yes Flashcards
What is sampling?
Sampling is the process of choosing a few people to interview or be part of your study.
What is a population in research?
Population is the complete group of people, animals, or objects that have the same characteristics that the research needs.
What is a sample?
A sample is a group of individuals that represent the population.
What is snowball sampling?
Snowball sampling is done by asking relevant people if they know someone willing to participate in your research.
What is opportunistic sampling?
Opportunistic sampling takes samples or respondents that are readily available.
What is convenience sampling?
Convenience sampling involves selecting people who are easy to reach.
What is primary data?
Primary data refers to first-hand information based on actual experiences or observations.
What are examples of primary data?
Examples of primary data include data taken personally through interviews and personally observing people for visual data.
What is secondary data?
Secondary data are data gathered from secondary sources, meaning it is not obtained directly by you.
What are examples of secondary data?
Examples of secondary data include information from barangay census on the population in the area.
What are data collection instruments?
Data collection instruments are tools used to gather primary data during research.
What is a structured interview?
A structured interview has a set of predetermined questions that are ready to use.
What is an unstructured interview?
An unstructured interview does not require pre-made questions, allowing respondents to share their stories.
What is a semi-structured interview?
A semi-structured interview is a mix of structured and unstructured interviews, allowing for follow-up questions.