Kenna's Geometry Flashcards
What is a point?
An Exact Location; Named with a capital letter.
What is a line?
Straight and goes on forever in both directions.
What is a line segment?
The part of the line that connects two points; does not go on forever
What is a ray?
Starts at a point and goes on in one direction
What is a vertex?
A corner; where two straight lines meet
What are intersecting lines?
Two lines that cross over and share a point
What are parallel lines?
Lines that are the same distance apart; they never touch
What are perpendicular lines?
Lines that cross to make a right angle
What is an angle?
The amount of turn between 2 lines that share a point
What is a right angle?
a 90 degree angle. It makes a perfect L.
What is an acute angle?
An angle that is less than 90 degrees
What is an obtuse angle?
An angle that is more than 90 degrees
What is a polygon?
A closed figure; made up of line segments
What is symmetry?
When a shape or picture is exactly the same when you flip it slide it or turn it.


Acute Angle


Intersecting Lines


Line Segment

Line Segment

Obtuse Angle


Perpendicular Lines




Right Angle

