year 2 CR Flashcards
how to check if pt has antibodies against RBC cell membrane
direct coombes test
direct antiglobulin test
cause of autoimmune hemolytic anemia
drig (methylodpa, penicilin,
blood truasfusion
systemic lupus erythematosus
pr segment
p wave
pr interval
0.12 to 0.22
qrs size
less 0.12
QT interval
male less than 0.45 females less than 0.47
isoelectric segment is
PR segment
1 large square is how many seconds
1 s,mall square is how many seconds
how to measure rate on ECG using squares
how many Rs in 30 squares and musltiply by 10 or number of Rs in 15 squares multiply by 5
characteristics of sinus rhytms
RR interval is regular
each P gives rise to a QRS
which lead is the stadnard lead
lead II
whta happens in the heart durin the PR interval
time from SA node to AV node (atrial depolarization)
diagnosis if RR interval irregular but normal P waves
heart block
Dx if QRS is enalrged
heart block because the signal travel theoght he myocytes and not the purkinjee fibres, so it takes longer to deporalise the ventricles.
shape of P wave in V1
when is the QRS segment positive
in leads I and II
what are the two main layers of the VENTRICULES
endocardial muscle and epicardial muscle
which layer of hte ventricular muscle is innervated by pirkinjeefibres
the endocardial mucle. thats why it deporalises first and you see t wave so the delay and depolarization fo the epicardial muscle.
when woyld the ST segment change
if htere is a difference in contractility in the epicardail adn endocardial muscle
which ventricular layer is more susceptible to iscemia
the endocardial.
effetc of iscehmia on endocardial tisuse
slows AP. so if epicaridal muscle has a normal prfusion then you would get an inverted T wave on lead II
is inverted T wave a source for concern
not in kinds, its begning, but sign of PE or sichemia in adults.
normal if seen on lead I due to oreitnation of the heart.
hypersegmented nucleus seen in what condition
pernicious anemia
cause of large t wave
hyperkalemia, which prolongs the endocardial AP nore than epicardial
HR to classific as bradycardia
less than 60bpm
HR to classific as bradycardia
mroe than 100bpm
when is bradycardia not a source for concern
atheletes, pts on BB, vagal tone from drug abusers, hypoglycemia, brain injury
poem for heart conditions on ECG
if R is far from P then you have first degree, (HB)
long long long drpo then you have washenback (mobitz1) same as II degree HB
if some ps dont get through then you have mobits 2 same as 2nd degrese HB
if P and Q dont agree then you have mobitx 3
junctional rythm
when SA node is damaged and AV node takes over
no P wave, or inverted in lead II, bradycardia.
ventricular tachycardia
rapid irregular rythm
QRS regular
no p wave,
ST and long WRS.
nimporte quoi
atrial flutter
RR are regualrrly irregualr, pacemaker pulses form SA node byt nimpore qcomment
P wave becoms F (fñutter) wave.
atrial fib
RR irregularly irregulear. pacemaker oulses from around atrium
cause of ventrcular tachycardia
caridomyopathy, alcohol, caffeie, CAD,
risk of ventricualr tachycardia
cardia arrest
risk of v fib
EMERGNCY NEED A defibrillatory
bunble branch block pathophys
ischemia ot psoteiror and anterior interventricualr muscles. long QRS. you have a nothc on the r wave
STEMI on ecg
new ST elevation in 2 or more adjacent ecg leads
cause of stemi
ischeia of coronary artery, failure of vernticular AP to propagate into some parts of ventriculr msucle.