Yoga philosophy Flashcards
Name each stage of the 8 Limb Path and the meaning
- Yamas - Moral restrictions
- Niyamas - Moral observances
- Asana - Pose / seat
- Pranyama - Breath control
- Pratyahara - Control of Senses
- Dharana - Focus & Concentration
- Dhyana - Meditation
- Samadi - Oneness / Liberation
List the Yamas and the meaning of each
- Ahimsa - Non violence
- Satya - Truthfulness
- Asteya - Non stealing
- Brahmacharya - Moderation of senses / right use of energy
- Aparigraha - Non greed
List the Niyamas and the meaning
Saucha - Cleanliness
Santosha - Contentment
Tapas - Discipline
Svadhyaya - Self study
Ishvara Pranidhana - Surrendering to a higher power
What are Sankalpas
Intentions also Mantras
What are Samskaras
Grooves or habit patterns we have unconsciously built within ourselves
What is Dharma
Why am I here
What is my purpose
What is Moksha
State of liberation / our purpose
What are the 3 Gunas & the qualities of each
Tamas - loosing our way
is a state of darkness, inactivity, materiality and ignorance. Tamas manifests from ignorance and deludes all beings from their spiritual truths.
Other tamasic qualities are laziness, attachment, boredom, addiction, dependency.
Rajas - running in place
is a state of energy, action, change, and movement. The nature of rajas is of attraction, longing and attachment and rajas strongly binds us to the fruits of our work. prompting change for changes sake, can move you to sattva or tamas.
Other rajasic qualities are chaos, anxiety, worry, restlessness, stress, courage, determination
Sattva - moving forward in life
A state of harmony, balance, joy, and intelligence. Sattva is the guna that yogis achieve towards as it reduces rajas and tamas and thus makes liberation possible.
Other sattvic qualities are happiness, peace, wellness, freedom, love, compassion, equanimity, empathy, friendliness, focus, self-control, satisfaction, trust, fulfillment, calmness, bliss, cheerfulness, gratitude, fearlessness, selflessness
What is yoga
Translated as Yoke or join.
Uniting of the mind & body through breath, movement, discipline, self study, connection with the sacred. Invites us to see unity
What is vinyasa
Translated as Thread
Aligning & uniting movement with breath
Who is known as the father of modern yoga
What are the 4 ancient texts that guide the path of the yogi
The Vedas
Teach the three paths to salvation: Jnana (knowledge), Bhakti (devotion), karma (action). Opens the door to spiritual understanding that will guide & connect you closely with the divine
Drawing inwards, The soul, reincarnation, Karma, Brahman & liberation.The spirituality of these texts are what the yogi follows to understand their path & cycle of existense
Bhagavad Gita
Story of moral lessons. Directly experience the sacredGuide and teach us as we seek to understand the complex state of being human. The main lesson is: the yogi is here to be of service, that service is to find your Dharma & follow it fully
Yoga Sutras
Ancient philosophical wisdom. What yoga is, why we should do it, how we will benefit from it, how to practice it
Significance of 108
Sacred is Hinduism, Buddhism & yogic tradition.
What are the yoga sutras
Threads of thought to help us be within the practice
What are 3 sections of the Bhagavad Gita
Karma yoga - the path of action
Bhakti yoga - the path of devotion
Jnana yoga - the path of wisdom
What does Kosha mean and what are the 5 Koshas
Sheaths or layers of our being
Anamaya - Physical material body,
Keeping your body healthy to experience life with ease
Manomaya - Thinking & emotional mind
Strengthening awareness of self and emotions, focus (Dharana), self study (savadiyaya) and pratyahara (sense contrrol) enhancing our wellbeing
Pranayama - Surrounds the physical and penetrates the vital energy in & around the body
Pathways of energy influenced and fuelled by Prana (life force/energy), breathing techniques, opening us to mental & emotional ease
Vijnanamaya - The home of our inner knowing and wisdom
Through meditation and focus going inwards freeing ourselves from thought, emotion & experience we can recognise life’s message to us
Anandamaya - The Sheath of bliss
The sweetness of a still mind, inner peace & joy free from thoughts, emotions, energy and body
What does Pranyama mean
Control of breath & extension of life force
Prana - Lifeforce energy
Yama - Control or
Ayama - To extend
Name 5 pranayama exercises you could teach in a class
Ujjayi- victorious breath
Brahmari - humming bee breath
Sama Vritti - box breathing
Kapalabhati - skull shining breath
Nadi Shodhana - alternate nostril
What are the Vayus
Pancha Prana Vayus (winds)
Prana divided into energetic components that move energy through us
How many Vayus are there, name & describe each one
5 Vayus
Prana Vayu
Brings in the fuel. Inward & upward, from the head to the diaphragm, food, air, senses, information & thoughts. Its quality is energising and uplifting. Inhale crown of the head down and in towards the heart and diaphragm.
Apana Vayu
Grounding, downward & rooting. Downwards & away, part of exhalation, nourishes digestive organs, elimination & reproduction. Governs elimination of substances from the body and releases negative thoughts & emotions. Situated in the pelvic floor & throughout the lower abdomen & legs. exhale, sense the body releasing and grounding from the crown to the tailbone.
Vyana Vayu
Expands omnidirectional from the core, expansive energy. situated in the heart and flows throughout the entire body, predominating in the joints & limbs. circulation throughout the body, freedom of movement, creativity and independence of mind. Inhale, feel the breath radiate outward from navel to arms & legs.
Samana Vayu
In the abdomen with its energy centred in the navel. Converts prana into body movement. moves from the periphery to the centre,. governs assimilation of all substances: food, air, experience, emotion & thoughts. Harmonising and balancing. represents pulsation, expansion, contraction. Contracts to the core, gap between inhale & exhale. Inhale sense breath expanding front, sides & back of torso. exhale softly draw the navel toward spine sensing breath moving back to middle body.
Udana Vayu
Rises and moves outwards. Situated in the throat, upward flow around neck & head and out of the body. functions to hold us up to stand tall. governs speech, self expression, growth. Inhale, notice space from diaphragm to head, exhale feel breath ascending up & out of body.
How does Prana Vayus apply to Asana
Prana Vayu: creates focus to lift, lengthen and open upper body
What are the Bandas (philosophical)
Banda translates as lock or seal.
Bandas are engaged to help contain and direct your energy & prana, they are located in the core central channel.
They also bring awareness & effect to the deep front line of body & give structural support in asana.
Bandas are often engaged when practicing pranyama.
Ancient yogis used the bandas to regulate the nervous system and obtain longer breath holds, this helped to clear & purify the nadis (channels) and grathis (karmic knots) within the pranic body.
Describe the Bandas effects on the physical body
They temporarily halt the flow of blood, so when they are released there is an increased flow of fresh blood. activate organs to strengthen, renew & rejuvenate as circulation is bolstered.
Name the 4 Bandas
Mula Bandha - Root lock
Uddiyana Bandha - Lifting of the diaphragm lock
Jalandhara Bandha - Throat lock
Maha Bandha - All 3 locks at the same time
Describe Mula Bandha
The root lock, the first of 3
Halts the downward flow of Apana Vayu, redirecting up to the navel
Exhale, engage the pelvic floor, draw it up towards your navel, isolate and draw up the perineum. Strengthens the perineal floor & brings circulation to the pelvic area.
In the asana it can give an extra lift, useful when jumping or inverting and holding.
Describe Uddiyana Bandha
Flying upwards / abdominal lock, the second of 3.
Located in the region of Samana Vayu, symbolically Uddiyana Bandha is purifying as it increases digestive Agni (fire).
Exhale, suck the belly in drawing up and underneath the ribcage towards spine.
Provides structural support in the asana. Tones massages and cleanses abdominal organs & enables longer breath suspensions.
Used with Mula Banda drawing up pelvic floor also draws up the abdomen. not recommended during menstruation.
Describe Jalandhara Bandah
The throat lock
Blocks the leak of Amrit (divine nectar) from Bindu into the digestive fire of Agni.
Inhale the lungs two thirds full, hold the breath. Lower the chin & draw the chin back closer to the chest so the back of the neck does not round.
Regulate blood pressure, decreases heart rate, promotes relaxation
Describe Maha Bandah
Engage Mula Bandah followed by Uddiyana and Jalandhara.
Concentrates prana and increases the absorption of energy during periods of inner awareness, rejuvinating the body and harmonising the mind for meditation
What are the chakras
Translates to Wheel, a swirling vortex wheel of energy.
Primary energy centres, there are 7 located along the central vertical axis of the front body they all connect to the energy channel of the spine, Sushumna.
How does Apana Vayu relate to asana
Apana Vayu: creates focus to ground & stabilise lower body
How does Vyana Vayu relate to asna
Vyana Vayu: creates focus of circulation of fluid movement
How does Samana vayu relate to the asana
Samana Vayu: pulls energy into the centre for strength
How does Udana vayu relate to the asana
Udana Vayu: creates focus to keep a long spine and correct posture
Benefits of Ujjai breathing
Improve concentration, release tension, regulate heating & cooling of the body, warms the core from the inside
Benefits of Brahmari breathing (hummingbee)
Soothe & calm through vibration & focused awareness, soften & release excessive tension
Benefits of Sama Vritti (box breathing)
relaxation tool that can help clear your mind, relax, focus
Benefits of Kapalabhati (skull shining breath)
Cleansing the nasal passageways & sinuses, supplying the brain with fresh oxygen rich blood. Cleanses throat and lungs, stimulates the abdominal muscles & organs
Nadi Shodhana benefits
Balance left & right side of the being. Cleanses, calms & eases the nervous system.
What are the Yamas & Niyamas
Yamas are about restraining behaviours that are motivated by grasping, aversion, hatred, and delusion; the niyama are designed to create well-being for ourselves and others.
It’s about avoiding behaviors that produce suffering and difficulty, and embracing those that lead to states of happiness. If you align your life with them, they’ll lead you to your highest aspirations: peace, truth, abundance, harmonious relationships, contentment, purity, self-acceptance, love, and meaningful connection to the Divine—the essence of happiness.
What are the Gunas
Translates as strand or fibre. States of nature and of being within us. Awareness of the gunas tells us if we are moving forward in life.
Things that effect the gunas: Food, daily life, activities
How can we access the Chakras
bija seed mantra
Name the 7 Chakras
Root Chakra - Muladhara
Sacral Chakra - Swadhisthana
Solar Plexus Chakra - Manipura
Heart Chakra - Anahata
Throat Chakra Vishuddha
Third eye chakra - Ajna
Crown Chakra Sahasrara