Zang Fu Patterns: Kidney Flashcards
What are the 5 main functions of the Kidney?
- Foundation of Yin and Yang, warming and nourishing of all Zang-Fu organs
- Stores Jing and therefore rules birth, growth, developent, reproduction
- Produces Marrow to fill up the brain and rule the bones
- Rules Water and water metabolism, lower source of water
- Controls inspiration and grasping of qi
Opens into…
Manifests in…
Controls the…
Residence of…
Opens into the ears
Manifests in the head hair
Controls the two lower orifices
Residence of Zhi, will power
How are Kidney Yin and Yang interrelated? How are they related to the rest of the body?
Kidney Yin and Kidney Yang are the foundation of the Yin and Yang of the whole body.
Kidney Yin and Kidney Yang rely on each other for their existence. Kidney Yin provides material basis for Kidney Yang. Kidney Yang provides necessary Heat for all Kidney functions.
Discuss the similarities/differences of:
Shen Yang
Shen Fire
Shen Jing (Yang aspect)
Ming Men Fire
Yuan Qi
Some authorities consider Ming Men, the Gate of Life, to be insubstantial, to be located between the Kidneys and to be associated with the Fire of the body. Others associate Ming Men with the right Kidney. In any case Ming Men Fire or Gate of Life Fire is considered to be responsible for warming and activating the processes of the body. In clinical practice, the manifestation of Kidney Fire, Kidney Yang, Ming Men Fire and Yuan Qi are often regarded as more or less identiacal. The Yang aspect of Shen Jing may also be used synonymously with these or may refer specifically to the reproductive functions.
What is Jing? What processes does it relate to?
Jing is the (material and immaterial) substance most intimately connected to life itself. It is the creator of life and is the foundation for differentiation into Yin and Yang.
The Kidneys are sometimes referred to as the “Root of Life” because Jing is the basis for reproduction, growth, and development. It flourishes as we grow and develop, and wanes as we grow old. The Kidneys are said to govern these processes at it stores the Jing.
What are the two types of Jing?
Jing (Essence) the precious substance has two types:
Prenatal Jing: Inherited from parents
Postnatal Jing: Partly replenished from food and fluids
What aspects of life does Prenatal Jing determine? What problems can arise if it is insufficient? Can it be replaced?
Prenatal Jing determines our basic constitution, vitality, and strength. It is the basis of sexual life and the formation of sperm and egg. It is the foundation for differentiation into Yin and Yang. Insufficient Jing can cause infertility, impotence, problems relating to growth, reproduction, premature senility, etc.
Prenatal Jing is considered irreplaceable; it can be conserved but not replaced.
Where does Postnatal Jing come from? Can it be replenished?
Postnatal Jing is the refined essence extracted from the food by the internal Organs, particularly the Spleen.
Yes it can be partly replenished from the energies of food and drink.
Compare Kidney Qi and Kidney Jing. Deficient Kidney Qi vs Deficient Kidney Jing.
Shen (Kidney) Qi can be used in the inclusive sense, to include Shen Jing along with all other activities of the Kidney, or it can be used in a more limited sense of Shen Qi as opposed to Shen Jing. Unfortunately it is not always clear which sense predominates in teh use of the phrase “Shen Qi”.
In clinical practice there is considerable overlap between the two concepts, Deficient Kidney Jing and Deficient Kidney Qi and in some cases they are used synonymously. However Deficient Kidney Jing relates more to problems of reproduction and development, whereas Deficient Kidney Qi relates more to the Failure to Receive Qi and to Deficient Kidney Yang.
Talk about Kidney Qi, Yin and Yang in clinical diagnosis. Pattern of Deficient Kidney Qi would tend to progress to…
Again Kidney Qi may be used in the inclusive sense, to include both Shen Yang and Shen Yin. However, especially in clinic, it may be used in the more restricted sense, for example the pattern of Deficient Kidney Qi, which tends to progress to the more sever pattern of Deficient Kidney Yang and not to the pattern of Deficien Kidney Yin.
Kidney Jing (Yin) vs Kidney Yin
Kidney Jing (Yang) vs Kidney Yang
Kidney Jing has its Yin and Yang functions which overlap with the functions of Kidney Yin and Yang. However, the latter ar more general categories wheras Kidney Jing (Yin) and Kidney Jing (Yang) refer to the more specialized field of incluence of Jing which includes birth, growth, development, reproduction as well as the formation and function of Marrow, Bones, Brains and Blood.
The Yin aspect of Jing provides the material basis for the formation of Jing-related tissues, for example Marrow, Bones, Brain, Blood, eggs, sperm and also moistens and nourishes them.
The Yang aspect of Jing is responsible for the warming, movement and activation of Jing-related processes.
Where does Jing circulate? What special link does Jing have to the Curious Organs?
Jing circulates in the Jing Luo system, and in particular in the network of the Eight Extra Channels, to the Zang Fu and the Body, especially to the Curious Organs.
Jing Has a special link to the Curious Organs, since not only are all of them nourished and maintained by Jing, but for some of them, like Marrow and Blood, Jing is involved in their formation.
How does circulating Jing become part of the harmony of the Substances of the Body?
The Yang aspect of Jing may be involved with the Wei Qi in protecting the Body from external invasion and may be involved with Yuan Qi and Kidney Yang in activating the formation, transformation and transportation of Qi, Blood and Jin Ye within the Body.
Similarly you could think of the Yin aspect of Jing as being involved with the Ying Qi and directly helping to form Qi, Blood and Jin Ye.
The Kidney produces Marrow to fill up the Brain and rule the Bones. What exactly is Marrow formed from? What does Marrow give rise to?
Marrow is formed from the Yin aspect of Shen Jing, and itself gives rise to the Brain (the Sea of Marrow) and to the Bone Marrow, which then gives rise to part of Blood.
The proper formation and functioning of Bones and Brain are dependent on the proper functioning of Shen and sufficient supply of Jing. What happens in these two realms if Shen Jing is deficient?
If Shen Jing is deficient there may be problems with the development and funcitoning of bones and joints and therefore with movement. Kidney also governs teeth, which are said to be the outgrowth of bones.
Although consciousness, mind and spirit are predominantly connected with the Heart in TCM, the Brain is still involved in consciousness as well.
The Brain is linked with the Orifices of the Senses, especially eyes and ears. If the Qi in the head is disorderly, the Orifices of the Senses are disrupted so that the ears do not hear properly, the eyes do not see properly and the person becomes dizzy and may even lose consciousness.
If strong Jing nourishes the brain then memory and concentration, etc. will be good. If Jing is inadequate to nourish the brain there will be poor memory and concentration and dull thinking
In its prenatal aspect, Jing is responsible for the transmission of _______, or in Western terms the transmission of the ______ make-up of the parents
inheritance; genetic
Shen links with the Uterus via ____ Mai, ____ Mai and ______ Mai and is vital to teh processes of __________, pregnancy, and _______.
Bao, Ren, Chong
conception, childbirth
Compare the terms Water and Yin
Yin is a more inclusive concept than Water, which is but one aspect of Yin. Besides moistening and cooling, Yin aslo has the functions of nourishment and of providing a material base for the formation of Structures.
Deficient Yang is associated with the Yin condition of ______. Deficient Yin is associated with the Yang conditions of excess ______ and _____, Deficient ____ ___ and ____________
Dryness; Heat; Jin Ye and inflammation
The Kidney governs water and water passages. Talk about what happens with urination if there is an imbalance in Kidney Yin or Yang.
The Kidneys control flow of Body Fluids in Lower Burner. The correct balance of Kidney Yin and Kidney Yang produces normal regulation of the opening and closing of the “gate” of urination.
Where Kidney Yang is deficient, the “gate” stays open: profuse and pale urination. There may also be urinary incontinence with Kidney Yang deficiency.
Where Yin is deficient, “gate” stays closed: scanty and dark urination.
Kidneys control inspiration and grasping of qi. Kidneys are called the _____ of __ while the Lungs are called the _______ of __. When the Kidneys fail to grasp Qi what may occur?
While the Lungs govern respiration, the Kidneys play an important role in normal breathing. The Kidneys assist the Lungs during inhalation by “Grasping the Qi”. In this relationship, the Lungs are called the “Foundation of Qi”, and the Kidneys are called the “Root of Qi”. When the Kidneys fail to Grasp the Qi, respiratory illnesses can occur, such as chronic asthma.
Kidneys open into the ear. With weak Kidney Jing what may happen?
Kidney Jing nourishes ears and enables proper functioning. Weak Jing, weak hearing or tinnitus.
Kidney manifests in the head hair. What will you see with weak Kidney Jing? How does Liver Blood affect head hair?
Abundant Kidney Jing nourishes hair: hair then grows well and is healthy and shiny. Weak Kidney Jing: thin brittle, dull, or falling hair, premature graying.
NOTE: Liver Blood also has to do with hair color and shine, but Kidney Jing is instrumental in production of Liver Blood.
Kidney controls the two lower orifices. What are the two lower orifices? What will happen with weak Kidney Jing?
The Kidneys control the front orifice, which is the urethra (and spermatic duct in males), and the rear orifice, which is the anus.
Urethra related because Kidney provides the Bladder with the Qi necessary to transform urine (weak Kidney Qi produces leaking of urinary incontinence).
Deficient Kidney Qi or Kidney Jing can cause spermatorrhea or nocturnal emissions.
Anus anatomically related to Large Intestine but functionally related to Kidney. If Kidney Qi is weak, there may be diarrhea or prolapsed anus.
What kind of concepts does Zhi, will power, apply to?
Concentration, thinking, focus, staying power and motivation
What are the 7 primary etiological factors for Kidney patterns?
- Heredity
- Emotions
- Excessive Sexual Activity
- Chronic Disease:
- Aging
- Physical Overwork
- Mental Overwork
How does heredity play into Kidney patterns? Eg. What happens if parents had weak genetics or are older when they had kids?
Heredity: Prenatal Jing/Ancestral (Yuan) Qi of each individual is formed at the moment of conception from a combination of the parents’ Jing, both in general, and especially at conception. If parents had unhealthy or weak Jing (perhaps also inherited), or if conception occurred when they were too old or exhausted, the offspring could have a weak constitution.
What emotions are associated with the Kidney? What effect do these emotions have in children? In adults?
The Kidneys in Five Element theory correspond to Water, which is associated with fear, anxiety, and shock. Fear descends Qi. Kidney rules the two lower orifices, control of which is often lost during bouts of extreme fear. Fear in children can cause enuresis. In adults, fear tends to deplete the Yin of the Kidneys and cause Kidney Yin Deficiency that may lead to Heart Yin Deficiency.
How does excessive sexual activity weaken the Kidneys? What other organ is related to sexual dysfunction through its connection to the Kidney?
Weakens Kidney energy, especially in men, since ejaculation depletes Kidney Jing.
The Heart is directly related to Kidneys in that they mutually support and nourish each other. Therefore, weak Kidneys can weaken the Heart.
Conversely, Deficient Heart Qi from sadness and/or anxiety can weaken Kidneys causing impotence, frigidity, inability to have orgasm.
How does chronic disease affect the Kidneys? Aging?
Most chronic disease eventually weakens the Kidneys, causing Deficiency of Kidney Yin or Yang.
Kidney Jing declines with age.
What aspect of the Kidneys is depleted with physical overwork? What about with mental overwork?
Physical overwork weakens Kidney Yang.
Mental overwork weakens Kidney Yin.
As we use Kidney Yang energy in physical labor, the Postnatal Jing (derived from food and drink by the Spleen) replaces this quickly. However, if one has a lifestyle of stress, constant activity, long hours, irregular eating habits, excess mental activity, etc. with not enough time allowed for the body to rejuvenate, all this weakens the deeper Yin energy, which is less easily replaced. Worry and anxiety can lead to Empty Heat.
Kideny Qi Deficiency Etiology
- Heredity - insufficiency of kidney Qi in childhood
- Emotion - severe or prolonged fear causes sinking of Qi, weakening Kidney’s ability to store Jing and to control urination
- Excessive sexual activity
- Aging
- Physical overwork
- Mental overwork
- Chronic illness
- Poor nutrition
- Too many childbirths close together
Kidney Qi Deficiency Western Diseases
- Diabetes insipidus
- Enuresis
- Incontinence of urine
- Late stage chronic nephritis
- Neurasthenia
- Senility
- Sexual neurasthenia
Progression/Complications of Kidney Qi Deficiency
Kidney Qi Deficiency may readily progress to Kidney Yang Deficiency, not as often Kidney Yin. However spermatorrhea can gradually deplete Kidney Jing, which will weaken both Kidney Yin and Yang.
Kidney Qi Deficiency General Sn/Sx
- Pallor, listlessness
Jing Gate not consolidated within:
- Impaired hearing
- Low back and knees achy and weak
- Premature ejaculation
- Spermatorrhea
In women:
- Clear, cold leukorrhea
- Infertility
- Prolapse of uterus
- Abnormal fetal movement (risk for miscarriage)
Urinary disorders:
- Dribbling after urination
- Frequent, clear, abundant urine
- Incontinence of urine (enuresis)
Kidney Qi Deficiency Tongue and Pulse
- Pale body
- Swollen tongue with scallops
- Thin, white coating
- Deep, Thready, Weak, especially in the Chi (third) position
What are the common symptoms of Kidney deficiency?
- Alopecia
- Amenorrhea
- Anemia
- Deafness
- Developmental problems
- Dizziness
- Edema
- Impotence
- Infertility
- Loose teeth
- Nocturnal emission
- Premature ejaculation
- Sterility
- Soreness and weakness of lumbar region and knee joints
- Tinnitus
Hair is the surplus of _______
Teeth are the surplus of ______
Kidney Qi Deficiency Principle of Treatment
- Consolidate Kidney
- Reinforce Kidney Qi
Kidney Qi Xu Herbal Formulas
- Jin Suo Gu Jing Wan (Golden Lock Pill to Stabilize the Essence)
- Suo Quan Wan (Shut the Sluice Pill)
- Ta Si Zi Wan (Cuscuta Seed Pill)
- Zan Yu Dan (Special Pill to Aid Fertility)
- Sang Piao Xiao San (Mantis Egg Case Powder)
Kidney Qi Xu Primary Points
KI3 (Taixi - Supreme Stream) Shu Stream, Earth Pt, Yuan Source; Benefits Kidney
RN4 (Guanyuan - Gate of Origin) Front Mu of SI; Tonify Yuan Qi, Regulate KI Qi
RN6 (Qihai - Sea of Qi) Fosters Original Qi; Regulates Qi; Benefits KI
DU4 (Mingmen Gate of Life) Nourish Yuan Source Qi. Warms gate of vitality.
UB23 (Shenshu Kidney Shu) Back Shu of Kidney; Regulates KI Qi
SP6 (Sanyinjiao - Three Leg Yin) Meeting Pt of Three Leg Yin; Benefits KI
Kidney Qi Xu Secondary Points
RN3 (Zhongji - Center Pole) Front Mu of BL; Fortifies the KI
KI12 (Dahe - Great Luminence) Level with RN3; Tonifies KI and astringes Essence
UB22 (Sanjiaoshu) Back Shu of SJ; Regulates transforming function of Qi
UB28 (Pangguangshu - Bladder Shu) Back Shu of BL;
UB39 (Weiyang - Outside the Crook) Lower He Sea of SJ; Regulates water passages
UB52 (Zhishi - Residence of the Will) Tonifies KI and benefits Essence
KI Yang Xu Etiology
- Chronic illness injures KI Yang
- Chronic SP Yang Xu or HT Yang Xu damages KI Yang
- Congenital deficiency of Kidney Jing
- Excessive sexual actigvity exhaustes Jing, especially if one is exposed to cold immediately after intercourse
- Excessive physical and/or emotional strain
- Poor nutrition or assimilation
- Retention of damp (SP Xu) over a long period of time will affect teh KI by obstructing the function of fluid movement
- Chronic spermatorrhea (can be a secondary cause or exacerbating factor d/t depletion of Jing, however it cannot be a primary cause since spermatorrhea itself indicates that the KI is already weak
KI Yang Xu General Sn/Sx
- Aversion to cold, feeling chilled
- Bright white facial complexion
- Cold limbs
- Dizziness
- Impotence
- Female infertility (cold uterus)
- General debility
- Knees feel cold, weak, achy
- Lassitude, apathy
- Low back cold, weak, achy
- Low libido
- Tinnitus
- Urinary frequency with abundant clear urine or oliguria with edema
- Withdrawn, subdued behaviour
Less common:
- Abdominal distention
- Loose teeth
- Nocturia
KI Yang Xu Tongue and Pulse
Tongue: Pale, flabby, swollen, perhaps with a thin white coat, possible scallops
Pulse: Deep, weak, slow, especially in Chi (third) position
KI Yang Xu Western Conditions
- Chronic enteritis
- Chronic lumbago
- Chronic nephritis
- Depression
- Hypoadrenocorticism
- Hypothyroidism
- Neurasthenia
- Prostate problems
- Sexual dysfunction
What KI Yang Xu Sn/Sx are related to general deficient yang?
- Apathy
- Aversion to cold
- Bright, pale face
- Cold limbs
- Lassitude
Deficient KI Yang may or may not involve Deficient Jing. If it does what KI Yang Xu signs are related to Deficient Jing (esp. Yang aspect)?
- Cold, sore back
- Cold, weak knees
- Deafness
- Impotence
- Loose teeth
- Low Libido
- Spermatorrhea
- Sterility
Deficient KI Yang along with deficient SP Yang sn/sx?
If there is deficient SP Yang there may be failure to T & T Jin Ye properly with consequential reduced urination and edema.
- Lassitude, general debility*
- Loss of appetite*
- Loose stools*
General deficiency of Qi and Xue resulting from deficient Pi Yang may result in malnutrition of the muscles hence lassitude and general debility
What complications will you see if Kidney Yang Xu fails to warm the Spleen?
KI and SP Yang Xu. This will usually take one of two forms:
- Chronic diarrhea
- Edema - “Yin edema” which relates to a sub-category of KI Yang Xu called “KI Yang Xu with Water Flooding”
Other symptoms:
- Anorexia
- Borborygmous
- Chronic diarrhea or “cock-crow” diarrhea (hour before dawn)
- Edema worse below lumbar region and where indentations remain in skin after pressing (Yin Edema)
- Phlegm in throat
- Poor appetite
What complications will you see if KI Yang Xu fails to support Heart Yang?
Kidney and Heart Yang Xu, also called “Water Insults Heart” with symptoms of:
- Edema (this edema also relates to KI Yang Xu with Water Flooding)
- Oily perspiration
- Palpitations
- Shortness of breath (such as in cardiac failure)
What complications will you see if Kidney Yang Xu leads to Lung Qi Xu?
May see Lung Qi Xu signs or Kidney and Lung Yang Xu may occur together with:
- Diffcult exhalation
- Rapid breathing
What complications will you see if KI Yang Xu becomes very severe?
May result in Vanquished Yang or Collapse of Yang. This is a critical condition relating to shock in western medicine and may occur in cardiac failure.
How can KI Yang Xu be differentiated from other KI conditions?
Presence of cold signs and symptoms such as:
- Cold and aching knees and low back
- Cold limbs
- Cold sensations
- Feeling chilled
- Low sexual drive
- White coat on tongue
What are the most distinctive signs and symptoms of Kidney Yang Xu other than cold signs?
- Lumbago
- Sexual disorders
- Tinnitus
- Urinary problems
KI Yang Xu POT
- Warm and tonify Kidney Yang
- Strengthen Mingmen
KI Yang Xu Herbal Formulas
- Du Huo Ji Shen Tang (Angelica Pubescens and Sanjisheng Decoction)
- Jin Kui Shen Qi Wan (Kidney Qi Pill from the Golden Cabinet)
- Ji Sheng Qi Wan (Kidney Qi Pill from Formulas to Aid the Living)
- Qing E Wan (Young Maiden Pill)
- Shen Fu Tang (Ginseng and Prepared Aconite Decoction)
- Si Shen Wan (True Warrior Decoction)
- You Gui Wan (Restore the Right Kidney Decoction)
KI Yang Xu Individual Herbs
- Fu Zi - Aconite
- Rou Gui - Cinnamon bark
- Hu Lu Ba - Fenugreek
- Bu Gu Zhi - Psoralea
- Yi Zhi Ren - Alpinia
- Xian Mao - Curculigo
- Ying Yang Huo - Epimedi