Biomedicine Flashcards
Chronic cold fingers and toes?
Raynaud’s disease
what are the two types of R disease?
Primary: not autoimmune, Secondary: caused by autoimmune disorder
which is the good type, HDL or LDH
Risk factor for coronary heart disease (hdl/ldl)
Low HDL and high LDL
device to monitor heart
Holter monitor
What is intermittent claudication?
An issue with too little blood flow in the arteries.
Main symptom of intermittent claudication?
cramping or cramping during exercise.
Lub sound:
Tricuspid valve and mitral valve snapping shut (pulmonic and aortic valve are opening)
Dub sound:
Pulmonic and aortic valve snapping shut (tricuspid and mitral valve are opening)
Which chambers of the does atrial fibrillation effect?
upper chambers
which chambers does ventricular fibrillation effect?
lower chambers, call 911.
Chest pain that is worse with exertion and better with rest, can feel like pressure or tightness in the chest with nausea, short of breath, sweating and dizziness:
Angina Pectoris
Chest pain that starts off as worse with exertion and better with rest but now occurs even at rest:
Unstable Angina
Redness, warmth, pain, and swelling on one limb only and the Homan’s test is positive:
Deep vein Thrombosis
peripheral atherosclerotic disease
PAD symptoms
intermittent claudication, pain, achiness, cramping all better with rest and worse going uphill, popliteal, post tibial or dorsal pedis pulse may be absent, painful, cold and numb lims, poor capillary reill, poor hair growth, dry, scaly skin on extremities, prone to leg, toe or heel ulcers
Orthostatic hypotension is:
Feeling faint or passing out when going from sitting to standing with other sx like dizziness, confusion, blurry vision, lightheadedness, all better lying down.
Rapid breathing, SOB, palpitations/rapid HR, low BP, loss of consciousness or lightheadedness, cold sweat =
Cardiogenic hypotension or shock. Check to see if px has a pacemaker and call 911, remove needles.
medium risk
135 + /85+
high risk
Chest pain lasting longer than 30 min radiating down left arm?
Myocardial infarction
Sudden severe H/A with neck stiffness and photophobia. Worst H/A of life, might pass out:
Subarachnoid haemorrhage
Worse H/A of life with stiff neck, vomiting, sudden high fever but no passing out. Confusion, sleepiness, or difficulty waking up and sensitivity to light:
Bacterial meningitis.
Seizure that occurs as a side effect to a medication:
provoked seizures
Petit Mal seizure
blank out, staring
Tonic Clonic (grande mal)
might start out with auras, des ja vu, dizziness, weird emotions
quick loss of consciousness with sudden tensing of muscles. Lasts a few seconds.
alternating quick contraction and relaxation of muscles causing twitching to violent shaking. Eyes roll back in the head and tongue could be damaged, possible incontinence. Postictal sleep follows seizure
and person has confusion or memory loss upon regaining consciousness which wears off.
TX for siezure
if LOC more than 5 min, or repeat seizures, call 911. Don’t place anything in the mouth.
Stroke symptoms
Characterized by slurred speech, vision trouble, dizziness, balance or coordination issues, numbness of the face arm or leg usually on one side of the body with worst case scenario fainting or seizures
Stroke (CVA)
Cerebrovascular attack which permanently damages the brain tissue due to ischemia (lack of oxygen leading to the death of tissue) in excess of four minutes.
Stroke Wet type
Aneurism, trauma, vascular malformation wet. Keep bp low
Stroke dry type
Blood clot, thrombosis or embolus . dry = Coumadin, aspirin
Sensation of weakness or numbness on the face or on one side of the body confusion, slurred speech or garbled speech, memory loss, (difficulty swallowing) dysphagia, balance issues and vertigo and or dizziness, vision loss or double vision?
Can’t wrinkle forehead:
Bell’s palsy
Abdominal pain, severe pain that radiates to the low back and or lower abdomen. Pain is worse when lying down and feels better when the body is bent forward. Can also have
nausea, vomiting, bloating and fever. Pain is episodic. Is this cholecystitis or pancreatitis?
Pancreatitis. DR in the next few weeks.
What disease is characterized by pain in the right hypochondriac region that may radiate to the right scapula with nausea, vomiting, sweating and possible epigastric pain?
Frequent bloody diarrhea with abdominal and rectal pain, fever, nausea and vomiting. Usually occurs due to eating infected food?
Bacterial dysentery
A type of inflammatory bowel disease characterized by severe chronic diarrhea, crampy abdominal pain, fever, no appetite with weight loss. Tender abdomen, a palpable mass or fullness. Rectal bleeding is unusual?
Chron’s disease
Upper abdominal pain that is dull but persistent, bloating after eating, nausea, belching, weight loss, low appetite or feeling full quickly after starting to eat. Patient drinks lots of coffee through the day and drinks wine every night.
Chronic gastritis.
What is inflammed in Chronic gastritis?
Stomach lining
Causes of chronic gastritis
Alcohol consumption, coffee, spicy food, stress, and H. Pylori.
TX for chronic gastritis
Proton-pump inhibitors, zantac, h2 antagonists, tums, alka seltzer
Stomach ulcers most often due to?
H. Pylori.
what does the H stand for in H. Pylori?
What quadrant is Diverticultis or diverticulosis?
Crampy ab pain that comes and goes, loss of appetite, constipation, vomiting, swelling of the abdomen, inability to pass gas, look for possible surgery?
bowel obstruction. Refer to ER have someone drive.
What disease is characterized with sx of productive cough with white, yellow or green mucus, sob, wheezing, a prolonged expiratory phase of breathing, lung hyperinflation manifested as decreased heart and lung sounds, frequent lung infections, low energy and weight loss and barrel chest at the end of the disease?
COPD: Barreled chest, clubbing of fingers.
Primary underlying pathology for Blue Bloaters?
Chronic Bronchitis
irreversible changes to the alveoli which are now enlarged and destruction to the alveolar walls.
Emphysema (pink puffer)
Finger clubbing causes:
lung cancer, celiac, cirrhosis, Grave’s cystic fibrosis
Definition of chronic bronchitis
productive cough for at least 3 months for more then 2 consecutive years
What disease is characterized by slow disease progression, cough with green or yellow sputum especially upon waking, eventual there can be blood streaked sputum, sweat, night sweats with or without fever?
TB. Report to public health.
Severe sob, wheezing, tightness in the chest, not enough air to walk or talk, blue lips, fingers due to low oxygen + confusion?
Asthma attack with no inhaler?
Refer to ER, should not drive themselves.
Cause of asthma
Environmental triggers
Asthma medications:
short acting or long acting bronchodilators like albuterol
Long term prevention of inflammation due to asthma:
nonsteroidals (NSAIDS) or corticosteroids
What is advair?
Corticosteroid + bronchodilator
CPR for adult
30 comp/2 breaths
CPR for child
30 comp/2 breaths
CPR for baby
30/2 breaths
CPR performed by two people
Difficulty swallowing with pain in the epigastrium and behind the sternum with weight
loss and low energy is usually due to?
Esophageal cancer
Bone pain with swelling, redness loss of function with weight loss. X rays might reveal
lace-like bones?
Osteosarcoma (aka osteogenic sarcoma)
A rough, scaly patch on the skin that develops after years of sun exposure and is often
found on the face is called?
Actinic keratosis
Patient has a mole on the face which is asymmetrical, with border irregularity, color varies from one area to another, diameter is over 6mm (pencil eraser), there has been significant change over the last few months?
Malignant melanoma. MD referral within 1 month.
Asymmetry, border irregularities, color changes, diameter and evolving.
Most common skin cancer
Basal cell carcinoma
If I have a blistering skin sore is it basal, squamous or malignant melanoma?
Which skin cancer is more common above the nose
Basal (more sun exposure)
Breast swelling, skin dimpling (pau d’orange), breast or nipple pain, nipple retraction, nipple or skin that is flaking or red or dry or thickening, swollen lymph nodes?
breast cancer
Lumps in the breast that are painless
sx of early-stage breast cancer.
Shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, coughing up blood with weight loss?
lung cancer/pulmonary cancer
Rectal bleeding, hemorrohoids, nausea vomiting and weight loss?
Colon/rectal cancer
Hard lump on the testicle with weight loss?
Testicular cancer. Refer MD over next few days/weeks
Most common type of cancer for men:
Most common type of cancer for women:
Most common type of cancer for both sexes combined:
Swollen parotid glands with high fever, headache, muscle aches, weakness, fatigue and loss of appetite, and pain when chewing or swallowing is a sign of which Western Disease?
What is the other name for Mumps?
Epidemic parotitis
What is the co-condition of concern in boys?
Is mumps viral or bacterial?
Medication for mumps?
Antibiotics won’t work for virus, there’s only a vaccine
Which childhood disease has fever, tiredness, loss of appetite, headache and rash that turns into itchy fluid filled blisters that turn into scabs?
Chicken pox
Starts off with chills, fever, sore throat and mild cough and then turns into severe cough that is loud with a big gasping sound between coughs?
Whooping cough
This disease starts off abruptly with a septicemic phase with h/a, severe muscular aches, chills, fever, cough, pharyngitis, chest pain, and, in some patients, hemoptysis. Conjunctival
suffusion usually appears on the 3rd or 4th day. Splenomegaly and hepatomegaly are uncommon.
This phase lasts 4 to 9 days, with recurrent chills and fever that often spikes to > 39° C. The 2nd
immune phase has the same sx as the first but now can develop meningitis or pulmonary
hemorrhaging, liver or kidney damage. It is spread to humans from domestic and wild animals or
from contaminated water. Usually this occurs in late summer or early fall?
TX for lepto
If lepto is left untreated..
It can cause liver fibrosis or bladder cancer.
What progressive chronic disease has relapsing and remitting symptoms of paresthesia in one or more extremities in the trunk or side of the face with visual disturbances like partial loss of vision or pain in one eye, weakness or clumsiness of a leg or hand, pain, urinary incontinence (frequency, urgency, hesitancy or incontinence or retention). Apathy, poor judgement depression?
A disease caused by parasitic worms. Second to malaria in devastation
What is seen on MRI’s for MS
lesions on the CNS (spinal cord or medulla)
What disease is characterized by rigidity or trembling of the head and extremities, shuffling gait, balance issues, stuttering, sleep problems, trouble thinking, muscle stiffness:
Vit K symptoms?
Blood clotting problems
Retinol, which vitamin?
Vit A xu sx
Night blindness
Vit A excess sx
Calciferol which vit
source of vit D
Vit D xu sx
Rickets, osteomalacia, muscle weakness and aches, bone pain
Tocopherol which vit
Vit E
Vit E xu sx
Thiamine which vit
Xu sx of Vit B1
Riboflavin which vit?
vit B2 xu sx
lesions at corners of mouth, also called stomatitis
Niacin which vit?
Vit B3 xu sx
4 Ds: dermatits, diarrhea, dementia, death
Folic acid which vit
Vit B9 xu sx
anemia, neural tube defects
Cobalamin which vit
B12 xu sx
pernicious anemia
Absorbic acid which vit
Vit C xu sx
Scurvy, slow healing sores
Biotin which vit
Vit H xu sx
skin problems and loss of hair
Fat soluble vitamins
Water soluble vitamins
Hearing and balance issues are generally a sign of injury or weakness to which Cranial Nerve?
VIII / vestibulocochlear nerve
Which cranial nerve enables muscle movement for swallowing and provides sensation
such as taste touch and temperature?
IX Glossopharyngeal
IX sensory of motor nerve?
Which cranial nerve controls facial expressions taste sensations in the anterior 2/3 of the tongue?
VII facial
Sudden rapid, intense pain that comes on in waves and is localized over the right abdomen, pain that is centered in the abdomen or pain below the breast bone or between the shoulder blades or over the right shoulder. Pain can last several minutes to several hours with fever, vomiting and possible jaundice is due to: gb stones what area of the body is blocked?
Bile duct
Swollen abdomen like a drum, edema, brown urine, yellow sclera and skin, fatigue, easy bruising or bleeding, nausea, vomiting, weight loss, feet and ankle and leg edema, itchy skin?
Liver cirrhosis
Arthritis that affects large weight bearing joints, with stiffness after
Arthritis that affects small joints, pain after rest?
Rhematoid arthritis
Which one is auto-immune?
Rheumatoid Arthritis.
Which one is asymmetrical?
Osteo arthritis
What body area for gout?
Big toe – can be red swollen painful inflamed – look for high consumption of alcohol and meat.
Gout labs
high uric acid
Gout pain
worse at night
Gout drug
This disease is characterized by one vertebra that slips over the vertebra below it. In the late stages it can cause neuropathy and pain when it pinches the nerve?
Jaw pain with fever, worse after chewing, tenderness at the scalp or temples with vision problems is due to:
temporal arthritis
Jaw pain on one or both sides, aching around or in the ear, difficult chewing or pain while chewing, aching facial pain, locking of the jaw joint so it’s difficult to open or close the mouth?
What test do you use for problems with the medial/lateral meniscus:
McMurray’s test
You patient sustained severe knee trauma two weeks ago. Now, Patient complains of elbow pain worse when moving the joint with redness, swelling and warmth around the joint. Pain worse with weight. What’s the disease?
Septic arthritis, caused by animal bite or trauma. refer to ER.
What area of the brain is stimulated with acupuncture?
Spinal cord, brain stem, thalamus, limib system, pre-frontal cortex.
What brain region processes emotions, regulates autonomic motor functions, and behavior?
Cingulate Gyrus.
Loss of consciousness followed by spontaneous revival with cool extremities, weak pulse, and shallow breathing is:
Light headedness or dizziness, and a sensation of impending fainting without losing consciousness, cold sweat?
Near syncope or impending syncope. What do you do? 1. Remove all needles. 2. Have the patient lie down with legs elevated. 3. Give them some sweet water to drink.
Point for passing out
Du26, 911 if you can’t revive them
anorexia, n and v, weight loss, stomatitis, yellow brown skin, itching, inconsistent urine output, shortness of breath, fatigue, blood in the urine, increased night time urine, insomnia, swollen ankles, feet or hands (edema), Muscle twitching, muscle cramps:
chronic renal failure/ chronic kidney dx.
chronic renal failure/ chronic kidney dx tests
Elevated Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN), raised creatinine level, check ultrasound for enlarged kd
Renal disease tx
Ace inhibitors, betablockers (hypertension goes along with this one), diuretics, low salt and protein diet, dialysis
An autoimmune disorder where the body attacks the thyroid cells as if they were a
bacteria, virus or foreign body?
Hashimoto’s thyroiditis.
Rare autoimmune disorder, a type of rheumatic disorder characterized by scarring in the skin, joints and internal organs, blood vessel abnormalties with symptoms like swelling of the fingers, intermittent coolness and blue discoloration of the fingers, joints freezing in permenent (usually flexed) positions (contractures), and daage to the GI system, lungs, heart or kidneys may develop?
Which autoimmune disorder starts off with a rash, headache, chills and fever and progresses to arthritis, cardiac and neurological issues?
Which disease is called the kissing disease and has symptoms like severe fatigue, sore throat, fever, swollen lymph nodes in the neck and armpits, swollen tonsils, headaches and rash. It causes the spleen to soften and swell?
Which virus causes mono?
Epstein Barr virus. EBV is linked to autoimmune disorders
Which autoimmune disease has the symptoms of goiter or nodule, exophthalmos (eye
bulging) along with symptoms of nervousness, palpitations, hyperactivity, increased
sweating, fatigue, weight loss, insomnia, weakness and frequent bm?
Grave’s disease
What is Exophthalmos?
Eye protrusions
Which autoimmune disease manifests with sensory issues like numbness or motor issues as the disease progresses, vision problems, stiff muscles and weakness, mobility problems, pain problems with thinking, learning or planning, depression and anxiety?
MS. MD on a timely basis. Like cancer, it is slow progressing. a few weeks to 60 days is okay.
Difficulty with eye muscles and vision, difficulty swallowing, speaking or chewing, pricking or pins and needles sensation in the hands and feet, severe pain or muscle cramping especially at night, coordination problems, abnormal heart beat, rate or blood pressure?
Guillian Barre. Refer to ER, have someone drive them.
Joint pain, swelling, stiffness, swollen salivary glands, skin rashes or dry skin, inability to produce tears, vaginal dryness, persistent dry cough with prolonged fatigue?
Sjogren’s. Effects middle aged women.
What autoimmune disease is characterized by widespread pain for more than 3 months with fatigue and sleep issues?
What disease causes chronic inflammation of the proximal portion of the small intestine in response to exposure to dietary gluten protein?
Celiac disease
This disease females more then males. African americans most but also native americans, Asians then Caucasians with s/s of symmetrical arthralgia, swollen joints, butterfly rash and raynaud’s (cold hands and feet in the sock and glove pattern)?
Inflammation of the body’s tissue such as joints and heart, chest pain, abnormal heartbeat, feeling tired all the time, fever over 38C, flat red rash with jagged edges, unexplained ongoing headaches, jerky movements, muscle pain, swollen red tonsils?
Rheumatic fever
What is rheumatic fever a complication of?
Scarlet fever or strep throat.
What heart valve is affected in rheumatic fever?
This disease might manifest as slight rapid and deep breathing with a dull pale complexion and fatigue, irregular heartbeat, dizziness and lightheadedness, chest pain and cold hands and feet?
What is the most likely cause of Microcytic anemia?
iron deficiency. most common type of anemia
Which type of anemia is due to bone marrow damage which prevents the body from producing new blood cells with symptoms like fatigue, uncontrolled bleeding and more prone to infections?
Aplastic anemia
which anemia due to genetic issue?
sickle cell
which anemia due to inability to absorb B12?
pernicious anemia
Alcoholic anemia is due to ?
folate or B12 xu
Hereditary blood disease is an over absorption of iron from the minerals and foods ingested causing the body to store iron in other organs such as the heart, liver and pancreas symptoms of bronze colored skin, heart failure, joint pain, infertility, chronic fatigue, underactive thyroid. It may cause cancer.
Hyperglycemia where there is a decreased level of consciousness, confusion, hallucinations, excessive thirst, dry mucus membranes, warm dry skin and fever and high blood sugar?
Non-ketonic hyperglycemic hyperosmolar coma (aka” diabetic coma)
This is the breakdown of red blood cells faster than bone marrow can produce them?
WBC for allergic and histamine reactions and contains histamine and heparin?
WBC for parasite infections
WBC for bacterial and fungal infections (not viral
WBC for viral infections and inflammations?
WBC for chronic infections?
which WBC do we have most in our body?
Neutrophils, 60-70%
Breast swelling during ovulation, breast lumps that come and go with the monthly cycle, pain tenderness, a thickening of the breast tissue?
fibrocystic breasts
A red swollen breast that is tender to touch with a possible mass in a lactating woman is usually due to?
Amenorrhea, infertility and harsutism and high blood pressure. What is the most likely diagnosis?
Missed period for more then 3 weeks with history of PID and lower ab pain or sharp sudden pelvic or low back pain. Pain refer to shoulder girdle. Rebound
ectopic pregnancy
This disease effects mostly 30-40 year old women, worse pre-menstrually, can cause
Swollen vagina with redness, itching pain during intercourse and a foul smelling
What is another name for pain during intercourse?
Lower abdominal or pelvic pain with fever, difficult urination, foul smelling discharge and pain during intercourse are all symptoms of?
Salpingitis - inflammation of the fallopian tube
Most common cause of salpingitis
bacterial infection caused by gonorrhea and chlamydia
Heavy menstrual bleeding with longer periods lasting more than 1-week, frequent urination, difficulty emptying the bladder, constipation, backache and leg pain are due to?
Uterine fibroids. Also called Leiomyoma.
A couple that has never been able to conceive a pregnancy after a minimum of 1 year of
attempting to do so through unprotected intercourse. Is that primary or secondary
Secondary infertility:
the inability to conceive a child or carry a pregnancy to
full term after previously giving birth.
A patient with placenta previa would have the placenta attached to the upper or lower part of the uterus?
Amenorrhea is defined as a lack of periods for how many consecutive months?
Vaginal bleeding during which trimester of pregnancy could be considered normal?
first trimester
What disease occurs generally after 20 weeks of gestation with new onset or worsening existing hypertension with proteinuria. Patients might experience blurred vision, water swelling in the hands and feet with high blood pressure. There can be confusion, nausea and vomiting and shortness of breath. The two main ways to check for preclampsia are
inflammation of the
fallopian tube
and chlamydia
bacterial infection caused by gonorrhoea
A couple that has never been able to conceive a pregnancy after a minimum of 1 year of
attempting to do so through unprotected intercourse. Is that primary or secondary
infertility? Primary. Secondary is: the inability to conceive a child or carry a pregnancy to
full term after previously giving birth.
swelling of the hands ( ring that no longer fits) or swelling in the face and hyperflexia such as twitching, spastic tendencies (overactive or overresponsive bodily reflexes).
preeclampsia. Immediate MD referral, there can be organ damge if left untreated or stroke (rare).
Frequent urination with weak stream urine, dribbling urine, scanty or low urine output or urinary retention in men are all symptoms of?
BPH, Benign prostate hyperplasia
Middle aged men with depression, mood swings, loss of muscle mass and low sex drive are all sx of?
TCM Stranguria is what disease in WM?
One sided rash that starts with tingling and goes to burning pain. Eventually blisters will form that ooze and then crust over?
Herpes zoster. Same day referral
TCM pattern of Herpes
Toxic Damp Heat or Damp Heat in the LV and GB.
Herpes Zoster goes through three stages: initial skin sensations, painful blistering and oozing rash breakout, scabbing and healing. Which stage is it most contagious?
blistering and oozing stage.
A patient with red itchy skin rash on their neck says it’s worse when they wear certain jewelry most likely has?
Contact dermatitis
A itchy red rash in the groin area often seen in young athletes is called?
Jock itch or Tinea cruris
What is the name for the UV light used by a doctor to make a diagnosis and differentiate between other types of Tinea?
Wood’s lamp
This rare skin disease effects women between the age of 30 and 50, symptoms include tightening of the skin, along with joint pain, raynaud’s disease and heartburn. Lung, heart and kidney involvement accounts for most deaths?
What are Celexa, Zoloft, Paxil used for?
Depression. SSRI
Anti-psychotic medications block which neurotransmitter in the brain?
Anti-depressant medications block which neurotransmitter in the brain?
Which disease is a mental health condition that
s triggered by a terrifying event- either experiencing it or witnessing it. Symptoms may include flashbacks, nightmares and
severe anxiety, as well as uncontrollable thoughts about the event?
Which disease is an impaired ability to remember think or make decisions that infere with doing everyday activities?
A patient who is losing weight steadily and keeps reducing the amount of food consuming.
Anorexia nervosa. Referral to MD or counsellor
A puffy face, course dry hair, feels cold easily, fatigue, weight gain, depression, slow movements or slow thoughts, muscles cramps loss of the lateral 1/3 of the eyebrow are all symptoms of too much or too little thyroid hormones?
Too little - hypothyroidism. Refer to MD in next few days.
High levels of T4 with nervousness, anxiety, mood swings, hyperactivity, muscle weakness, diarrhea, difficulty sleeping?
hyperthyroidism. refer to md in next few days
Too much cortisol
Too little cortisol
This hormone increases water reabsorption?
decreases blood calcium?
increases blood calcium?
parathyroid hormone
increases blood glucose levels
decrease blood glucose levels
increase urine, increase, thirst, increase appetite. What disease?
Diabetes What complications?
Blindness, glaucoma, cataracts, neuropathy
Swelling of the lymph nodes in the jaw, armpits or groin with possible red streaks around the swellings with feeling unwell
Headache eye pain, blurry or haloed vision with nausea and vomiting?
closed angle glaucome. Referral semi urgent same day. Can lead to total loss of vision if not treated.
CCS Sore Swollen throat: sore throat, drooling is common, shortness of breath, high fever, inspiration stridor (harsh vibrating noise when breathing) cause child to sit upright lean forward with hyperextended neck?
Acute epiglottitis, Referral to ER, can lead to respiratory obstruction and death.
slow body movement:
cluster of dilated, superficial blood vessels
narrowing or constricting of an opening
high pitched sound caused by blockage of the airway (acute epiglottitis)
an abnormal rattling sound heard when examining unhealthy lungs with a stethoscope.
A large blister on the skin filled with clear fluids?
When its filled with blood it’s called a?
hemorrhagic bullae
Abnormal red discharge that occurs for more than 20 days post-birth?
Gold standard for soft tissue and bones?
Abdominal pain, rigidity of the abdominal muscles and/or rebound tenderness with pain upon pressure. What organ puncture?
Pain in the lumbar region with tenderness and pain upon percussion with bloody urine?
Convulsions, paralysis, coma:
brain and spinal cord
Severe dyspnea, pallor, cyanosis, coma?
What do you do in case of organ puncture?
Call 911
Hypertension meds? ABCD
ABCD’s: ace inhibitors, beta blockers, and calcium channel blockers, diuretics. Ex Inderal Noorvasc, Lasix
Lasix side effects:
Unsual tiredness, weakness, dizziness, irregular heartbeat, weak pulse, orthostatic hypotension, tinnitus, hearing loss
Thrombosis meds:
Anticoagulants / Warfarin, Coumadin, Heparin / Dang Gui (invigorate blood)
Side effects of Lipitor
Muscle pain for no reason. C/I with grapefruit
Depression meds
SSRI’s, MAO Inhibitors. Ex. Effexor, celexa, prozac, zoloft, paxil
NSAID precautions
upper GI disorders. Renal or hepatic impairment
Zanax and Valium, Ativan, are for:
Anxiety (not psychosis)
Diabetes meds
Glucophage and metaformin
Seasonal allergies
Antihistamine: benedril, zyrtec, claritin
bacterial infection meds
antibiotics, cipro, zithromax
inflammation meds
NSAIDS: advil, ibuprofin
Inflammation: prednisone, which reduces inflammation especially in the airway and works on the smooth muscles in the lungs by increasing their responsiveness
black tarry non-stinky stools?
Upper GI bleeding
Blood red stools
Colon/rectal tumor or colon, diverticulitis, hemorrhoids
Pale stools
Pancreatic disease
pancreatic cancer
Pencil thin, ribbon-like stools?
distal colon, anal cancer.