met week 3 Flashcards
BMI intervals
underweight less than 18.5 normal 18.5 to 24.9 overwieght 25 to 29.9 obese 30 or greater morbidly obese 40
whats the correlation between BMI and body fat
positive relationsip
why are some people not obese even with high BMI
drugs linked with weight gain?
diabetes medicine,
mood stabilizers, corticosteroids, beta blockers
why does insulin lead to weight gain
insulin inhibits breakdown of fat
stimulates fatty acid and triaglycerol synthesis in tissue
increases uptake of triglycerides from blood into adipose tissue
decreases rate of fatty osidation in muscle and liver
how is insulin linked to weight
high insulin high weight
low insulin low weight.
what T2D drugs increase insulin levels
sulforeas (gl, gl)
what t2d drugs stablilize insulin levels
DPP IV inhibitirs (januvia, ongylyza, trajenta)
what t2 diabetes drugs decrease insulin levels
sglt 2 inhibitirs
what pscyhiatric conditions is obesity associated with
autism schizophrenia
for waht conditions is the proportion higher if you also have obesity
what is syndromic monogenic obesity
rare condition. gene like SNRPN, prader wili syndrome, fragile x syndrome, (both autosomal dominant= but also bardet beidl asltrom syndrome which is a cilipahty
what is the link between cilia and obseity
- primary cilium has a key role in the differentiation of adipocytes, the pathogenesisof obesity, is is some cases a defect in adipogenesis
- the the cilia mediates leptin receptr (LEPR) signaling (an important mediator of appetite regulation and fat intake)
what genes are involved in non syndromic monogenic obesity
12 genes. that have roles in energy maintenace as part of the leptin melanocortin pathway.
what neuronres do insulin and leptin target
neuronres of the arcuate nucleus so it decresaes food intake.