Yellow Book Social Studies Flashcards
Conflict Resolution
Using words to talk problems out
Goal is to effectively and calmly solve the problem
Try to understand from the other person point of view
The words trail of tears means
putting the Indians on reservations
the society, culture, and way of life of a particular area. Example-civilization are of Fertile Crescent between Tigris and Euphrates river which is now Iraq and Syria
belief on One Supreme Being
Belief in Many Gods
Rosetta Stone
Large black stone that contains messages in three different languages
Civil War
1860-1865 (Lincoln) Groups of people from the same place fighting each other
Magna Charta
mean “Great Charter” King John of England in 1215 established that the king recognized the rights of his nobles
Johan Gutenberg
invented the printing press
sense of belonging to a nation
interest of a dominant nation subjugate the interests of another nation
Ex-during empire building of the 19th century when countries of Europe colonized and controlled vast areas of Africa and Asia
Draft of young men to serve in the military
Cold War
period after world war II, race to space 1945 to 1991
Ponce de Leon
first Spaniard to set foot in Florida
Cabeza De Vaca
Was a Spaniard who was the First European to explore what is now Texas and the southwestern United State wondered the are for 7 years
Francisco Coronado
looking for fabled seven cities of gold
First permanent English Colony on the Americans. Established in Virginia in 1607 Caption John Smith was the leader
Plymouth Colony
Established in 1620, in Massachusetts by pilgrims also know as Separatists because of religious beliefs. sailed from England to the new world on the Mayflower
Mayflower Compact
agreement signed by all males on the voyage to plan of self-government.
Indentured Servants
person who agrees to work for another person without pay
Anne Hutchinson
was a puritan woman who disagreed with the leadership of the Massachusetts Colony. She help establish the colony of Rhode Island
Stamp Act
English Tax on American Colonist. American colonist had not agreed to be taxed “no taxation without representation”
Boston Massacre
fight between English soldiers and American Colonists led to 2 death.
One of the lead-up events of the Revolutionary War
Crispus Attuck
Runaway slave who was killed in Boston Massacre