YMAY Chapter 4 - 7 Flashcards
The process by which individuals internalize the values, beliefs, and norms of a given society and learn to function as members of that society.
a recognizable social position that an individual occupies
the duties and behaviors expected of someone who holds a particular status.
Role strain
the incompatibility among roles corresponding to a single status.
Role Conflict
the tension caused by competing demands between two or more roles pertaining to different statuses.
Status set
all the statuses one holds simultaneously.
Ascribed status
a status into which one is born; involuntary status.
Achieved status
a status into which one enters; voluntary status.
Master status
one status within a set that stands out or overrides all others.
symbolic interactionism
shared meanings, orientation, and assumptions for the basic motivations behind peoples actions
Dramaturgical theory
(Erving Goffman) the view of social life as essentially a theatrical performance, in which we are all actors on metaphorical stages, with roles, scripts, costumes, and sets.
the esteem in which an individual is held by others
gender roles
sets of behavioral norms assumed to accompany one’s status as male or female
total institution
institution in which one is totally immersed and that controls all the basics of day to day life; no barriers exist between the usual spheres of daily life, and all activity occurs in the same lace and under the same single authority.
the process by which one’s sense of social values, beliefs, and norms are reengineered, often deliberately, through an intense social process that may take place in a total institution.
someone or something outside of oneself
generalized other
an internalized sense of the total expectations of others in a variety of settings–regardless of whether we’ve encountered those people or places before.