Zang Fu Patterns: HT/SI Flashcards
What are the main functions of the heart?
- Governs blood and blood vessels (pumps and circulates blood)
- Houses the mind (Shen)
Shen encompasses STEMCM
sleeping, thinking, emotion, memory, consciousness, mental activity
Heart manifests in…
opens into…
affects quality of…
- manifests in the complexion
- opens into the tongue
- affects quality of sweat
What vital substances are involved in governing blood and vessels?
Qi, Blood, Yin, Yang
What vital substances are involved in housing the mind?
Blood, Yin
Heart Associations
5 Qi:
Emotion: Joy
Pulse: Normal or Flooding
Tissue: Blood vessels
Colour: Red
Flavour: Bitter
Season: Summer
5 Qi: Summer Heat
What are some common symptoms of heart dysfunction?
palpitations, mental restlessness, insomnia, suffocating feeling and pain in the chest, delirium, dream-disturbed sleep, loss of consciousness
Common Heart Excess Syndromes
Shu: Invasion of fire, phlegm, blood stasis
- HT Fire Flares Up
- Phlegm Misting HT
- Phlegm Disturbing HT
- Blockage of HT Vessel
- i) Qi Stagnation
- ii) Blood Stasis
- iii) Phlegm
- iv) Cold
Common Symptoms of SI Dysfunction
SX: Abnormal urination (too much or not enough), dark, red and scanty urine, hesitant urination with burning pain
Common SI Syndromes
- Excess Heat in the SI (may arise from HT Fire shifting to SI)
- SI Qi Pain (LV Qi Stgn precursor)
- SI Qi Tied (LV Qi Stgn and/or Cold in Intestine)
- SI Deficient and Cold (SP Yang Xu as precursor and may lead to KI Yang Xu)
- Infestation of Worms in SI (leading to SP Qi Xu)
Common Deficiency Syndromes of HT Dysfunction
- HT Qi Xu
- HT Blood Xu
- HT Yin Xu
- HT Yang Xu
Etiology of Heart Qi Deficiency Pattern
- Too much sweating, diarrhea, vomiting, urination (BP meds) all leading to loss of BF —> damage of Qi
- Excessive hemorrhage —> deficiency of Qi & BL
- Drastic emotional changes (anger consumes qi) —> disturb the Qi —> deficiency of Qi
- Febrile diseases in late stage, prolonged illness, old age —> deficiency of Qi
- GB Qi Xu as a precursor
- KI Qi Xu a a precursor
Western Medical diseases corresponding to Deficiency of Heart Qi Pattern
Heart disease
Mental health problems
Heart failure, heart attack
Heart Qi Xu SX
Palpitation, insomnia (HT qi fails to house mind)
fullness of chest, shortness of breath (Zong Qi xu)
disinclination to speak, listlessness, lassitude, spontaneous sweating, aggravated after activities, pallor, pale tongue, weak or knotted or intermittent pulse
POT for Heart Qi Xu
POT: Reinforce and tonify HT Qi
Ginseng, 4 Gentleman Decoction, Yang Xin Wan
Si Jun Zi Tang
HT-5 (Tongli - Inner Communication)
Luo Connecting Pt; Tonifies Heart Qi
P-6 (Neiguan - Inner Gate)
Luo Connecting, Master Yin Wei Mai; Tonifies Heart Qi, Calms the Mind
BL-15 (Xinshu - Heart Shu)
With moxa. Back Shu Point of the Heart, Warms and Tonifies Heart Yang
REN-17 (Shanzhong - Chest Center)
With Moxa. Influential Point of Qi. Front Mu of PC, Upper Burner Energizer Pt, Sea of Qi Pt; Warms and Tonifies Heart Yang
REN-6 (Qihai - Sea of Qi)
With Moxa. Warm and Tonify Yang of the whole body, use if Heart Yang Deficiency is due to Kidney Yang Deficiency
Etiology of Heart Yang Xu and Sudden Collapse of Heart Yang
- Heart Qi Xu —> Xu of Heart Yang
- Profuse sweating, vomiting, purgation, hemorrhage all leading to Sudden Collapse of Heart Yang
- KI Yang Xu as precursor
- SP/ST Yang Xu as precursor
Western Disease corresponding to Heart Yang Xu and Sudden Collapse of Heart Yang
Heart disease
Heart failure
Circulatory failure caused by some acute or chronic diseases
Heart Yang Xu SX
Sudden Collapse of Heart Yang SX
Common and Different
Common SX: Palpitation, shortness of breath, oppression in chest, spontaneous sweating aggravated after movement, insomnia, pallor
Heart Yang Xu: Intolerance to cold, cold limbs, precordial pain, pale or dim complexion; pale and swollen tongue, white and slippery coating; weak, thready and slow pulse
Sudden Collapse of Heart Yang: sudden and profuse cold sweating, cold limbs up to elbow or knee joints. pallor, purplish tongue (swollen with ecchymoses), purplish lips, coma, minute or knotted and intermittent pulse
Heart Yang Xu POT
Sudden Collapse of Heart Yang POT
Tonify and warm heart yang
Restore yang
Bao Yue Tang, Si Ni San
HT-5 (Tongli)
Tonifies Heart Qi
P-6 (Neiguan)
Tonifies Heart Qi, Calms the Mind
BL-15 (Xinshu)
With moxa. Back Shu Point of the Heart, Warms and Tonifies Heart Yang
REN-17 (Shanzhong)
With Moxa. Influential Point of Qi. Warms and Tonifies Heart Yang
REN-6 (Qihai)
With Moxa. Warm and Tonify Yang of the whole body, use if Heart Yang Deficiency is due to Kidney Yang Deficiency
DU-14 (Dazhui)
With Moxa. Tonify Heart Yang
Tonify all points. Moxa where applicable.
What are some ways to improve blood?
Diet, food and water
ST/SP, LU, HT must all be workign well
KI essence passes through LV to form blood
KI essence from bones, similar to western medicien in that bone marrow produces blood
Etiology for Deficiency of Heart Blood Pattern
- Prolonged illness —> injures the blood
- Excessive loss of blood
- Emotional frustration –> fire —> consumes blood
1,2,3 —> 4. Loss of blood
- Dysfunction of SP/ST —> poor production of blood
4,5 —> Deficiency of Blood
Western Diseases corresponding to Heart Blood Deficiency Pattern`
Anemia, low hemoglobin levels
Mental healt problems
Heart disease
Deficiency of Heart Blood SX
Palpitations, insomnia, dream disturbed sleep, amnesia, dizziness, blurring of vision, pale and lusterless complexion; pale lips, nails and tongue; thready and weak pulse
Heart Blood Xu POT
POT: Tonify blood and Heart
Soothe the Shen
Si Wu Tang Important ingredient Dong Quai (Angelica sinensis) or “female ginseng”
HT-7 (Shenmen)
Tonifies Heart Blood and calms the Shen
P-6 (Neiguan)
Tonifies Heart Qi and calms the Shen
REN-14 (Juque)
Tonifies Heart Blood and calms the Shen, especially with anxiety and restlessness
REN-15 (Jiuwei)
Tonifies Heart Blood and calms the Shen
REN-4 (Guanyuan)
Tonifies Blood
BL-17 (Geshu)
Influential Point of Blood
BL-20 (Pishu)
Back Shu Point of the Spleen, Tonifies Spleen, which in turn produces more Blood
Tonify all points. Moxa where applicable.
Etiology of Heart Yin Xu
- Summer heat, dryness, fire (yang pathogenic factors)
- Drastic emotional changes —> fire
- Prolonged stagnation of wind, cold or dampness —> fire
- Indulgence in alcoholic drink, pungent, greasy —> fire
- Improper treatment (diaphoresis, vomiting, purgation, diuresis)
1-5 —> consume body fluids —> heart yin xu
What are some Western diseases associated with Heart Yin Xu?
Heart Disease
Menatl health disorders
What are the manifestations of Heart Yin Xu?
Palpitations, irritability, insomnia, dreaming (heart signs)
afternoon fever or low fever, malar flush, 5 palm heat, night sweats, dryness of throat (general yin xu sx)
yellow urine, constipation, red tongue esp. the tip with little coating, thready and rapid pulse (heat signs)
Heart Yin Deficiency affecting Heart Qi
Insomnia, wakes often, mental restlessness, easily startled, poor memory, anxiety
Heart Blood Deficiency
Heart Yin Xu
POT: Tonify and nourish Heart Yin
Nourish Kidney Yin
Calm the Shen
Px: Bu xin dan
HT-7 (Shenmen)
Tonifies Heart Blood and Heart Yin and calms the Shen
P-6 (Neiguan)
Calms the Shen
REN-14 (Juque)
Calms the Shen, especially where there is anxiety
REN-15 (Jiuwei)
Calms the Shen, especially where there is anxiety
REN-4 (Guanyuan)
Tonifies the Yin and Anchors the Shen
HT-6 (Yinxi)
Tonifies Heart Yin and stops night sweats
SP-6 (SanYinjiao)
Tonifies Yin and calms the Shen
KI-7 (Fuliu)
Tonifies the Kidneys, Stops night sweats with HT-6
KI-6 (Zhaohai)
Tonifies Kidney Yin and improves sleep
Method: Tonify all points, Moxa where applicable
Etiology of Hyperactivity of Heart Fire
(Heart Fire Blazing)
- Mental depression, stress —> fire
- Invasion of exogenous pathogenic fire through skin, lung into heart
- Indulgence in greasy and strongly flavored food, alcoholic drink or smoking, hot foods like ginger, pepper, onion, chocolate —> fire
1-3 —> Hyperactivity of Heart Fire
What are some Western medicine disease associated with Hyperactivity of Heart Fire?
Recurrent sores of the mouth
Mental Health problems eg. delirium, schizophrenia
This pattern is common in clinic
What are the manifestations of Hyperactivity of Heart Fire?
Dysphoria with hot sensation in chest, insomnia (minor case of Fire), mania and delirium (major case)
flushed face (whole face), thirst, yellow urine, constipation, rapid and forceful pulse [general internal heat]
ulceration and pain of mouth and tongue (cankor sores, could also be from ST Fire), skin ulceration (toxic heat blocks Jing Luo), bitter taste in mouth after poor sleep (if during day it might be LV, deep red tip of tongue, yellow coat with possible midline crack [more specific HT Fire heat signs]
hematemesis and epistaxis, swelling and burning pain
Mental restlessness, agitation, impulsiveness, insomnia, and dream disturbed sleep
Heat disturbing the Shen
Blood in the urine or dark urine
Heart Fire moving to the Small Intestine
Bitter taste in the mouth
Heart opens to the Tongue
What is the difference between heat and fire?
Fire comes from heat, when heat goes to the extreme.
Fire can also represent Yang, so it can be either pathological or physiological.
Heat is always pathological
Can have yin deficiency that creates empty heat or empty fire.
Talk about terminology of heat or fire for different Zang Fu.
Lung - use the term heat not fire, retention of heat.
Spleen - often damp heat or just heat
Liver - almost always use fire
Heart - almost always use fire
Kidney - do not use the term heat or fire, KI we always tonify, never reduce as it only has xu patterns and not excess patterns
Hyperactivity of Heart Fire or Heart Fire Blazing
POT: Clear away fire from the heart
Px: Purging the Heart Decoction (Coptis- Huang Lian and Rhubarb)
Chai Hu Long Gu Mu Li Wan (Bupleuri, Dragon Bone and Oyster Combo)
Bitter foods clear heat, bitter melon
HT-9 (Shaochong)
Clears heart Fire
HT-8 (Shaofu)
Clears heart Fire
HT-7 (Shenmen)
Calms the Shen
REN-15 (Jiuwei)
Calms the Shen and clears Heat
SP-6 (SanYinjiao)
Nourishes Yin and cools Fire
KI-6 (Zhaohai)
Nourishes Yin and cools Fire
SI-5 (Yanggu) Jing River/Fire Pt
Clears Heat and reduces swelling
SI-7 (Zhizheng) Luo Connecting
Clears heat and releases exterior
Obstruction of Heart Vessels Etiology
(Heart Blood Stagnation)
- Old age
- Prolonged disease
- Deficiency of Yang Qi in constitution
1-3 —> 4. Xu of Yang Qi fails to promote circulation
- Overstrain
- Invasion of cold
- Emotional distress
5-7—> 8. Stagnation of cold, accumulation of phlegm, hindrance of qi
4 & 8 —> Obstruction of Heart Vessels
Obstruction of Heart Vessels (Heart Blood Stagnation) Western diseases
Coronary heart disease
Angina pectoris
Myocardial infarction
What are the 4 subtypes under Obstruction of Heart Vessels?
- Blood Stasis
- Phlegm
- Cold
- Qi Stagnation
Manifestations of Blood Stasis causing Obstruction of Heart Vessels
Palpitation, suffocating feeling and pain in chest radiating to shoulders, back and interior of forearm, attacks intermittently, stabbing pain, dark purple tongue with ecchymosis, petechiae; thready, unsmooth or knotted and intermittent pulse
Manifestations of Phlegm causing Obstruction of Heart Vessels
Obesity with excessive phlegm, heaviness of body, severe suffocating pain, white sticky tongue coating, deep, smooth, slippery pulse
Manifestations of Cold causing Obstruction of Heart Vessels
Sudden attacks of megalgia (severe pain) which can be relieved by warmth, aversion to cold, cold limbs, pale tongue, white tongue coating, deep and slow or deep and tense pulse
Similar to Heart Yang Collapse
Manifestations of Qi Stagnation causing Obstruction of Blood Vessels
Distending pain and feelings of oppression in the chest, attacks often relate to emotional factors, pale red or purple red tongue, thin white tongue coating, taut, wiry pulse
Obstruction of Heart Vessels (Heart Blood Stagnation)
POT: Regulate Blood, remove stasis, tonify and warm Heart Yang (or sedate Heart Fire or tonify Heart Blood), calm the Shen
Px: Zhi shi xie bai gui zi tang
Points: DU26
P-6 (Neiguan)
Regulates Heart Blood and opens the chest
P-4 (Ximen)
Xi Cleft Point, useful to stop Heart pain during acute attack
HT-7 (Shenmen)
Calms the Shen
REN-17 (Shanzhong)
Regulates Qi and Blood in the chest and stimulates the Zong Qi. If Heart Yang is Deficient, moxa can be used.
BL-14 (JueYinshu)
Regulates Blood
BL-17 (Geshu)
Regulates Blood
SP-10 (Xuehai)
Regulates Blood
KI-25 (Shencang)
Local point to move Qi and Blood in the chest area. Especially useful if Heart Yang Deficiency is associated with Kidney Yang Deficiency.
Phlegm Misting Heart (Mental Confusion d/t Phlegm)
- Emotional depression
- External invasion of pathogenic dampness
1,2 —> Qi Stagnation —> Phlegm —> Accumulation of Phlegm in the Heart
What are the types of phlegm?
How does it connect with Western medicine?
There is both visible and invisible phlegm.
Phlegm in TCM is highly conected with cholesterol, GB issues, gallstones, tumors
Phlegm Misting the Heart Western Diseases
Depressive psychosis
Phlegm Misting Heart Manifestations
Sallow complexion (clear yang does not ascend to nourish face), fullness of epigastrium (turbid qi fails to descend), mental confusion, slurred speech, rattle in the throat (dyspnea), mental depression (stagnation of qi), abnormal behaviour
Severe cases: sudden collapse, loss of consciousness, gurgling, upward staring eyes, convulsions (epilepsy), screaming
white and sticky tongue coating, slippery pulse (excessive phlegm in the interior)
Phlegm Misting Heart
POT: Remove phlegm to induce resuscitation
Px: Dao tan tang
HT9 Shaochong (Lesser Hub) Jing Well, Wood, Tonify Pt, Exit Pt; Clears heart and spirit, Opens cardiac portals
ST40 Fenglong (Abundant Bulge) Luo Connecting Pt of ST; Transform phlegm and dampness, Clear phlegm from heart, Fear d/t phlegm, Calm spirit
BL15 Xinshu (Heart Shu) Back Shu of Heart; Calms spirt and Heart, Regulates blood and qi of Heart
BL20 PiShu (Spleen Shu) Back Shu of Spleen; Regulates Spleen qi and assists T & T, Eliminates damp
PC5 Jianshi (Intermediate Messenger) Jing River, Metal Pt; Transforms phlegm; Nourishes HT, Calms spirit
RN12 Zhongwang (Middle Cavity) Front Mu ST, Meeting Pt Fu; Tonify SP/ST to transform phlegm
DU14 Dazhui (Great hammer) Intersection of all Yang Meridians, Point of Sea of Qi; Clears brain and calms spirit; Frees up Yang (stimulates areas of body that are deficient in qi and yang)
Phlegm Fire Disturbing the Heart Etiology
- Emotional depression —> 2. Qi Stagnation
- Attack of exogenous pathogenic heat
1-3 —> Fire —> burn fluids into phlegm —> phlegm fire ascends to mist the mind
Phlegm-Fire Disturbing the Heart Western
Menopausal syndromes
Phlegm Fire Disturbing the Heart Manifestations
High fever, flushed face and red eyes, red tongue, yellow and sticky coating, rapid pulse (heat)
course breathing; yellow, sticky, profuse sputum; fullness in chest, rattle in the throat, slippery pulse, (phlegm)
incoherent speech, delirium, insomnia, irritability, dizziness and blurring of vision (clear yang fails to ascend), weeping and laughing without apparent reason, mania and restlessness, aggressive/violent behaviour
Phlegm Fire Disturbing the Heart
POT: Clear away fire to resolve the phlegm
Px: Meng shi gun tan wan Vaporize Phlegm Pill
(Lapis and Scute Formula)
P-5 Jianshi (Intermediate Messenger); Jing River, Metal Pt; Transforms phlegm, Calms spirit, Descends rebellious qi
P-7 Daling (Great Mound); Shu Stream, Earth, Yuan Source, Ghost Pt; Clears heat from the Heart and calms the spirit; Unbinds the chest, Clears the nutritive level and cools blood
HE-7 Shenmen (Spirit Gate); Shu Stream, Earth, Yuan Source; Calms spirit, Regulates and toniifies Heart
HE-8 Shaofu (Lesser Palace); Ying Spring, Fire; Clears heat from Heart and SI, Calm Spirit, Regulate heart qi
Ren-9 Shuifen (Water Separation); Regulates the water passages, Treats edema
Ren-12 Zhongwan (Middle Cavity) Front Mu of ST, Meeting Pt of Fu; Tonify Sp/ST to transform phlegm, Harmonize MJ
Ren-15 Jiuwei (Turtledove Tail) Luo Connecting of Ren; Regulates Heart and calms spirit
BL-15 Xinshu (Heart Xu) Back Shu of Heart; Clears Heart fire, Tonifies and nourishes Heart; Regulates Heart qi, Calms spirit
ST-40 Fenglong (Abundant Bulge) Luo Connecting of ST; Transforms phlegm and damp, Clears phlegm from heart and calms spirit
BL-20 Pishu (Spleen Shu) Back Shu of Sp; Tonify Sp to transform phlegm
G.B.-13 Benshen (Root Spirit); Meeting Pt for Arm Yang Sinew channels; Resolves phlegm, Eliminate wind
G.B.-17 Zhengying (Upright Nutrition); Benefits head and alleviates pain; Pacifies ST; (Treats dizziness d/t phlegm fluid)
Du-24 Shenting (Courtyard of the Spirit) Benefits brain and calms the spirit, Eliminates wind
Excess-Heat in the Small Intestine (Heart Fire Shifts to SI) Etiology
- Depression of seven emotions
- Exopathic fire
- Overeating of pungent food
1-3 —> Heart Heat —> Heat in heart shifting to SI
Excess Heat in SI (Heart Fire Shifts to SI) Manifestations
Irritability (heat in Heart disturbs mind)
thirst, ulceration of the mouth and tongue, red tongue and yellow coating (heat)
deep yellow urine, burning pain in the urethra, hesitant urination, red tongue and yellow coating (SI heat, SI relates to urine)
Excess Heat in SI (Heart Fire Shifts to SI)
POT: Remove heat from the heart and SI
Px: Dao Chi San Guide Out the Red Powder
SI 2 (Qiangu) Clears Small Intestine Heat, for burning urination from Small Intestine pattern
SI 5 (Yanggu) Clears Small Intestine Heat and calms Shen, Gives clarity and sense of direction
Ht 5 (Tongli) Clear Heat Fire
Ht 8 (Shaofu) Clear Heat Fire
ST 39 (Xiajuxu) Lower Sea point of Small Intestine, Stops abdominal pain
Sedate all points. No moxa.
Primary Function of the SI
The Small Intestine Controls Receiving and Transforming
Small Intestine receives food and fluids from the Stomach, after the Stomach has “rotted and ripened” and after the Spleen has extracted the food essences. It communicates with the Bladder, which excretes the impure fluids, and with the Large Intestine, which excretes the impure solid waste.
Where do the pure and impure parts of food and fluid go?
The SI transforms the digestate by separating the “pure” part of the food and fluids from the “impure”.
The pure part goes to the Spleen to form part of the essences of food and fluids, which the Spleen then transports all over the body.
The impure or “dirty” part of the food is passed to the Large Intestine for excretion as stool.The impure part of the fluids are passed to the Bladder for excretion as urine.
Why is the SI connected to problems with urination?
The Small Intestine has close functional relationship with Bladder and influences urination. If Small Intestine function impaired, there may be excessive urination (Deficient Yang) or scanty urination (Heat).
What is the SI’s relationship with the Heart?
in pathology: Heart Fire can be transmitted to Small Intestine, which then transmits it to the Bladder. Symptoms include thirst, bitter taste in the mouth, canker sores and burning urine or hematuria.
Small Intestine Qi Stagnation Etiology
Any of the causes of Stagnation of Liver Qi may lead to this syndrome. It may be acute (Excess condition) or chronic, such as Deficiency of Spleen Qi with Liver Qi Stagnation. Excess Cold and raw food impair the Small Intestine’s transformation function.
- Mental depression
- Suden mental irritation (anger)
- EPF invasion
1-3 —> 4. Stagnation of Liver Qi —> Qi Stagnation in SI
SI Qi Stagnation Sn/Sx
Twisting pain in the lower abdomen that may radiate to the lower back, distention Qi Stagnation
Pain is worse with pressure Excess in nature
Borborygmus, flatulence (flatulence relieves pain) Intestinal Qi Stagnation
Testicular pain Qi Stagnates along channel (from Liver Qi Stagnation)
White tongue coating
Deep and wiry pulse
SI Qi Stagnation POT & Herb Px
POT: Harmonize Liver
Move Qi in Lower Energizer
SI Qi Stagnation Point Px and Method
REN-6 (Qihai - Sea of Qi)
Move Qi in Lower Jiao
GB 34 (Yanglingquan -Yang Mound Spring)Meeting point of Sinews, He Sea/Earth Pt, Heavenly Star - Stop pain
LIV-3 (Taichong- Great Rushing)
ShuStream/Earth Pt, Yuan Source, Heavenly Star - Moves Stagnant Liver Qi
LIV-13 (Zhangmen - Completion Gate)
Front Mu of SP, Meeting Point of Zang - Harmonize Liver, tonify Spleen (esp. good in chronic patterns)
ST-27 (Daju The Great)
Move Qi in lower abdomen, stop abdominal pain
ST-29 (Guilai - Return)
SP 6 (SanYinjiao) *Stop abdominal pain, Harmonize lower energizer*
ST 39 (Xiajuxu) *Lower Sea point of Small Intestine. Point of Sea of Blood - Moves SI Qi and transforms stagnation, Stops abdominal pain*
Sedate. Moxa with Cold signs.
This pattern can progress to Small Intestine Qi Obstructed which is similar to appendicitis. Lan Wei Xue (the appendix point) can be added for this situation.
When this pattern is acute, it is Excess in nature. When chronic, it is mixed Deficiency and Excess, with Liver Qi Stagnation (Excess) and Spleen Qi Deficiency (Deficiency).
Small Intestine Qi Obstructed (Acute) Etiology
This is similar to Small Intestine Qi Stagnation, but is always acute in nature. It is commonly caused by over-consumption of raw and cold foods which impair the Small Intestine’s transformation function. While this pattern resembles appendicitis, it can occur without the presence of appendicitis.
SI Qi Obstruction Sn/Sx
Violent abdominal pain that is worse with pressure, constipation
Stagnation and obstruction in the Small Intestine
Vomiting, borborygmus, flatulence
Descending function of Stomach Qi is impaired
Thick white tongue coating
Deep and wiry pulse
SI Qi Obstruction POT
Remove obstruction from Lower energizer
Move Qi of SI
Small Intestine Qi Obstruction Point Px & Method
ST 39 (Xiajuxu - Lower Great Void ) *Lower He Sea of SI, Sea of Blood Stop abdominal pain: move SI Qi*
Lanweixue (Extra point)
Use if appendicitis suspected
Ren 6 (Qihai Sea of Qi) *Move Qi in lower burner, stop pain*
GB 34 (Yanglingquan - Yang Mound Spring) *Meeting Point of Sinews, Heavenly Star, He Sea/Earth Pt Move Qi in lower burner, stop pain*
ST 25 (Tianshu - Heaven's Pivot) Front Mu of LI *Stop abdominal pain*
SP 6 (SanYinjiao Three Yin Intersection) *Harmonize Lower Energizer, Stop abdominal pain*
Liv 3 (Taichong Great Rushing) Shu Stream/Earth, Yuan Source, Heavenly Star *Stop abdominal pain, promote smooth flow of Liver Qi*
Sedate. E-Stim applicable.
SI Deficiency & Cold (subset of Spleen Yang Xu) Etiology
- Excess consumption of Cold and Raw Food
- Spleen Qi Xu - impair the Yang
- KI Yang Xu —> Fail to promote Earth
1 —> SI Xu & Cold
2,3 —> SP Yang Xu
SI Deficiency & Cold Sn/Sx
Abdominal Pain, relieved by warm and pressure
Cold obstructing Intestines
Small Intestine Involvement
Spleen Yang weak
Pale and copious urination, desire for warm liquids
Yang Deficiency
Tongue: Pale with a white coat
Pulse: Deep, slow, and weak pulse
SI Deficiency & Cold POT
Warm and tonify SI and Spleen
Disperse interior Cold
Small Intestine Deficiency & Cold Point Px
Ren 6 (Qihai - Sea of Qi) *Moxa to tonify Yang and stop diarrhea*
ST 36 (Zusanli - Leg Three Miles) He Sea/Earth, Heavenly Star, Sea of Water and Grain, Command Pt Abdomen *Moxa to tonify Spleen Yang*
ST 25 (Tianshu - Heaven's Pivot) Front Mu of LI *Stop diarrhea and abdominal pain*
ST 39 (Xiajuxu - Lower Great Void) Lower He Sea of SI, Sea of Blood *Regulate & Harmonize Intestines, Stops abdominal pain*
BL 20 (Pishu - Spleen Shu) Back Shu Pt of SP *Tonifies Spleen Qi*
BL 27 (Xiaochangshu - SI Shu) Back Shu point of Small Intestine *Tonifies Small Intestine.*
Method: Tonify. Moxa applicable.