Year 8 Summer Exams Flashcards
What is the definition of a parable?
An earthly (about life on earth) story, with a heavenly (about God’s love) meaning
Where can parables be found?
Parables can be found in the Bible, in the New Testament, in the Gospels of Mathew, Mark and Luke
Give example of Jesus’ parables?
The Lost Sun, The Housebuilders, The Lost Sheep, The Lost Coin, The Good Samaritan
Why did Jesus teach using parables?
- Simple stories for simple folk - easy to understand.
- Explaining God’s love - in a relatable story.
- So listeners could retell story - share it with others.
- Easy to remember.
Tell the story of The Good Samaritan?
- One day a lawyer asked Jesus, “The Bible says we should love our neighbors as our selves, but who is my Neighbour?”
- Jesus answered back, “One day a man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho when he fell into the hands of robbers. They stripped him off his clothes, beat him and went away, leaving him half dead.
- A priest happened to be going down the same road, and when he saw the man, he passed by on the other side. So too, a Levite, when he came to the place and saw him, passed by on the other side.
- A Samaritan (who was the mans arch-enemy) was travelling, came to where the man was and when he saw him, he took pity on him. He went to him and bandaged his wounds, pouring oil and wine.
- He then put the man on his own donkey, took him to an inn and took care of him. The next day he took out 2 silver coins and gave them to the innkeeper.
- “Look after him”, he said, “And when I return, I will reimburse you for any extra expense you have.”
- “Now which of these three do you think acted like a Neighbour to the man who fell into the hands of robbers?”Jesus asked the lawyer. The expert in the law replied, “The one who had mercy on him.” Jesus then told him, “Go and do likewise.”
What are the four types of miracles?
Healing miracles, natural/nature miracles, resurrection miracles/rising from water the dead, exorcism
Where would you find healing miracles in the Bible?
Mark 10v46-52
Where would you find nature miracles in the Bible?
Mark 4v35-41
Where would you find resurrection miracles in the Bible?
John 11v1-44
Where would you find exorcism in the Bible?
Mark 5v1-20
What happened to Lazarus?
He was raised from the dead
What does BAR mean?
Jewish for son
What happened to Jairus’ daughter?
She was dead, she came back from the dead
What is the definition of a miracle?
A miracle is a supernatural event that cannot be scientifically explained and is therefore attributed to the power of God.
What is Capital Punishment also known as?
The Death Penalty
What does the Death Penalty mean; where might you have heard it before?
When the Government authorises Death as a punishment for a crime. It can be heard in church.
Make a list of ten methods of capital punishment?
Electric chair, gas chamber, hanging, firing squad, lethal injection, back braking, boiling to death, buried alive, crucifixion, decapitation.
Why do you think certain countries in the world use the Capital Punishment as a means of punishment for a crime? Give two suggestions.
So there is no chance of reoffending-repeating the crime.
To ‘deter’ (put others off) others from that particular crime.
Find any three countries/states who use Capital Punishment - beside each country, establish the crime being punished.
- USA-Alabama: Lethal injection
- USA-Washington: Hanging
- USA-Utah: Firing squad
What does the term sacrifice mean? Give and example of a sacrifice someone could make.
The act of giving up something that you want to keep especially in order to get or do something for someone else’s well being. E.g. Giving your money to a charity to help other people who may need some help.
Why is the cost of the sacrifice important?
The greater the cost is to that person the greater the sacrifice is!
Who does Aslan represent?
What did Jesus and Aslan have to sacrifice?
Their lives
Who does the White Queen represent?
Why did Aslan and Jesus make the sacrifice?
Aslan- to save Edmund
Jesus- to save all humankind
Why did Jesus teach using parables?
- After Jesus spent 40 days in the wilderness being followed by the Satan he came back and did the work which he was sent down to earth to do. Jesus was approximately 30 when he began to teach. He spent 3 years telling people about God.
- Jesus used parables in order to make his messages clear to all, but the meaning was revealed only to those able to understand. Also they offer an opportunity for spiritual awakening, a good example for this would be The Lost Coin.
- He also used parables to communicate to both the common people and the religious leaders. He did this in simple language/different languages to connect with his own audience, e.g. Who is my Neighbour - The Good Samaritan.
- Similarly Jesus used parables because he spoke with authority instead of quoting long passages of the law. Also this made his teachings more interesting and once again, this made it easier for his followers to understand. All of the parables of the ‘Lost’ would be good examples of this.
- Parables were a common cultural form of communication. Jesus spoke in a storytelling format which was already familiar to the culture of the people, e.g. ‘The sower and the seed’. Once people understood the true meaning of a parable, they had a ‘eureka’ moment.
- Jesus told parables in a storytelling format which made it more interesting for his audience and drew in the crowds. Not only that, but it allowed his followers to learn even more.
- Therefore, it is very important that you understand the true meaning of a parable as they are summed up as an earthly story with a heavenly meaning.
What were the stories of Jesus’ trial and death called?
The stories of Jesus’ trial and death are called The Passion Narratives and can be found in the Synoptic Gospels
Give six essential facts on Christian Beliefs About Jesus’ Death?
- God was in control over Jesus dying because He would pay the penalty for sin.
- Jesus was perfect, so when He dies for sin and Christians trust Him, God forgives them.
- Jesus is the Son of God all knowing and all powerful. At any time he could have stopped the events happening to Him, but he chose to die for the good of others.
- This shows Christians that sin is so serious that God was willing to sacrifice His own Son to pay for it.
- The Bible teaches that mankind is responsible for the death of Jesus in many ways. The Jews and the Romans put him to death but Christians believe that every human is responsible because they too have sinned which sent him to the cross.
- As Jesus is God, death could not ‘hold Him’ (keep Him) and so three days after He was crucified He rose from the dead.
What did Judas say to the Chief Priests and how did they respond?
Judas went to the Chief Priests and said, “What will you give me if I deliver him over to you?” They responded by paying him thirty pieces of silver. And from that moment Judas Iscariot sought an opportunity to betray him.
What do you think are the most common ways that people are betrayed in our society?
- Someone you trust telling your secret.
- Someone talking behind your back.
- Someone stealing.
- Joining another team/swapping teams.
When Jesus went to the Garden of Gethsemane, what did he ask his disciples to do?
Jesus went to the garden of Gethsemane and asked his disciples to sit while he was going to pray. He took Peter, James and John and asked them to watch with him because He was so sorrowful.
When Jesus fell onto his face, what did he pray?
Jesus fell on his face and prayed that the ‘cup of suffering’ would pass by him but that God’s will would be done.
What were the disciples doing when Jesus came back?
When he went to the disciples they were asleep and He asked Peter, “Could you not keep awake for one hour?”
What did Jesus tell his disciples?
He told them to pray so they wouldn’t be tempted to sleep again. He told then they were willing, but their bodies were weak.
What did Jesus do for a second time?
For a second time, he went to pray and similarly asked for God’s will to be done.
What did Jesus find again?
Again he found the disciples sleeping and so again he left for a third time to pray to God for his will to be done.
What did Jesus tell his disciples?
He then told his disciples to ‘sleep and rest later’ because he was about to be betrayed
How could Jesus’ friends have supported Him during this tough time?
•Sat with him. •Prayed with him. •Stayed awake. •Comfort him. •Talk with him. •Make him something to eat.
What can Christians learn from Jesus’ constant praying in this story?
Christians can learn that they should never give up and pray because God will always be there for you.
Explain what Jesus meant by the cup of suffering?
Humans naturally want to avoid pain and suffering, Jesus was no different. He pray, “If it is possible”. If there was any other way to save humankind, Jesus asked to take that other way.
What did Judas come with?
Judas came with a large crowd with swords and clubs with the Chief Priests and Elders.
What did Judas tell the large crowd?
Judas told them that the one he kissed would be the one they should seize.
What did Judas greet Jesus as?
Judas greeted Jesus as ‘Rabbi’ and kissed him on the cheek with Jesus telling him, ‘Do what you came to do!’
What did Peter do with his sword?
Peter drew his sword and cut off the ear of the High Priest’s servant.
Whoa did Jesus tell Peter to do with his sword!
Jesus Christ old him to put his sword away because all who take the sword die by it
What did Jesus tell the large crowd?
He told them that He could ask God the Father for legions (multitudes) of angels but that the Scriptures foretold that He must die.
What did Jesus question the crowd for?
He questioned the crowd for coming in the night with swords and clubs when he was at the Temple teaching regularly and they could have arrested Him then. The disciples turned and fled.
What can people learn from the story of Judas?
- Not to betray those you love.
- Money is not everything.
- Trust can easily be broken.
Where did those who had arrested Jesus lead Him?
Those who had arrested Jesus lead Him to Caiaphas, the High Priest, to be put on trial
Why were false witnesses brought and what did two of them claim?
False witnesses were brought to tell lies about Jesus so that they could put him to death. Two witnesses claimed that they heard Jesus say he would destroy the Temple and rebuild it in three days. The High Priest asked Jesus what he had to say about this but Jesus just stood silent
What did the High Priest ask Jesus
He asked Jesus, “Are you the son of God?” Jesus replied, “You have said so and you will see the Son of Man seated at the right hand of God and coming on the clouds of heaven.”
Why did the High Priest tear his robes?
The High Priest tore his robes because Jesus had committed blasphemy