John The Baptist Flashcards
When did John the Baptist appear in Palestine?
Around the year 27 AD
What strange clothes did he wear?
A tunic made of camel skin, with a leather belt around his waist
What strange food did he eat?
Locusts and wild honey
What strange things did John the Baptist do?
He stood on the banks of the River Jordan close by to where people used to cross the river and he preaches to them. Also, he told them that their long-awaited Saviour, the Messiah, was coming soon and that they would need to turn away from their sins (repent) if they wanted the Messiah to include them among his people
What did John think of himself as?
A kind of “forerunner”
What is a forerunner?
Someone sent ahead of an important person to prepare the way for his coming
True or False:
Many people believed John’s message and did turn away from their sins.
What did the people who did turn away from their sins do?
Wade out to John in the River Jordan and he would dip them under the water
What did it mean when John dipped them under the water?
It was a sign that their sins were being washed away and that they were now clean in heart as well as in body
What is the Greek word for dipping?
What was John’s nickname?
John the Baptist
Was John an only child
What were the names of John’s parents
Elizabeth and Zechariah
What was Zechariah?
A priest in the temple at Jerusalem
One day what did Zechariah see inside the temple?
The Angel Gabriel
Did Zechariah believe the angel at first when he and his wife were told that they would have a son?
When did Zechariah speak again after he was told about having a son?
His son John was born
What does the Hebrew word “John” mean?
“Gift of God”
Why did Zechariah and Elizabeth call their child John?
He was a real gift from God
Was Elizabeth not a relation of Mary
No, she was
What relationship did John and Jesus have?
They were second cousins
Where did John live after his parents died?
He lived in the desert not far from his home town of Ain Karem
In the desert what did John do?
He prayed and thought a lot about what God wanted him to do
What did the tough out there in the desert make John
A strong person
What did John do when he left the desert?
He began preaching
What did John call upon the Jewish people to do because God’s Kingdom was near?
Turn away from their sinful practices
Among those who did John rebuke?
Herod Antipas, ruler of Galilee
Why did John rebuke Herod?
Herod had married Herodias, his brother’s wife
Who was Herodias’ daughter
What did Herod Antipas, who was son of Herod the great do to John?
He arrested John and put him into prison