week3 Flashcards
whats pi02
inspired oxygen
whats PA02
alveolar ocygen
whats Pa02
arterial 02
whats P02
cellualr O2
concentration of O2 in air
whast air barometric pressure
whats Po2 of dry air at sea level
is tracheal gas higher or lower than inspired o2
less so because it gets humidified. its about 19.9 Kpa alors que inspired is 21kPa
Factors affecting alveolar PAo2
alveolar ventilation
oxygen consumption/Co2 production
what happens to PaO2 when alveolar ventilation increases
increases but will never reach PiO2 bc there will always be some Co2 in the lungs
equation for alveolar Po2
PAO2 = PiO2 - (PaCo2/R 0.8)
factor affecting alveolar to arterial po2 difference
shunting so as in not going through the lungs which causes relative desaturation
whats the nrmal alveolar to arterial po2 difference
less than 1.13 Kpa
normal PaO2 in kpa
11KPA (13.6 - (0.044 x age in years)
shape of oxygemoglobing cuve shape
and three main points
97% hemoglovbin saturation at 10 Kpa
74% hemoglobin saturation at 5.3 Kpa
50 (P50) hemoglobin saturation at 3.5 kpa
what does oxygen delivery depend on
and formula
oxygen satruation
hemogloin conc
Hefners constant
conc Hb x ocygen satu x 1.34 x CO
what are the signs of respiratory failyre
- high respiratory compensattion (tachyponoa, use of acc muscles, nostril flaring, intercostal or sternal recession)
- increase sym tone (tachycardia, hyeprtension, sweating)
- jhemoglobin destaruation (cyanosis)
- end organ hypoxia (hypotension and bradychardia after some time and altered mental state)
- Co2 retention (flap, boudning pulse)
what are the two forms of respiratory failure adn expalin them
type I and type II
in type I you have hypoxemia only (less than 8 Kpa)
in type II you have hypoxemia (less han 8 kopa) and hypercapneia (over 6.5 kpa)
what conditions would present as type I resp failure
pneumonia, pneumothorax, pulmonary embolis, pum ededma, ateeltasis, collapse
what conditions would present as type II resp fialure
type I with fatigue
hypoventilation caused by depressant drugs, neuromuscular dx, brasitem pb, nerve trauma
indication for o2 therapy
resp fialure cardiac or resp arrest tachypnoea cyanosis hypotension metabolic acidosis
types of oxygen masks
Low flow masks
high flow masks
Peak inspiratory volume at rest
Peak inspiratory volume at distress
low flow masks vs high flow makss
- low flow are like nasal canula, simple face maks or wiht sotrage). deliver variable amounts of 02. deliver less than PIF. so amount of 02 delivered depends on pts ventilator abilites
- high flow like venturi mask (deliver constant ocygen level and more so than PIF)
which maks for post op or pt with normal vital signs
nasal cannula
which maks for pt w astham, pneumonia, sepsis
low flow mask with reservoir bag
which mask for controlled long term tratemnt of COPD
ventiru mask