Year 10 Spanish Vocab Spr 1&2 Flashcards
verb stem + AS? or verb stem + ES?
Present tense questions rule: How do you ask ‘Do you?’ for AR or ER/IR verbs in the present tense?
Present tense verb rule: What is the ‘I…’ verb ending for AR verbs in the present tense?
dónde vives?
where do you live?
vivo en una casa individual
I live in a detached house
vivo allí desde hace 2 años
“I live there + since 2 years”
vivo allí desde hace siempre
“I live there + since always”
me gustaría vivir en el campo
I’d like to live in the countryside
mi casa está en las afueras de la ciudad
my house is (located) in the outskirts of the city
mi casa tiene dos dormitorios
My house has two bedrooms
la calle donde vivo está cerca del parque
the street where I live is (located) close to the park
la calle donde vivo está lejos de la playa
the street where I live is (located) far from the beach
vivo en un barrio animado
I live in a lively neighbourhood
cómo es tu casa o piso?
What is your house or flat like?
mi casa o piso es
my house or apartment is
te gusta donde vives?
Do you like where you live?
me gusta el jardín
I like the garden
lo que más me gusta es que
what I like most is that
lo que más me gusta es que tenemos un jardín
What I like most is that we have a garden
hay un/una
there is a (m/f)
me gusta el/la
I like the (m/f)
me gustan los/las
I like the (mpl/fpl)
mi hogar
my home
mi dormitorio
my bedroom
me chifla mi dormitorio
I love my bedroom
puesto que /dado que
because / given that
encuentro que
I find that
sé que
I know that
mi madre dice que
my mother says that
es luminoso/a
it’s light
la cocina es luminosa
the kitchen is light
el garaje
the garage
el garaje es muy útil
The garage is very useful
tenemos un baño
We have a bathroom
aunque es muy pequeño/a
although it is very small
es muy oscurro/a
It is very dark
es muy des/agradable
it’s very un/pleasant
me gustaría vivir en el campo
I’d like to live in the countryside
a menudo
a veces
cuando hace sol
When it’s sunny
cuando llueve
when it rains
la semana pasada
the week last
el domingo pasado
the Sunday last
el año pasado
the year last
la semana que viene
the week that’s coming
cómo es tu pueblo o ciudad?
What is your town or city like?
qué te gusta de tu pueblo o ciudad?
What do you like about your town or city?
me encanta mi pueblo
I love my town
lo mejor es que hay
the best thing is that there is
lo peor es que no hay
the worst thing is that there is not
lots of
so much
too much
hay muchas playas
There are many beaches
hay un polideportivo
There is a sports center
hay una pista de hielo
there is a rink of ice (icerink)
no hay un centro comercial
there is no shopping center
hay muchas tiendas
There are lots of shops
hay muchas instalaciones
There are many facilities
hay mucha basura en la playa
There’s a lot of rubbish on the beach
hay un puerto maritimo
There’s a port
hay arena dorada
there is sand golden
hay un lago con muchos patos
There is a lake with many ducks
hay una iglesia
There is a church
donde puedes ir de compras
where you can go shopping
donde puedes ver fuegos artificiales
where you can see fireworks
donde puedes ir de paseo
where you can go for a walk
donde puedes hacer una excursión en barco
where you can ‘do a trip in boat’
donde puedes hacer vela
where you can do sailing
donde puedes hacer deportes acuáticos
where you can do water sports
cómo es el clima?
What’s the climate like?
el clima es caluroso
The climate is hot
el clima es soleado
the climate is sunny
en verano
in summer
en verano hace mucho sol
in summer ‘it does’ lots of sun
en primavera
in spring
en primavera hay chubascos
in spring there are showers
en invierno
in winter
en invierno hace mucho frio
in winter ‘it does’ lots of cold
en invierno llueve
In winter it rains
a veces hace mucho viento
sometimes ‘it does’ lots of wind
cuando llueve, voy al cine
When it rains, I go to the cinema
verb stem + ASTE
Past tense quesions rule: How do you ask ‘Did you?’ for AR verbs in the past (preterite) tense?
verb stem + ISTE
Past tense questions rule: How do you ask ‘Did you?’ for ER/IR verbs in the past (preterite) tense?
verb stem + É
Past tense verb rule: What is the ‘I…’ verb ending for AR verbs in the past (preterite) tense?
verb stem + í
Past tense verb rule: What is the ‘I…’ verb ending for ER/IR verbs in the past (preterite) tense?
qué hiciste recientemente?
What did you do recently?
hice vela en el puerto
I did sailing in the harbour
hice deportes acuáticos por la playa
I did water sports on the beach
hice patinaje
I did skating
hice una excursión en barco
I did a boat trip
adónde fuiste?
Where did you go?
fui al museo de historia
I went to the museum of history
fui a la playa
I went to the beach
fui de paso por el lago
I did a walk around the lake
qué viste?
what did you see?
vi los fuegos artificiales
I saw the fireworks
vi paisajes impresionantes
I saw landscpaes -awesome
vi delfines y peces
I saw dolphins and fish
por la mañana / tarde / noche
In the morning / evening / night
después de cenar
after dinner
lo pasé genial
“I passed it great” (I had a great time)
verb stem + AMOS / IMOS
Past tense verb rule: What is the ‘We..’ verb ending for AR & ER/IR verbs in the past (preterite) tense?
por eso fue inolvidable
Therefore it was unforgettable
pero habría preferido + infinitive
but I would have preferred + infinitive
pero habría preferido ir de compras
but I would have preferred to go shopping
verb stem + as / es
Present tense questions rule: How do you ask ‘Do you?’ for AR and ER/IR verbs in the present tense?
voy a + infinitive (ends AR/ER/IR)
Future tense grammar rule: How do you form the near future tense ‘I’m going to’?
la semana que viene
the week that’s coming
qué vas a hacer la semana que viene?
What are you going to do the week that’s coming?
voy a + infinitive (ar/er/ir)
I’m going to + infinitive (AR / ER / IR)
voy a visitar el castillo
I’m going to visit the castle
qué te gustaría hacer?
what would you like to do?
me gustaría ir de compras en el centro comercial
I would like to go shopping at the mall
me gustaría ir de paseo por el lago
I’d like to go for a stroll around the lake
qué quieres hacer?
What do you want to do?
quiero comprar ropa en las tiendas
I want to buy clothing in shops
sé que será estupendo
I know it will be great
qué son las ventajas de la tecnología?
What are the advantages of technology?
puedes descargar películas
You can download movies
puedes compartir información
You can share information
cómo usaste la red recientemente?
How did you use the internet recently?
usé mi móvil para sacar fotos
I used my mobile in order to take photos
fui en línea
I went online
jugamos a los videojuegos
we play/ we played videogames
qué vas a hacer mañana en las redes sociales?
What are you going to do tomorrow on social networks?
mañana voy a transmitir canciones
Tomorrow I’m going to stream songs
qué son las desventajas de la tecnología?
What are the disadvantages of technology?
hay mucho ciberacoso
There’s lots of online bullying
puede ser peligrosa
It can be dangerous
mi madre dice que es muy antisocial
my mum says that is it very antisocial
qué prefieres hacer en tu tiempo libre?
What do you prefer to do in your free time?
prefiero leer revistas
I prefer to read magazines
me apasiona grabar música
I am passionate about recording music
qué hiciste ayer en tu tiempo libre?
What did you do yesterday in your free time?
ayer hice patinaje
Yesterday I did skating
que vas a hacer mañana en tu tiempo libre?
What are you going to do tomorrow in your free time?
mañana voy a salir con mis amigos
Tomorrow I’m going out with my friends
a cuál festival hispánica te gustaría ir?
“To which festival -hispanic- would you like to go?”
me gustaría ir a san fermines
I would like to go to San Fermines
ya que quiero ver las corridas
since I want to see the bullfights
aunque mi madre dice que sería muy peligroso
although my mum says that it would be very dangerous
cómo celebraste Navidad?
How did you celebrate Christmas?
hay un hombre
there’s a man
hay una mujer
There’s a woman
hay dos mujeres
there are two women
hay dos niños
There are two kids
hay gente
there are people
hay una calle
There is a street
hay un parque
there is a park
hay mesas / una mesa
There are tables / a table
hay ventanas / una ventana
There are windows / a window
hay árboles / un árbol
There are trees / a tree
hay plantas / una planta
There are plants / one plant
hay bebidas
There are drinks
cómo es tu casa?
What is your house like?
vivo en un piso
I live in a flat
that/ which / who
que está en las afueras de la ciudad
which is (located) in the outskirts of the city
me mola mi casa
I love my house
dado que / puesto que
given that / because
visto que
seeing that
tenemos una cocina pequeña
We have a small kitchen
hay un jardín con árboles
There is a garden with trees
pienso que es muy espaciosa
I think it’s very spacious
está cerca /lejos del mar
It is near / away from the sea
me gustaría vivir en el campo
I’d like to live in the countryside
qué es una ventaja de vivir en tu ciudad?
What is an advantage of living in your city?
lo bueno es que hay muchas playas
The good thing is that there are many beaches
donde puedes hacer vela
where you can do sailing
donde puedes hacer deportes acuáticos
where you can do water sports
y en verano hace mucho sol
and in the summer “it does” a lot of sun
lo malo es que
The bad thing is
lo malo es que hay mucha basura por la playa
the bad thing is that there is a lot of trash on the beach
para proteger el medio ambiente suelo recoger basura por la playa
To protect the environment I usually pick up trash on the beach
qué hiciste recientemente en tu ciudad o pueblo?
What did you do recently in your city?
la semana pasada fui al castillo
Last week I went to the castle
lo pasé genial ya que
“and I passed it great since” (and I had a good time since)
compramos helados y aprendimos sobre la historia
We bought ice cream and learned about the story
por eso fue flipante
therefore it was awesome
cuál es tu asignatura preferida?
What is your favorite subject?
prefiero el español
I prefer Spanish
dado que / puesto que
given that / because
la materia me inspira
the subject inspires me
el profesor de inglés es muy simpático
The English teacher is very friendly
mi profesora de ciencias es muy severa
my science teacher is very severe
aunque siempre aprendo mucho
Although I always learn a lot
y por eso saco buenas notas
And that’s why I take good grades
me gustan los idiomas ya que son muy útiles
I like “the” languages since they are very useful
mi profesor de educación física me hace reír
My Physical Education teacher makes me laugh
cuando era pequeño/a me gustaba la historia
When I was little, I used to like History
pero ahora ya no
but not anymore
hay hombres / un hombre
There are men / a man
hay mujeres / una mujer
There are women / woman
hay niños / un niño / una niña
There are children / a child / a girl
hay gente
there are people
hay una calle
There is a street
hay mesas / una mesa
There are tables / a table
hay ventanas / una ventana
There are windows / a window
hay árboles / un árbol
There are trees / a tree
hay bebidas
There are drinks
hay comida
there is food
hay muchas instalaciones
There are many facilities
hay espacio verde
There is green space
hay un teatro
There is a theatre
hay una biblioteca
there is a library
hay un gimnasio
There is a gym
hay mucho ciberacoso
There is a lot of online bullying
hay demasiados deberes
There is too much homework
el uniforme es muy feo
The uniform is very ugly
tenemos que llevar una corbata
We have to wear a tie
pienso que el uniforme es muy incómodo
I think the uniform is very uncomfortable
cómo van los estudios?
How are your studies going?
saco buenas / malas notas en mi clase de…
I get good/bad grades in my class of…
ayer hice una excursión al campo con mi clase de geografía
Yesterday I did a trip to the countryside with my class of Geography
aprendimos mucho sobre el medio ambiente
We learned a lot about the environment
el año que viene voy a estudiar inglés
the year that’s coming I am going to study English
verb stem + O
Present tense verb rule: What is the ‘I…’ verb ending for AR/ER/IR verbs in the present tense?
verb stem + AS / ES
Present tense questions rule: How do you ask a ‘Do you?’ for AR and ER/IR verbs in the present tense?
tus / mis
your / my
verb stem + ASTE
Past tense quesions rule: How do you ask ‘Did you?’ for AR verbs in the past (preterite) tense?
verb stem + ISTE
Past tense questions rule: How do you ask ‘Did you?’ for ER/IR verbs in the past (preterite) tense?
verb stem + É
Past tense verb rule: What is the ‘I…’ verb ending for AR verbs in the past (preterite) tense?
verb stem + í
Past tense verb rule: What is the ‘I…’ verb ending for ER/IR verbs in the past (preterite) tense?
verb stem + AMOS / IMOS
Past tense verb rule: What is the ‘We..’ verb ending for AR and ER/IR verbs in the past (preterite) tense?
vas a + infinitive
Future tense question rule: How do you ask ‘Are you going to…?’
voy a + infinitive (ends AR/ER/IR)
Future tense grammar rule: How do you form the near future tense ‘I’m going to’?
quieres + infinitive?
Do you want?
quiero + infinitive
I want + infinitive.