Zang Fu Patterns: LU/LI Flashcards
What are the two major functions of the Lungs?
- Govern the Qi
i) respiratory Qi
ii) whole body Qi - Regulate water passages
How does the Lung govern respiratory Qi?
Lung Qi
- Taking in of air or Pure qi, descending of this Clear Qi down and in
- Controls the ascending of Turbid qi exhaled up and out
In what ways does the Lung govern whole body qi?
- Helps the Heart to move blood, controls the channels and vessels along with the heart
- Regulates Qi Ji (movement, moving qi)
- Formation of Zong Qi. Zong qi assists with controlling qi and respiration,
What is the relationship between Qi and water? Talk about the Lung’s function of dispersing and descending.
Lung governs Qi and water follows qi.
(Kidney is the root of qi)
Dispersing: Lung Qi dispersing function, water goes up and out
Descending: Lung Qi descending function, water flows down and in, nutrients to nourish organs, turbid water through BL and LI
Lung Associations:
a) Opens into
b) Outer manifestation
c) Colour
d) Liquid is
e) Pulse
f) Season
g) Houses
h) Upper Source of
i) Governs
a) Opens into nose
b) Outer manifestation skin, sweat glands and body hair (the exterior)
c) Colour is white
d) Liquid is snot or mucous, nasal discharge
e) Pulse is superficial
f) Season is Autumn
g) Houses the Po (Corporal Soul)
h) Upper source of water
i) Governs the voice
What Vital Substances relate to the Lung?
Lung Qi
Lung Yin (Body Fluid considered as part of Yin)
Lung governing of Qi and Respiration
The Lungs are also responsible for the actual formation of Qi. Food Qi (Gu Qi) is taken by the Spleen and directed to the Lungs where it combines with inhaled air (with help from Yuan Qi of Kidneys) to form Zong Qi, which is also called Qi of the Chest or Gathering Qi. The Zong Qi regulates involuntary movement of Heart and Lungs in turn is nourished by the Qi of the Heart and Lung. The Lungs then spread this Qi all over the body
Simultaneously formed: “Upright” or “normal” Qi (Zhen Qi) which is divided into Ying and Wei parts.
Lungs open to the Exterior, hence are called the “Tender Organ” because they are vulnerable to attack by exogenous pathogens.
Lungs Regulate Water Passages. Talk about dispersing function and descending functions.
What happens if fluids are not evenly spread?
Lungs receive refined fluids from Spleen, reduce them to fine mist and “spray” them throughout Exterior under the skin (part of dispersing function). Fluids should be evenly spread and pores should be regulated: otherwise, fluids may accumulate: edema.
Lungs are “upper origin of Water”. Direct fluids down to Kidney and Bladder. Kidneys receive fluids and vaporize them, then send back up to Lung.
As part of Governing Qi, Lungs control _____ and _____ ______.
How does this aid the heart? How are the Heart and Lung linked?
What happens with weak lung qi?
channels; blood vessels
Lungs govern Qi, which is essential to Heart to aid in Blood circulation. The Lungs and Heart are very closely linked (via Zong Qi). Lungs control circulation of Qi not only in Blood Vessels but in the channels.
Weak Lung Qi results in Qi being unable to push the Blood to nourish various areas. Hence, e.g. cold limbs, especially cold hands.
As part of Regulating Water Passages, lungs control dispersing and descending functions
Dispersing Function
Lung spreads Wei Qi (defensive Qi) and Body Fluids all over body to area between skin and muscles (The Lungs are related to skin).
This ensures that Wei Qi equally distributed under skin to warm skin and muscles and protect body from exogenous pathogens (Symptoms of a “cold” = impairment of dispersing function: exterior Wind Cold obstructs skin, blocks pores and Qi circulation: Qi cannot be dispersed.
Lung spreads Body Fluids (Jin Ye) to skin in form of “mist” to moisten skin and regulate opening and closing of pores and sweating. In health, normal pore function and normal amount of sweating.
Descending Function
Lungs are uppermost Organ (“Lid of the Yin Organs”). Therefore their Qi descends to communicate with Kidney (which “holds down” the Qi).
Lungs also direct Body Fluids downward to Kidneys/Bladder. Impairment of descending function: Qi accumulates in chest (cough, asthma, stuffy chest, or accumulation of fluids; upper body edema).
How does the lung nourish skin and hair?
Lung nourishes skin and hair by spreading Fluids to skin. Impaired Lung function can result in malnourished body hair and skin. Lungs influence Wei Qi, which circulates in skin.
Lungs Govern Voice
Difference between healthy and weak lung qi?
Strength, tone and clarity of voice depend on Lung Qi (in health: like a bell). Weak Lung Qi = low voice.
Lungs open into nose. Lungs house Corporeal Soul.
Nose is the opening of the Lungs. Lungs govern sense of smell.
Corporeal soul attached to body. Closely linked to breathing. Directly affected by sadness/grief which constrain its movement and affect breathing.
What are the most common Lung symptoms?
Asthma (wheezing, dyspnea, shortness of breath)
Phlegm (expectoration, fullness of chest)
Chest pain, hoarse voice, nosebleed
Common Lung Etiologies
Lung patterns can be of either Excess or Deficiency. With Deficient patterns, Lung Qi Deficiency is more common than Lung Yin Deficiency. In Excess patterns, the Lungs are usually invaded by external pathogens, mostly Wind, Cold, and Heat.
Common External Pathogenc Factors and Sx for Lung
Wind can combine with Cold or Heat to form Wind-Cold and Wind-Heat. Exogenous pathogenic factors commonly first attack the Wei Qi (defensive energy) and exterior of the body. This would result in exterior condition, as the Lungs have not yet been affected.
Common symptoms such as fever, chills, aversion to Cold, aching, sneezing, and stuffy nose indicate the struggle between the Body’s Wei Qi and the invading pathogen (such as external Wind Heat). As the condition worsens, the Lungs can easily become involved.
Dryness, both internal and external, can affect the lungs creating symptoms such as dry throat, cough, and dry skin (the Lungs control the skin).
Although uncommon, Dampness can combine with Wind causing an Exterior disorder with facial edema.
Diet as disease factor for Lung
Excessive consumption of Cold and raw (salads, dairy, etc.) foods decreases the Spleen’s ability to transform and transport nutrients. When the Spleen’s ability is impaired, Internal Dampness and eventually Phlegm accumulates in the Body. In Chinese Medicine it is said that while the Spleen is the producer of Phlegm, the Lungs are the container for Phlegm.
Sadness and _____ are the main emotions associated with the Lungs.
What happens with chronic sadness?
What happens with chronic _____?
Chronic sadness disperses Qi and causes Lung Qi Deficiency.
Chronic worry knots or ties up the Qi causing Stagnation of Qi in the chest.
Lifestyle disease factors for Lung
Activities (or non activities) that restrict movement of the chest and breathing such as being hunched over a desk in computer work, reading, or studying can deplete the Lung Qi. Excessive laziness and lounging can also weaken Lung Qi.
Lung Qi Deficiency Etiology
Lifestyle factors:
- Emotions – sadness, grief
- Excessive use of voice
- Hereditary
- Slumped shoulders, Stooping over desk, constraining chest and not breathing deeply
- Prolonged cough and dyspnea —> impairment of lung qi
- Deficiency of SP & ST —> insufficient production of qi and blood
- Failure of dispersing and descending of Lung Qi
- Hypofunction of respiration
- Ineffective protection against EPF’s
- Hypofunction of whole body
2-6 —> Deficiency of Lung Qi —> Insufficient Pectoral Qi —> 3, 4, 5, 6
Chronic Lung problems may be hereditary, especially if a parent had Lung tuberculosis. There may be transverse cracks in Lung area and the Lung’s pulse position may be more medial than normal.
Exterior Wind Cold or Wind Heat may remain in the body and eventually cause Lung Qi Deficiency. There is often a chronic cough following an exterior Wind Cold or Wind Heat invasion. This situation can be worsened when taking antibiotics for cold or flu, as they contain the Cold in the chest and interfere with Lung’s dispersing & descending functions.
Western diseases related to Lung Qi Deficiency
Chronic bronchitis
Pulmonary emphysema
Prolonged TB of lung
Pulmonary heart disease
Lung Qi Deficiency Sn/Sx
Weak breathing, shortness of breath on exertion
The Lungs govern respiration
Weak cough
Lungs are too weak to send Qi downward
Clear, thin, watery sputum
Lung Qi too weak to regulate water passages
Weak voice, lack of desire of speaking
Weak Zong Qi
Spontaneous sweating, easily sweats, daytime sweating
Qi Xu, Lungs circulate Wei Qi which governs the opening and closing of skin pores
Susceptiblity to Cold
Qi Xu, Lungs and Wei Qi warm the skin and muscles
Bright white complexion, fatigue
Qi Deficiency
Weakened Immunity
Weak Lung Qi is also closely tied to weak Wei Qi, which could lead to frequent colds.
Pulse: Weak, Empty pulse
Tongue: Pale or normal tongue body with white coating
Lung Qi Deficiency POT and Herb Px
POT: Reinforce the lung qi
Herb: Jade Windscreen (Astragalus)
Bu Fei Tang
Lung Qi Deficiency Points and Method
LI20 - Opens nasal passages; Expels wind and clears heat
LU1 - Front Mu of Lung; Disseminates and descends Lung qi; Transforms phlegm, clears heat
LU2 - Clear LU heat and descends LU qi
LU9 - Shu Stream/Earth Pt; Yuan Source: Meeting of Vessels; Tonifies LU and transforms phlegm
SI11 - Moves qi; Unbinds chest and lateral costal
ST14 - Descends rebellious qi and unbinds chest
ST15 - Descends rebellious qi and unbinds chest
ST36 - He-Sea/Earth Pt; Command Pt of Abdomen, Heavenly Star, Pt of Sea of Water and Grain; Supports correct qi and fosters original qi; Tonifies qi
T6 Huatuo - Regulate and harmonize 5 Zang and 6 Fu
UB13 - Back Shu of Lung; Tonifies LU Qi and nourishes LU yin
UB42 - Tonifies and nourishes Lung; Soothes dyspnea and alleviates cough
Lung Yin Deficiency Etiology
- Prolonged cough or asthma
- Febrile disease in its later period
- Prolonged Lung Qi Xu
- Stomach Yin Xu (irregular eating habits or diet)
- Kidney Yin Xu (overwork
- Lung Dryness
1-6 —> Impairment of Lung Yin —> Deficient Fire
Lung Yin Deficiency Western Diseases1
Chronic bronchitis
Walking pneumonia
Lung Yin Deficiency Sn/Sx
Dry cough or cough with sticky sputum
Lung Yin not nourishing Lung
Dry mouth and throat, Hoarse voice
Deficient fluids
Blood tinged sputum
Yin Deficient Heat burns the vessels
Lover grade fever or heat sensation in the evening time, malar flush, night sweats, five palm heat
Yin Deficiency producing empty heat
Yin Deficiency and Heat disturb the Shen
Tongue: Red peeled tongue with cracks in the Lung area, in early stage, tongue signs are not as pronounced
Pulse: Thready (empty, floating) and rapid pulse
Lung Yin Deficiency POT and Herb Px
Tonify Lung Yin
Nourish body fluids
Clear empty heat
Herb: Bai He Gu Jin Tang (Lily Bulb Decoction to Preserve the Metal)
Lung Yin Deficiency Points and Methody
LU 9 (Taiyuan - Supreme Abyss) *Meeting Pt of Vessels, Shu Stream/Earth Pt; Yuan Source point*; Tonify Lung Yin
REN-17 (Shanzhong - Chest Centre)
Front Mu of PC; Meeting Pt of Qi; Point of Sea of Qi; Tonifies Qi and Lung Yin
BL 43 (Gaohuangshu - Vital Region Shu) Tonifies Lung Yin, especially good in chronic cases
BL 13 (Feishu - Lung Shu) *Back Shu of Lung;* Tonifies Lung Qi & Yin
Du 12 (Shenzhu - Body Pillar) Clears heat from LU and HT; Tonifies Lung Qi & Yin
REN-4 (Guanyuan - Gate of Origin)
Front Mu of SI; Tonifies Kidney Yin & conducts Empty Heat downwards
KI 6 (Zhaohai - Shining Sea) Tonifies Kidney Yin & benefits throat esp. good where throat is dry. Can combine LU 7 and KI 6 to tonify Lung Qi and Lung Yin, tonify KI Yin & benefit throat, reconnect Lungs & Kidneys
REN-12 (Zhongwan - Middle Cavity)
Front Mu of ST; Meeting Pt of Fu; Tonifies Stomach & nourishes fluids (Stomach is origin of fluids)
LU 10 (Yuji - Fish Border) *Ying Spring/Fire Pt;* Sedate to clear Empty Heat from Lungs
Method: Tonify all Points except LU 10 which is sedated. No moxa.
Invasion of Lung by Dryness Etiology/Pathology
Lung Dryness is characterized by signs of Dryness with deficient fluids, but it is not yet of Yin Deficiency. It could be considered less severe and a precursor to Lung Yin Deficiency. If it is an Invasion it will have exterior syndrome sn/sx such as superficial pulse, fever and chills at same time.
Lung Dryness can be either Exterior or Interior. Exterior Dryness damages Lung fluids, such as in long periods of dry and hot weather. Internal Dryness can occur from Stomach Yin Deficiency (i.e. - from irregular eating times, irregular diet, etc.).
- Invasion by dryness
- Infection by febrile diseases
1-2 —> Consumption of body fluids —> Dryness of Lung
Invasion of Lung by Dryness Sn/Sx
Dry cough, Dry throat, Dry mouth, Dry skin, no sputum or sticky, difficult expectoration, thirst, hoarse voice
Hemoptysis Heat burning blood vessels
Fever and aversion to cold (if Exterior Syndrome)
Tongue: Dry, but not Red; white or yellow coating
Pulse: Empty and rapid, especially in the Lung position
*Lung HATES dryness, Dry damages Lung quickly
Lung Dryness POT and Herb Px
Moisten Lungs
Nourish Body Fluids
Herb: Qing Zao Jiu Fei Tang Eliminate Dryness and Rescue the Lung
Lung Dryness Points
LU 9 (Taiyuan - Supreme Abyss) *Meeting of Vessels; Shu Stream/Earth Pt; Yuan Source;* Moistens Lungs
REN-4 (Guanyuan - Gate of Origin)
Front Mu of SI; Tonify Kidney Yin & nourishes fluids
KI 6 (Zhaohai - Shinging Sea) *Confluent with Yin Motility (Yin Qiao);* Nourishes Fluids, benefits throat
Sp 6 (SanYinjiao - Three Yin Intersection) Nourishes Fluids
REN-12 (Zhongwan Middle Cavity)
Front Mu of ST; Meeting Pt of ST; Tonifies Stomach & nourishes Fluids
Method: Tonify all points
Invasion of Lung by Wind Cold Etiology
Environmental Wind and Cold can enter the body (to superficial or deep levels) depending on the strength of body’s Wei Qi in relation to a pathogen.
Artificial sources of Wind Cold, such as air conditioning can also cause Wind Cold.
Pathogenic wind-coldness —> Body surface —> Lung —> Defensive mechanism damaged —> Lung qi fails to disperse
Invasion of Lung by Wind-Cold Western Dx
Acute bronchitis
Invasion of Lung by Wind Cold Sn/Sx
Wind Cold pathogen battles with Wei Qi
Aversion to Cold
Exterior Cold impairs circulation of Wei Qi which cannot warm muscles
Absence of Sweating Cold congeals and closes pores
Occipital headache, whole head headache
Body aches Exterior Cold impairs circulation of Wei Qi which cannot warm muscles
Cough, sneezing, stuffy nose or runny nose with thin clear mucus, Itching throat
Lungs descending and dispersing ability is impaired
Tongue: Thin white tongue coating
Pulse: Floating pulse; superficial and tense
Invasion of Lung by Wind-Cold POT and Herb Px
- Release Exterior
- Disperse Cold
- Stimulate Lung descending and dispersing function
- Relieve the exterior syndrome and promote dispersing function of lung with herbs pungent in flavor and warm in property
Herb: Xing Su San
Invasion of Lung by Wind-Cold Point Px
LU 7 (Lieque - Broken Sequence) *Luo Connecting, Heavenly Star, Command Pt of Head/Posterior Neck;* Disperses Wind Cold, releases Exterior, stimulates Lung dispersing/descending
BL 12 (Fengmen Wind Gate) Releases Exterior, Expels Wind (esp cupped) Moxa after needling.
Du 16 (Fengfu - Palace of Wind) *Point of Sea of Marrow, Window of Heaven, Ghost Point;* Expels wind
Method: Sedation; moxa applicable after needling.
Compare Exterior Wind-Cold Syndrome with Invasion of Lung by Wind-Cold
Both share the symptoms of fever and chills, body aching, cough and shortness of breath.
Exterior W-C: Fever and chills, body aching dominant symptoms
Invasion of Lung by W-C: Cough and lung problems such as dyspnea and SOB dominating
Invasion of Lung by Wind-Heat Etiology
Exterior pathogenic Wind combines with Heat and invades Lung Exterior portion (Lung Defensive Qi portion)
Exposure to Wind may turn to Wind Heat in a person with a tendency toward Heat.
Wind Heat may be caused by virus or bacteria contracted through the nose and mouth.
Can also be caused by pathogenic wind-cold invading and later turning into wind-heat.
Invasion of Lung by Wind-Heat Western Dx
Acute bronchitis
Invasion of Lung by Wind-Heat Sn/Sx
External Wind battles with Wei Qi
Aversion to Cold
Wind obstructs Wei Qi circulation
Sore throat, Swollen tonsils, thirst
Pathogenic Heat drying body fluids
cough with thick yellow sputum, stuffy nose, runny nose with thick yellow mucus
External pathogen disrupts descending and dispersing function of the Lungs
Headache and body aches
Slight sweating
Tongue: Red body on sides or tip, thin white or yellow coating
Pulse: Floating and rapid pulse
Invasion of Lung by W-H POT and Herb Px
- Clear heat from lung
- Release Exterior
- Stimulate Lung descending and dispersing functions
Herb Px
Sang Ju Yin (Mulberry Leaf and Chrysanthemum Decoction)
Invasion of Lung by W-H Point Px
LI 4 (Hegu - Joining Valley) *Command Pt of Head and Face, Heavenly Star, Entry Pt, Yuan Source;* Release Exterior & clear Heat
LI 11 (Quchi - Pool at the Crook) *He Sea/Earth, Ghost Point, Heavenly Star;* Release Exterior & clear Heat
Lu 11 (Shaoshang - Lesser Shang) *Jing Well/Wood, Ghost P*t; Clears Lung Heat. Esp good for sore throat
Du 14 (Dazhui - Great Vertebra) *Meeting of GV with Six Yang Channels, Sea of Qi Pt;* Clear heat
BL 12 (Fengmen - Wind Gate) Meeting of BL with GV; Expel Exterior Wind
Du 16 (Fengfu - Palace of Wind) *Pt of Sea of Qi, Window of Heaven, Ghost Pt*; Expel Exterior Wind
GB 20 (Fengchi - Wind Pool) Expel Exterior Wind
Method: Sedate. No moxa. LU-11 can be bled for sore throat
Damp-Phlegm Obstructing Lungs Etiology
This is an Excess Exterior Cold Syndrome. Usually arises from chronic deficiency of Spleen Qi or Spleen Yang
Frequent or reoccurring invasions of exterior pathogenic factors will weaken the Lungs (and SP) —> Lung Qi fails to distribute fluids over body —>formation of Phlegm —> Phlegm ultimately settles in Lungs
Excessive consumption of greasy, cold, or raw foods —> damage Spleen —> Spleen fails to transport and transform water —> leads to the formation of Phlegm —> Phlegm settles in Lungs
Damp Phlegm Obstructing Lungs Western Dx
Chronic bronchitis
Bronchiectasis (permanent enlargement of parts of the lung, chronic cough)
Bronchial asthma
Pulmonary abscess
Damp Phlegm Obstructing Lung Sn/Sx
Chronic cough with acute attacks
Phlegm obstructing the descending function of the Lung Qi
Profuse white phlegm that is easily expectorated
Pale or pasty looking face
Spleen and Yang Qi Deficiency of the Lungs and Spleen (pale) or presence of dampness (pasty)
Stuffiness in the chest
Phlegm obstructing the chest
Dyspnea, Gurgling in throat
Phlegm obstructing Lung Qi
Symptoms are worse lying down
Tongue: Thick sticky white coat
Pulse: Slippery pulse, or soggy and weak pulse
Damp-Phlegm Obstructing Lungs POT and Herb Px
- Eliminate dampness to reduce phlegm
- Resolve phlegm
- Restore Lung descending function
Xiao Qin Long Tang (Minor Blue-Green Dragon Concoction)
Phlegm-Damp Obstructing Lungs Point Px
LU 5 (Chize Cubit Marsh) *He Sea/Water Pt*; Expels Phlegm from Lungs
LU 7 (Lieque - Broken Sequence) *Luo Connecting; Heavenly Star; Command of Head/Posterior Neck;* Stimulates Lung descending function. Stops cough
LU 1 (Zhongfu Middle Palace) *Front Mu of Lung*; Stops cough & resolves Phlegm
Ren 17 (Shanzhong Chest Centre) *Front Mu of PC, Meeting Point of Qi, Sea of Qi*; Stimulates Lung descending function
ST 40 (Fenglong Abundant Bulge) *Luo Connecting of ST*; Resolves Phlegm
PC-6 (Neiguan - Inner Pass)
Luo Connecting of PC, Confluent of Yin Wei Mai; Opens the chest and expels Phlegm
Ren 22 (Tiantu Heavenly Prominence) *Window of Heaven;* Expels Phlegm from throat & stimulates descending function of the Lung
Ren 12 (Zhongwan Middle Cavity) *Front Mu of ST, Meeting Pt of Fu;* Tonifies Spleen to resolve Phlegm
Ren 9 (Shuifen Water Separation) Stimulates Spleen function of transformation/transportation & resolves Dampness
BL 20 (Pishu Spleen Shu) *Back shu of SP*; Tonifies Spleen to resolve Phlegm
BL 13 (Feishu Lung Shu) *Back Shu of Lung;* Stimulates Lung descending function
Method: Tonify BL-20 and REN-12, Sedate all other points.
Phlegm-Heat Obstructing Lungs (Retention of Heat) Etiology
This is an Excess Hot Interior condition. Lung Phlegm Heat is often chronic. The pattern is similar to Damp-Phlegm, but with the added component of Heat.
- Exterior Wind Heat (or Wind Cold) can weaken Lung Qi and leaves pathogenic Heat and Phlegm, which eventually become chronic.
- Overconsumption of greasy and hot foods
- Smoking
Phlegm-Heat Obstructing Lungs (Retention of Heat) Western Dx
Acute or chronic bronchitis
Infection complicated by bronchiectasis
Pulmonary abscess
Phlegm-Heat Obstructing Lungs (Retention of Heat if Exterior) Sn/Sx
Lung Qi not properly descending
Profuse yellow, green, or brownish, possibly foul smelling sputum
Due to Phlegm and Heat
Shortness of breath, Asthma, Stuffiness in the chest
Phlegm obstructing descending Lung Qi
High fever If “Retention of Heat” pattern, clearly a lingering infection
Thirst with desire to drink, constipation Heat burning body fluids
scanty, deep red urine, epistaxis, hemoptysis Heat causes extravasation of Blood
Tongue: Red tongue with thick sticky yellow coating
Pulse: Slippery, rapid, and full pulse
Phlegm-Heat Obstructing Lung (Retention of Heat) POT and Herb Px
- Resolve phlegm
- Clear heat
- Stimulate lung descending function
Ma Xin Shi Gan Tang (Ephedra, Apricot Kernel, Gypsum and Licorice Decoction)
Phlegm-Heat Obstructing Lung (Retention of Heat in Lung) Point Px
LU 5 (Chize Cubit Marsh) *He Sea/Water;* Clears Heat & Phlegm from Lungs
LU 7 (Lieque Broken Sequence) *Luo Connecting, Command Pt of Posterior Neck/Head, Confluent with CV;* Stops cough; restores descending/dispersing
LU 10 (Yuji Fish Border) *Ying Spring/Fire Pt*; Clears Lung Heat
LU 1 (Zhongfu Middle Palace) *Front Mu Pt of Lung, Entry Pt from LV14*; Restores descending function, clears Lung Heat
BL 13 (Feishu Lung Shu) *Back Shu of Lung*; Sedate to clear Lung Heat
LI 11 (Quchi Pool at the Crook) *He Sea/Earth, Ghost Pt, Heavenly Star*; Clears heat
Ren 12 (Zhongwan Middle Cavity) *Front Mu of ST, Meeting Pt of Fu;* Resolves Phlegm
ST 40 (Fenglong Abundant Bulge) *Luo Connecting*; Resolves Phlegm
Method: Use even method on REN-12. Sedate all other points.
Invasion of Lungs by Wind-Water Etiology
This is an Exterior invasion of Wind-Cold and Damp pathogens. In addition to Wind-Cold signs, there are signs of Dampness as well. Because the Lung’s function of controlling Water passages is impaired, this results in facial edema.
Exposure to exterior Wind-Cold and Dampness
Invasion of Lungs by Wind Water Sn/Sx
Sudden swelling of the face and eyes, which may spread to the whole body, scanty urination
Lungs are obstructed by Wind-Cold-Damp and can not properly send Fluids downward
Pale urination, bright shiny complexion
Wei Qi and Yang movement is impeded
Aversion to Wind
Impaired Wei Qi
Exterior pathogen struggling with the Wei Qi
Cough and shortness of breath
Lung Qi not descending
Tongue: White slippery tongue coat
Pulse: Floating and slippery
Invasion of Lungs by Wind-Water POT
- Release the Exterior
- Disperse Cold
- Resolve Dampness
- Restore Lung descending function
- Open Water Passages
Invasion of Lungs by Wind-Water Point Px
LU-7 (Lieque Broken Sequence)
Luo Connecting, Command Pt of Head/Posterior Neck, Confluent Point with CV; Releases Exterior, stimulates Lung descending function - Opens Water passages
LI-6 (Pianli Veering Passage)
Luo Connecting Pt; Opens Lung Water passages
LI-7 (Wenliu Warm Flow)
Xi Cleft point of LI channel, use for acute conditions
LI-4 (Hegu Joining Valley)
Yuan Source, Command Pt of Head/Face, Heavenly Star, Entry Pt from LU7; Release Exterior, opens Water Passages
REN-9 (Shuifen Water Separation)
Opens Water Passages, resolves edema
BL-12 (Fengmen Wind Gate)
Release the Exterior, stimulate Lung Qi to descend
BL-13 (Feishu Lung Shu)
Release the Exterior, stimulate Lung Qi to descend
Method: Sedate
Phlegm Fluids Obstructing Lungs Etiology
Chronic condition where very watery, dilute & frothy Phlegm (Phlegm-Fluids) obstructs Lungs Only seen in old/middle aged people.
Phlegm-Fluids Obstructing Lungs Sn/Sx
Cough with frothy white and watery sputum
Lung Qi can not properly descend
Splashing sounds in the chest
Weak Spleen and Phlegm Fluids
Vomiting of frothy sputum
Yang Deficiency of Spleen and Lungs
Tongue: Pale body with a thick sticky white coating
Pulse: Slippery weak or Floating weak pulse
Phlegm-Fluids Obstructing Lungs POT
Resolve Phlegm
Tonify Spleen and Lung Qi
Phlegm Fluids Obstructing Lungs Point Px
LU 5 (Chize Cubit Marsh) *He Sea/Water;* Clears Phlegm from Lungs
LU 9 (Taiyuan Supreme Abyss) *Shu Stream/Earth, Yuan Source, Meeting Pt of Vessels;* Tonifies Lung Qi & resolves Phlegm esp chronic
Ren 17 (shanzhong Chest Centre) *Pt of Sea of Qi, Front Mu of PC, Meeting Point of Qi;* Tonifies Lung Qi & stimulates descending function
BL 13 (Feishu Lung Shu) Tonifies Lung Qi
Ren 9 (Shuifen Water Separation) Resolves dampness
ST 40 (Fenglong Abundant Bulge) *Luo Connecting of ST*; Resolves Phlegm
Ren 12 (Zhongwan Middle Cavity) *Front Mu of ST;* Tonifies the stomach to resolve phlegm
BL 43 (Gaohuangshu Vital Region Shu) Tonifies Lung Qi; ESP good in chronic conditions
ST 36 (Zusanli Three Leg Mile) *Command Pt of Abdomen, Pt of Sea of Water and Grain, Heavenly Star, He Sea/Earth;* Tonifies Spleen Qi
Method: Sedate LU-5, ST-40, REN-9. Tonify other points. Moxa applicable.
Damp Heat in Large Intestine Etiology
- Invasion of damp-heat
- Improper diet forming damp heat
- Emotional problems aggravating internal heat
1-3 —> Invasion of damp heat into LI leading to dysfunction of its transportation
Too much hot and greasy foods plus emotional problems
Example: worry and anxiety over long period. All cause interior Heat.
May accompany other patterns involving Interior Heat such as Liver Qi Stagnation with Liver Fire.
Damp-Heat in LI Western Dx
Acute enteritis
Acute bacillary dysentery (food poisoning)
Acute episode of chronic dysentery and amebic dysentery
Damp-Heat in LI Sn/Sx
Abdominal Pain
Excess pattern
Dampness impairs fluid absorption in the intestines
Mucus and Blood in the Stool
Damp causes mucus, heat causes extravasation of Blood
Foul stool, burning anus, scanty and dark urine, fever and sweating, halitosis
Thirst without a desire to drink
Heat causes thirst, Dampness causes a lack of desire to drink
Heavy sensation in the body and limbs
Stuffiness in the chest and epigastrium
Aversion to Cold and Fever May or may not have, depends if it is exterior invasion
Tenesmus (feeling of needing to go and cramps but unable to) Dampness or Qi Stagnation
Tongue: Red body with a sticky yellow coat
Pulse: Slippery and Rapid
Damp-Heat in LI POT and Herb Px
- Clear heat
- Resolve dampness
- Stop diarrhea
Bai Tou Wen Tang (Decoction of Pulsatillae)
Damp-Heat in LI Point Px
SP 9 (Yinlingquan Yin Mound Spring) *He Sea/Water Pt;* Clear Damp from Lower Burner
SP 6 (SanYinjiao Three Yin Meeting) Clear Damp from Lower Burner
REN 3 (Zhongji Centre Pole) *Front Mu of BL*; Clear Damp from Lower Burner
BL 22 (Sanjiaoshu Triple Energizer Shu) Clear Damp from Lower Burner
BL 25 (Dachangshu) *Back Shu of Large Intestine;* stops diarrhea
BL 17 (Geshu Diaphragm Shu) *Meeting Pt of Blood*; Stops Bleeding
REN 12 (Zhongwan Middle Cavity) *Front Mu of ST, Meeting Pt of Fu;* Resolves Dampness
LI 11 (Quchi Pool at Crook) *Ghost Pt, Heavenly Star, He Sea/Earth Pt;* Clears Heat and Dampness
ST 37 (Shangjuxu Upper Great Void) *Lower He Sea point of Large Intestine;* Stops diarrhea
BL 20 (Pishu Spleen Shu) Regulates Spleen to resolve Dampness
ST25 (Tianshu Heaven’s Pivot) Front Mu of LI; Resolves dampness and damp-heat, Regulates Intestines
LI10 (Shou San Li Arm Three Miles) Relationship with ST36; Harmonizes intestines and Stomach
Method: Sedate, moxa not applicable
Deficiency of Fluids in LI (Dryness) Etiology
This pattern usually accompanies other patterns,
Example: Yin or Blood Deficiency. Yin Deficiency produces
a red or red and peeled Tongue, whereas Blood Deficiency
produces a Tongue that is pale.
This pattern is most common in older people and in women after childbirth.
- Deficiency of Yin-Blood in older people
- EPF Invasion, heat consume fluid. Consumption of yin fluid in febrile diseases or prolonged diseases
- Excessive bleeding after delivery (postpartum hemorrhage)
- Take laxative, constipation later
- Diet not enough fiber
1-4—> Deficiency of fluids in LI —> fail to moisten intestines
Deficiency of Fluids in LI (Dryness) Western Dx
Habitual constipation
Inflammation of intestinal tract
Anorectal diseases
Febrile disease
Deficiency of Fluids in LI (Dryness) Sn/Sx
Dry stools that are hard to pass, constipation causing bowel movement every 2-7 (in other patterns you could have constipation with loose stools, qi xu)
Dry mouth and throat, halitosis, possible thin body type
Chronic Yin or Blood Deficiency
Tongue: Dry, pale, and red with no coating or with dry yellow coating
Pulse: Fine, thready and unsmooth
Deficiency of Fluids in LI (Dryness) POT and Herb Px
Moisten intestines to relieve constipation
Zeng Ye Cheng Qi Tang (Increase the Fluids and Order the Qi Decoction)
nuts, oils, banana, seeds, black sesame seeds
Deficiency of Fluids in LI (Dryness) Point Px
ST 36 (Zusanli) Promotes fluids in Large Intestine (Stomach is the Origin of Fluids)
SP 6 (SanYinjiao ) Tonify Yin and promote Fluids
Ren 4 (Guanyuan) Tonify Yin and promote Fluids
KI 6 (Zhaohai) Tonifies Yin and promotes Fluids, moistens stool.
Tonify all points
Heat in LI Etiology
Too much hot foods (alcohol, lamb, beef) and dry foods (baked or broiled meats)
Heat in LI Sn/Sx
Constipation with Dry Stools
Heat burning fluids
Burning sensation in mouth
Burning sensation in Anus
Scanty and dark urine
Heat in the Lower Jiao
Tongue: Thick yellow coating (possible brown or black coating)
Pulse: Full and rapid Pulse
Heat in LI POT
Clear heat in LI and ST
Promote body fluids
Heat in LI Point Px
REN 4 (Guanyuan Gate of Origin) *Front Mu of SI*; Tonifies Yin and Fluids
LI 11 (Quchi Pool at the Crook) *He Sea/Earth, Heavenly Star, Ghost Pt;* Clears Heat in Large Intestine
ST 37 (Shangjuxu Upper Great Void) *Lower He Sea point of LI., Point of Sea of Blood;* Good for chronic conditions
ST 44 (Neiting Inner Courtyard) *Ying Spring/Water Pt, Heavenly Star;* Clears Stomach Heat
LI 2 (Erjian Second Space) Ying Spring/Water; Clears Heat in Large Intestine
SP 6 (SanYinjiao Three Yin Intersection) Nourish Yin and promote Body Fluids
REN 12 (Zhongwan Middle Cavity) *Front Mu of ST, Meeting Pt of Fu*; Nourish Yin and promote Body Fluids
Ki 6 (Zhaohai Shining Sea) *Confluent of Yin Qiao;* Nourish Yin and promote Body Fluids
Cold in LI (Lingering Diarrhea d/t Xu of LI) Etiology
- Prolong diarrhea or dysentery —> insufficiency of SP and KI Yang
- Anything that causes SP Yang Xu
This pattern is a subcategory of SP Yang Xu
Cold in LI (Lingering Diarrhea d/t Xu of LI) Western Dx
Chronic enteritis
Chronic dysentery
Ulcerative colitis
Cold in LI Sn/Sx
Loose stools or even severe diarrhea
Yang fails to transform fluids
Dull abdominal pain which can be relieved by warmth and pressure
Deficiency and cold
Spleen and Large Intestine Qi Deficiency
Possible prolapse of rectum SP Qi not lifting
Pale urine
Yang Deficiency
Cold Limbs
Tongue: Pale tongue, white and slippery coating
Pulse: Fine, deep and weak
Cold in LI POT and Herb Px
Warm Yang to arrest discharge
Tonify and warm LI and SP
Note: There is no xie qi left in this pattern so tonifying warming is appropriate. Do not tonify in early stages of diarrhea.
Zhen Ren Yan Zang Tang (True Man’s Formula to Nourish the Organs)
Astringent herbal to consolidate. Poppy.
Cold in LI Point Px
REN 6 (Qihai Sea of Qi) Tonifies Qi and stops chronic diarrhea
ST 25 (Tianshu Heaven's Pivot) *Front Mu point of LI;* Stops diarrhea and pain.
ST 36 (Zusanli Three Leg Mile) *He Sea/Earth, Pt of Sea of Water and Grain; Command Pt of Abdomen, Heavenly Star;*Tonifies Spleen Qi
ST 37 (Shangjuxu Upper Great Void) *Lower Sea point of LI, Pt of Sea of Blood*; Stops chronic diarrhea
BL 25 (Dachangshu LI Shu) *Back Shu point of Large Intestine.* Tonifies Large Intestine
BL 20 (Pishu Spleen Shu) Tonifies Spleen Qi