Re EOY REVISION Flashcards
Who brought Christianity to England?
St Augestine arrived 597CE
Who commissioned this man to bring Christianity to England?
Pope gregory
What is a matyr
A matyr is someone who dies for their faith.
Who was the first matyr
An example of an early matyr is
St Alban.The first Christian matyr was St stephan and we celebrate his
feast day on the 26th of December.
What are the 4 christian denominations
Roman Catholicism,
and Orthodox
What are the names of the 2 main splits in the Christian Church?
Schism and reformation
List 3 things Christian denominations have in common and 3 ways in which Christian
denominations differ.
Belief in jesus
Bible as sacred scripture
Practice of sacraments like baptism and commuion.
Sripture interpretation
Church governance
Worship practices
Catholic church layout
The rows of chairs=pews
Where commuioj is kept=tabernacle
Font=baptismial font
Pulpit and lectern= near the altar
How the items in mass our used (altar)
table upon which the bread and wine are blessed to become the body and blood of Christ
How the items in mass our used (baptisimal font)
Traditionally the font is placed beside the door of the church. To bathe a child and enter into chrits kingdom
How items used at mass (lectern)
stand where the readings, Gospel and the homily. are read from.
How items used at mass (sanctuary)
the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is celebrated
How items used at mass (tabernacle)
any consecrated. bread which has not been used is placed inside it
How items used at mass (pulpit)
the pulpit. – where the priest delivers sermons.
List the five different liturgical colours. When would a priest wear these vestments?
Green in ordaniry time
Gold christmas
Purple lent
Purple advent
Red pentecost
In what order do these times occur in the Christian year?
Advent chirstmas epithany ordinary time,lent,easter,pentecost,ordinary time
Which colour is worn for the most time in the year?
Write out the 6 main parts to a Roman Catholic Mass
Pentential rate
• Liturgy of the word
Eucharistic prayer
• Blessing and dismissal
Complete the diagram to show the hierarchy of Church clergy.
Write four other synonyms for the word ‘Pope’.
Vicar of Christ,Bishop of rome,Servant of the servants of God,Holy father
How many popes have there been?
Who was the first pope? And what did his name stand for
Peter his name stood for rock thats why jesus said “on this rock i will build my church”
Whats the age that you can no longer be a cardnial anymore
What three vows does someone make when they become part of a religious
poverty, chastity and obedience.
List the THREE types of Religious Order:
Popes monks and nuns
Holy Orders are a Sacrament on Communion and Mission (a particular mission to
serve). What is the other Sacrament of Communion and Mission?
Write out the 6 main things that happen in the Sacrament of Holy Orders
.Calling and Presentation
.Election by the Bishop and Consent of the People
.Laying on of Hands and Prayer of Consecration
.Investiture with Stole and Chasuble: The newly ordained priest is vested with the stole and chasuble
.Anointing of Hands
.Presentation of the Gifts and Kiss of Peace
Explain the process of electing a new Pope in five bullet points
1 Preparation: Eligible cardinals gather in Rome.
2 Oath: Cardinals take an oath of secrecy.
3 Voting: Secret ballots cast; two-thirds majority needed.
4 Smoke Signals: Black smoke means no decision; white smoke means a new Pope.
5 Announcement: Elected candidate accepts and is announced as the new Pope.
What are Papal Encyclicals?
Papal Encyclicals are formal letters from the Pope addressing important theological, moral, or social issues, providing guidance and clarifying Church teachings.
What are the three stages that a person goes through on the path to sainthood.
Servant of God
List 4 things a parish might do to fulfil the Mission of the Church.
Evangelizartion,Sacramnetal life,Service amd charity
What is a clergy
The clergy are ordained members of the church who have been given authority to conduct religious services, administer sacraments, and provide spiritual guidance to the congregation. This group includes roles such as priests, deacons, bishops, and other ordained ministers depending on the denomination.
What is laity
The laity refers to all members of the church who are not part of the ordained clergy. This group includes the majority of the church’s adherents and encompasses all baptized members who are not deacons, priests, or bishops.
Where could chaplins also work
What charcerisircs do chaplains have
Empathy,prayerful,trustworthiness,critical thinking
Women cannot be ordained in the Catholic Church, however, they can serve the
Church in the following, other ways:
Charity for the church,chaplain,choir
St Paul wrote a letter to the Corinthians in which he described what love meant,
write out 3 things St Paul said “love was” and 3 things he said “love was not”
Love is patient,kind,truthful
Love is notenvious,boast,proud
Write a short definition for each of the sacraments:
Baptism: Cleanses from original sin and initiates one into the Church.
Confirmation: Strengthens the grace of Baptism and confers the Holy Spirit.
Eucharist: Consecrates bread and wine into the body and blood of Christ.
Reconciliation: Provides forgiveness of sins through confession and absolution.
Anointing of the Sick: Offers healing and comfort to the seriously ill.
Holy Orders: Ordains bishops, priests, and deacons to serve the Church.
Marrige: Unites a couple in a lifelong covenant of love and partnership.
Explain the difference between “arranged” and “forced” marriage.
An arranged marriage is a marriage in which families or matchmakers play a role in selecting the partners, but the individuals involved have the final say and can consent to or decline the arrangement.
A forced marriage is one where one or both individuals are coerced into marrying against their will, without their free and informed consent.
Write out a definition of FGM
comprises all procedures that involve partial or total removal of the external female genitalia, or other injury to the female genital organs for non-medical reasons
Write 3 reasons why FGM happens
It goes back to a mix of cultural and social reasons, such as social pressure and convention, beliefs that FGM has religious support or ideas of beauty and purity
What do each of the letters in LGBTQ stand for:
lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer
Explain what the following terms mean:
• Biological Gender
• Gender Expression
• Trans
• Gender Dysphoria
Biological Gender
Physical characteristics (chromosomes, hormones, anatomy) assigned at birth.
Gender Expression
How one presents their gender (clothing, behavior, etc.).
Someone whose gender identity differs from their birth-assigned sex.
Gender Dysphoria
Distress from a mismatch between gender identity and assigned sex.
Write down one example of Natural Evi
Write down one example of moral Evil.
What is the name of the sacrament that Roman Catholics use for those who are
Anoiting of the sick
Write down two positive effects that that sacrament might have on the person
Spiritual peace
Forgivness of sins
Hospices Explain 4 things that hospices do to support a terminally ill person and their family.
Helping them get through it, spiritual care look after the patient very well and keep a smile on there face, could help organize the funeral
What does the word ‘Euthanasia’ mean? And what are the 4 types of Euthanasia?
Euthanasia refers to intentionally ending a person’s life to relieve suffering.
The four types of euthanasia are:
1 Voluntary: With the patient’s consent.
2 Involuntary: Without the patient’s consent.
3 Active: Directly causing death through a deliberate action.
4 Passive: Allowing death by withholding or withdrawing treatment.
Explain 4 ways in which St Maximillian Kolbe responded to the evil and suffering he
faced in the world.
Self-Sacrifice: He offered his life for another at Auschwitz.
Prayer: He turned to prayer for strength and solace.
Faith: He maintained strong faith in God’s plan.
Compassion: He showed kindness and support to fellow prisoners.
The leader of the orthodox leader
Archbishop of canterbury.
Whose the leader of church of englqnd
Patrical of constantonple
What are the 4 stages of sainthood
Servant of God, Venerable, Blessed and Saint.
4 things a parish might do to fufill the mission of the church
Worship Services - Conducting regular worship and prayer services.
Community Outreach - Organizing charity events and helping those in need.
Education - Offering religious education and Bible study groups.
Fellowship - Creating opportunities for community gatherings and social events.
Christian denominations?
Catholic-Bible is word of God, pope francis is succesor of st peter, Roman Catholics confess sins and ask God for forgiveness.
Quaker-No priests, not praying in church, no celebrations celebrated
Orthodox:Follows icons