Yotsubato Vocab Chapter 3 Flashcards
To like; To be pleased with; to be delighted with; to take a liking to
気に入る きにいる
To look at again; To re-examine; To review
見直す みなおす
Carelessly; Thoughtlessly; Inadvertently
うっかり うっかり者(careless person)
Conservation of electric power
省電力 しょうでんりょく
Cool; Refreshing
涼しい すずしい
To stop; To turn off
止める とめる
To misjudge; To mistake; To misread
見損なう みそこなう
寝室 しんしつ
Place; Earth; Ground
North Pole
北極 ほっきょく
Earth; The pole
地球 ちきゅう
Rough; General; Broad; Loose
大まか おおまか
Global warming
地球温暖化 ちきゅうおんだんか
-Try to do (expression)
Very small
Existence; Possession; Having
有 ゆう
Machine; Mechanism
機械 きかい
Sensitivity to cold
冷え性 ひえしょう
To be effective; To work; To function well
Suitable; Proper; Adequate; Fit
適当 てきとう
Hot; Warm; Sultry; Heated
暑い あつい
Task; Thing to do; Business
用事 ようじ
Spoken line; Comment; Remark; Phrase; Dialogue
せりふ/セリフ (may sometimes be written in katakana)