Yoga Flashcards
The origins of yoga can be traced back to where in 3300-1900 BCE?
Indus Valley Civilization
Earliest written records of yoga practices are found in the ancient Indian scriptures called?
These texts mention rituals, mantras, and sacrifices that were precursors to later yogic practices.
often attributed to the sage Patanjali, who wrote the “Yoga Sutras.” This text outlined the eight limbs of yoga, providing a systematic framework for spiritual and mental development.
Classical Yoga (Around 500 BCE)
Eight limbs of Classical Yoga (MESPEBC)
> meditation (dhyana)
enlightenment (samadhi)
sensory withdrawal (pratyahara)
physical postures (asanas)
ethical principles
breath control (pranayama)
concentration (dharana)
physical postures
sensory withdrawal
breath control
- Flex foot to engage muscles to aid in balancing
- Lift leg directly behind you so entire body is aligned
- Keep right, leg straight
Half Moon Pose
collection of philosophical texts, introduced the concept of meditation, self-realization, and the interconnectedness of all living beings.
Upanishads (800-200 BCE)
During this time, various schools and traditions of yoga emerged, including Bhakti yoga (the yoga of devotion), Jnana yoga (the yoga of knowledge), and Karma yoga (the yoga of action). Tantra yoga, which emphasizes the awakening of energy through rituals, also gained popularity.
Post-Classical Period (400-1500 CE)
Yoga of Devotion
Bhakti yoga
Yoga of Knowledge
Jnana yoga
Yoga of Action
Karma yoga
emphasizes the awakening of energy through rituals
Tantra yoga
sage often attributed to the foundation of classical yoga and the author of the “Yoga Sutras”
Sage Patanjali
is a physical branch of yoga that emphasizes postures and breathing techniques. It was popularized by texts like the “_____ Yoga Pradipika.” It laid the foundation for modern physical yoga practices.
Hatha Yoga (15th century onwards)