts upon it
The planets are kept in orbit due to their
gravitational attraction for the sun.
Gravity is a force that
pulls objects down.
An object that is not moving will
remain at rest unless a force acts upon it.
A force is required to
cause a change in motion.
A force
is a PUSH or PULL