Zang Fu Flashcards
Fever, aversion to cold, headache, slight sweating, runny nose with yellow discharge, slight thirst, sore throat, red and swollen tonsils. T: Red sides or tip of the tongue. P: Superficial, rapid pulse
Wen Bing Lun - Wei
High fever, aversion to heat, cough with expectoration of thin-yellow sputum, asthma, thirst. T: Red tongue with thick-yellow coating. P: Rolling, rapid pulse.
Wen Bing Lun - Qi
Fever at night, dry mouth with no desire to drink, insomnia, mental restlessness, aphasia, spots on skin, in severe cases coma. T: Deep-Red tongue. P: Thready, rapid pulse.
Wen Bing Lun - Ying
High fever, skin eruptions, vomiting of blood, epistaxis, blood in stools, blood in urine, manic behaviour, in severe cases convulsions. T: Deep-Red tongue without coating. P: String-taut, rapid pulse.
Wen Bing Lun - Xue
Slight aversion to cold, aversion to wind, slight fever, slight sweating, headache, stiff neck, sweezing. P: Floating-Slow
Shang Han Lun - Tai Yang Wind Prevalence (Channel)
Aversion to cold, slight fever, absence of sweating, headache, stiff neck, sneezing, runny nose with white discharge, breathlessness. P: Floating-Tight
Shang Han Lun - Tai Yang Cold Prevalence (channel)
Aversion to cold, fever, retention of urine, slight thirst, vomiting of fluids soon after drinking. P: Floating-Rapid
Shang Han Lun - Tai Yang Water accumulation (organ)
Hypogastric distension, fullness and urgency, blood in urine, mental restlessness. T: Reddish-Purple tongue. P: Deep-Fine-Rapid or Deep-Choppy
Shang Han Lun - Tai Yang Blood accumulation (organ)
High fever profuse sweating, intense thirst, red face, feeling of heat, irritability, delrium. T: Red tongue with yellow coating. P: Overflowing-Rapid or Big-Rapid Pulse
Shang Han Lun - Yang Ming (channel)
High fever that is worse in the afternoon, profuse sweating, sweating on limbs, abdominal fullness and pain, constipation, dry stools, thirst, dark urine. T: Red tongue with thick dry yellow coating. P: Deep-Full-Slippery-rapid pulse
Shang Han Lun - Yang Ming (organ)
Alternation of shivers (or cold feeling) and fever (or a feeling of heat), bitter taste, dry throat, blurred vision, hypochondrial fullness and distension, lack of desire to eat or drink, irritability, nausea, vomiting. T: unilateral thin white coating. P: Wiry-Fine pulse.
Shang Han Lun - Shao Yang
Abdominal fullness, a feeling of cold, vomiting, lack of appetite, diarrhea, absence of thirst, tiredness. T: Pale tongue with sticky white coating. P: Deep-Weak-Slow pulse
Shang Han Lun - Tai Yin
Chills, a feeling of cold, lying with body curled, listlessness, desire to sleep, cold limbs, diarrhea, absence of thirst, frequent pale urination. T: Pale and wet tongue with white coating. P: Deep-Weak-Slow pulse
Shang Han Lun - Shao Yin (cold transformation)
A feeling of heat, irritability, insomnia, dry mouth and throat at night, dark urine, night sweating. T: Red tongue without coating. P: Fine-Rapid pulse
Shang Han Lun - Shao Yin (heat transformation)
Persistent thirst, a feeling of energy rising to the chest, pain and heat sensation in heart region, hunger but no desire to eat, cold limbs, diarrhea, vomiting, vomiting of roundworms. P: Wiry.
Shang Han Lun - Jue Yin
Zhong Jing Zhang. The pathology and treatment of disease from exterior pathogens. Exterior pathogenic factors were considered to be caused by Cold.
Shang Han Lun.
Tian Shi Ye. The pathological changes resulting from invasion of W-H in a Warm disease. Exterior diseases caused by invasion of W-H and understood the infectious nature of such diseases.
Wen Bing Lun
Ju Tong Wu. The Three Burners to describe the pathological changes resulting from invasion of W-H in a Warm disease.
San Jiao
Fever, aversion to cold, h/a, sore throat, slight sweating, runny nose with yellow discharge, swollen tonsils, body aches, slight thirst. T: Red in the front or sides with a thin white coating. P: Floating-Rapid pulse.
Upper Burner - Wind heat in Lung (Wei lvl)
Fever, sweating, cough, breathlessness, thirst, feeling of oppression and pain of the chest. T: Red tongue with yellow coating. P: Rapid-Overflowing pulse.
Upper Burner - Lung Heat (Qi level)
High fever at night, a burning sensation of the epigastrium, cold limbs, delirium, aphasia. T:Deep-red and Stiff tongue without coating. P: Fine and Rapid.
Upper Burner - Heat in PC (Ying level)
High fever that is worse in the afternoon, no aversion to cold, feeling of heat, intense thirst, profuse sweating. T: Red tongue with yellow coating. P: Overflowing-Rapid pulse.
Middle Burner - Heat in Yang Ming
Fever, epigastric fullness, a feeling of heaviness of the body and head, nausea, vomiting. T: Red tongue with sticky yellow coating. P: Soggy and Rapid pulse.
Middle Burner - Damp-Heat in SP
Fever in the afternoon and evening, five-palm heat, dry mouth and throat, night sweating, deafness, lassitude. T: Deep-red tongue without coating. P: Floating-empty and Rapid pulse.
Lower Burner - Heat in KD
High fever at night, coma, convulsions, clenched teeth.. T: Deep-red tongue without coating. P: Wiry-Fine-Rapid pulse.
Lower Burner - Liver-Heat Stirs Wind