Year 9 Geography Flashcards
What is the structure of the earth and the properties of each of the layers?
The structure of the earth starts of with the inner core:The inner score is the first part and its more solid lava,5500°C.(iron and nickel.)
Outer core:More flowly/liquid magma (iron and nickel)Outer core generates earth magnetic field 4500°C-5500°C
Mantle:Liquid magma,consisting of lithosphere,1300°C,The mantle primarily composed of solid silicate rocks like perdotite.
The crust-Last layer,thinest,100km,divided into continental crust.
Plate tectonics theory - what was Wegner’s theory and what was his evidence? Know
at least 2 (jigsaw fit, convection currents, fossil theory, palaeomagnetism).
We can see Wegners theory was the theory that all all the countries fit like a jigsaw puzzle and that all countries were a super continent called pangaea.
Jigsaw fit:All countries fit in one large continent
Fossil theory:Fossils were found in both south africa and south america and this animal had to live in certain conditions which was salt water and this animal could not swim over from
each continent which this meant that the continents obviously had to be next to each other and very close to eachother.
What are the names and locations of major plates and plate boundaries?
Eurasian plate-Covers most of europe and asia extending into the arctic
Himalayas(convergant)-Formed by collision of the indian and eurasian plates
Ring of fire(convergant)-series of subduction zones around the pacific plate including the andes
Can I explain why earthquakes and volcanoes are often found at plate boundaries?
Earthquakes and volcanoes are often found at plate boundaries as two plate boundaries for example .At divergent/constructive plate boundaries where they move away from
eachother and magma rises from the mantle to fill the gap,forming new crust.Volcanoes form,As the magma rises upward from the mantle along the gap between two platesThis new
crust can crack and form faults which leads to earthquakes. while at convergant plates where one plate subducts under one another.This leads to deep ocean trenches to form and
lead to the occurance of earthquakes.The volcanoes form as the sinking plate melts as it decends into the mantle,generating magma which rises to the top.At transform/ conservative
boundaries are where the plates are sliding past eachother.The friction of this builds up and they get stuck and it slips releasing lots of seismic waves causing the ground to shake.
What are convection currents and why are they important?
Convection currents are the driving force to moving plates around our earth.This causes countries and continenants to move and drift.It also isused to redistribute energy away from
hotter areas of the earth to colder.aiding temperature circulation and avoiding sharp temperature changes.
Can I explain what happens at convergent and divergent boundaries? (Earthquakes
and volcano; formation and examples)
At convergant plate boundaries as the plates move towards eachother one subducts under the other plate this causes deep ocean trenches to form which causes earthquakes and
as the sinking plate melts into the mantle generating magma which then rises to the top causing an volcano.
At divergant plate boundaries were the plates are moving away from eachother this allows magma to rise to the top.The magma then forms/hardens.This creates a volcano but this
magma can have cracks which then leads to an earthquake.
Can I explain the impacts and responses from the Haiti Earthquake case study?
)We can see the impacts from the haiti earthqauke was immersirable,We can see over 316,00 deaths plus 200 thousand more injured in the process,Many were displaced,houses
were completely destroyed plus buildings,churches,schools,hospitals and even shops were all destroyed due the 7.0 on the ricther scale earthquake.This caused there to be a long
time until a progress in re building haiti was happening.The responses were aid teams to come help rescue and support people.There was medical teams again to try keep people
alive,financial aid and rescue teams
Explain why the impacts of the Haiti were so bad.
The impacts in haiti were so bad due to the 7.0 richter scale earthquake but also due to the lack of proper infrustructure in haiti.Buildings were made with cheap and flimsy materials
which were easilt destroyed in the earthquake.This caused many more deaths,We can also see if people survived falling buildings,they would of lost there life,house,family and there
was no were to go.This left 1.5 million living in tents spreading diseases and killing even more.
Can I explain the causes and impact of a tsunami in an example location?
Starts of with a distruption in the sea,this can either be an earthquake or a landslide.This then displaces a huge amount of water.It starts of slow and small but as it gets closer and
closer to the shore it starts to pick up high speeds and high tides.The tide falls back on the ocean line and it slows down but then the faster water behind pushes it forward and other
waves pile in.
Impact of a tsunami :An impact of a tsunami is a displacement of people,homes and cars destroyed.A huge financial recovery neccesary.
What is nuclear power? How does it work?
Nuclear power is power generated through a nuclear reaction.
Within the containtment structure, a reactor vessel houses control rods containing radioactive material in the form of pellets of uranium or plutonium. These fuel rods create heat,
which is transferred to water within the steam generator. From here, the radioactive heated water is used to heat a separate water system in the steam generator, which is linked to a
turbine. The turbine is connected to a generator, which produces electricity from the steam-powered turbines. The steam from this process is then converted back to liquid water in the
condenser ready to go back to the reactor vessel to create another cycle.
What were the impacts of the Chernobyl disaster?
The impacts of the chernobyl disaster were a huge displacement of people,the city then being deserted and only a certain amount of people are allowed to visit.A huge spike in
thyroid cancer and many children being born with defects or disabilities.This radiation reached places such as germany or even spain.To stop the blaze they had to send in liquidators
which caused again a MASSIVE spike in cancer cases as people were fully exposed to radioactive material and waste that was burning for 90 seconds which doesnt seem like a lot
but it is,
How sustainable is nuclear power?
Nuclear power is not sustainable as it uses uranium and plutanium which once being finished used is then all used up and as to be disposed of very safely which means it cant be
re used again,But it is co2 free.
What is a superpower nation? What are examples of super power nations?
)A super power nation is a nation which is one of the biggest and makes key decisions.They usually are capable of influencing international events .An example of a super power
nation is the uk or china or the usa or brazil.
What are the 7 factors that make a country a superpower? Can I explain how they are
Economic Powerr-To buy resources to keep countries a float,ability to project power around the world
Population-More workers
Size-To hold more people and has more resources
Resources-If a country has a lot of one thing,they hold a high amount of this resource which they can sell to others or even use
Military-Incase of a disturbance in the world they can easily stop this,more powerful
Cultural soft power-appealing a nations way of life,values and beliefs.Through film,clothes and art.
Political power-Countries for example in the UNSC get to make there own choice in europe while as countries like netherlands dont have as much say.
Who are the emerging superpowers? What are their strengths and weaknesses?
)The emerging superpowers are the MINTS which is mexico,Indonesia,Nigeria and turkey.Mexico strengths are that its near the us,average age of 28 and 75% of exports go
there.Weaknesses is that theres a lot of violence,drugs and the cartel and thats theres very little room for growtth. Indonesia strengths is that it has a large population (250mil) but the weakness is that not a lot of people have homes and a lack of technology.Nigeria strengths is that the currency is steady,strong economy,growing population and the average age of 18 but the weakness is corruption,the money made from oil is not going to
the right places and a lack of access to power for buisinisses.
Turkeys strengths has a Gdp of 800 billion and the average age is 24 but the weaknesses is the political instabilities,
ider world
What is development? How does globalisation and TNCs increase it?
Development key words: population structure, demographic data, birth rate, death
rate, dependency ration, fertility rate, infant mortality, life expectancy, maternal
mortality, GDP per capita, Human Development Index (HDI), literacy rate.
Development is the growth in the economy,life quality and population in a country which is getting better and better each year.globalisation increases developmentnas globalisation facilities the transfar technology skills and knowledge from developed countries into developing countries through foreign direct investment , technolgical alliences and scientific clollabararions it boosts actvity work load and economic growth creates more jobs gives acess to an increase min trade investment and intergation reducing poverty. Population structure:The number (or percent) of people in a country in each age group .
Demographic data:All data linked with population changes:birth rate,death rate etc
Birth rate:How many babies are born per 1000 people per year
Death rate:how many people die per 1000 people per year
Dependency ratio:Proportion of people below (0-14) and above (over 65) normal working age,Its calculated by young+elderly divided by working age times 100
Fertility rate:Number of birth a women has in her reproductive life
Infant mortality:Number of children per 1000 live births who die before there first birthday
Life expenctancy:Average number of years a person can expect to live
Maternal mortality:number of mothers per 100,000 who die in child birth
GDP per capita:The total of all money produced per year by countrys workers
Human development index:score between 0-1 which includes literacy,life expectancy and GNi per capita
Literacy rate:How many people can read per 1000 people
How do governments contribute to globalisation?
Governments contribute to globalisation as they lower tarrifs,help infrastructure development if this certain thing or product is doing well and gaining a lot of revenue.
What is inequality? How do people’s lives differ across the world?
Inequality is the difference in certain people around the world,this is through the environment they live in,the job they have and also there family.We can see inequality is the fact
certain people have a much better life then others and the sheer difference in there life.Peoples life differ around the world as certain have better housing,better jobs,healthcare and
peace in life.We can also see there wellbeing much higher towards a richer person
What are Inter-governmental organisations (IGOs)? How do they impact: security,
trade, economics?
Inter government organisations (IGOs) are international groups,made up of a number of different countries who play a large part in the making of international laws and regulations
this can be to security or trade or even healthcare.They impact security as they maintain of international peace and security.
They impact trade through helping making trade flow as freely as possible so long as there are no undesirable side effects.To abolish or reduce trade barriers.
They impact economics as they have 2 groups,one group the international development association provides loans to the worlds poorest countries,The other group the international
bank for reconstruction and development gives loans to developing countries.
What is a migrant? What is an immigrant?
A migrant is someone who moves to another country or place
An immigrant is someone who leaves to live perminantly in another country
What is the difference between voluntary and forced migration?
Voluntary migration is migration which is a choice and for a better life while forced is through no choice this could be through war or uprising
What challenges do refugees and asylum seekers face?
The challenges refugees and asylum seekes face is rejection or even capture,this can cause sending back to dangerous country which is why they fled or even persecution
What is a biome? What is the biosphere?
A biome is a different part of the world which has a different climate,nature and species living on it.It can be deserted or have a bunch of people.A bioshpere is the part between
the lithosphere and atmosphere,This is where people and everything lives and exists
Where are global biomes located?
We can see the global biomes are located in the 7 continents,eg:south america has more tropical rainforests while as africa is more desert while as most of europe is coniferous
forest even most parts of north america is.
How do biomes differ?
)Biomes differ through temperature,species,land,vegetation and also how they are so one could be tropicak forests while one is a desert
Examples of IGOS
the European Union (EU), the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), the African Development Bank (ADB)
Defintion of the igo securti the un secuirty council
Primary responsibility, under the United Nations Charter, for the
maintenance of international peace and security. It is for the Security
Council to determine when and where a UN peace operation should be
Defintion of the world trade organization
Overriding purpose is to help trade flow as freely as possible — so long as
there are no undesirable side effects
• To abolish or reduce trade barriers
Definiton world bank
The World Bank is a bank for nations, not people.
The World Bank has two separate groups:
• One group, the International Development Association, provides
loans to the world’s poorest countries.
• The other group, the International Bank for Reconstruction and
Development, gives loans to developing countries.
Who are the devloping countries and there strengths and weaknesses
Bric: Brazil strengths:a credible central bank, a resilient financial system, and exchange rate flexibility. Brazil weakness:High production costs (wages, energy, logistics, credit) that harm competitiveness.
Shortage of qualified labour, inadequate education system.
Russia, russias strengths:the world’s leading natural gas exporter, the 2nd-largest natural gas producer, the 2nd-largest oil exporter and producer and third largest coal exporter.
Weaknesses:consumption growth is likely to weaken even further than previously projected and recovery in investment demand will be slower than previously expected.India strenghts:Diversified growth drivers.
Large and young workforce with a good command of English. Weaknesses:its poverty means there is not enough demand; there are not enough people in the workforce. China strengths:, GDP growth has averaged over 9 percent a year. Weaknesses demographic decline; underfunded social welfare programs; severe pollution; and reliance on imported fuel, food, and mineral resources.
What is focus
The point beneath the earth where the earthquake happens
Whats the epicentre
The point above the earth where the earthquake happens