Year 10 Spanish Vocab Aut 1&2 Flashcards
Present tense questions rule: How do you ask ‘Do you?’ for AR verbs in the present tense?
verb stem + AS? or verb stem + ES?
Present tense verb rule: What is the ‘I…’ verb ending for AR verbs in the present tense?
verb stem + O
Do you use?
I use my mobile
uso mi móvil
in order
I use my mobile in order to take photos
uso mi móvil para sacar fotos
Do you do?/You do?
I do
I do my HL
hago mis deberes
Do you prefer?
I prefer
I prefer to go out with friends
prefiero salir con amigos
Do you have?
I have
I have to help
tengo que ayudar
I have to help my dad
tengo que ayudar a mi padre
Do you see?
I see
I see films of horror
veo películas de horror
Are you?
I am a person
soy una persona
I am a person sporty
soy una persona deportista
Do you go?
I go
I go for a stroll
voy de paseo
given that
dado que / puesto que
seeing that
visto que
ya que
even if
aun si
my mum says that
mi madre dice que
s/he says that
dice que
I find that
encuentro que
to find that
encontrar que
I think that
pienso que
I know that
sé que
Past tense quesions rule: How do you ask ‘Did you?’ for AR verbs in the past (preterite) tense?
verb stem + ASTE
Past tense questions rule: How do you ask ‘Did you?’ for ER/IR verbs in the past (preterite) tense?
verb stem + ISTE
Past tense verb rule: What is the ‘I…’ verb ending for AR verbs in the past (preterite) tense?
verb stem + É
Past tense verb rule: What is the ‘I…’ verb ending for ER/IR verbs in the past (preterite) tense?
verb stem + í
You went?/ Did you go?
I went
I went on line
fui en línea
Did you do?
I did
I did my HL
hice mis deberes
Did you see?
I saw
I saw the news
vi el telediario
Did you have? Had you?
I had
I had a party
tuve una fiesta
Did you use?
I used
I used the internet in order to
usé la red para
I used the internet in order to send texts
usé la red para mandar SMS
Did you lose?
I lost
I lost my mobile
perdí mi móvil
Did you play?
I played videogames
jugué a los videojuegos
Do you like?
te gusta?
por qué?
I’m passionate about
me apasiona
I love
me chilfa / me mola
it is
it is very useful
es muy útil
they are
they are very expensive
son muy caros
I like them
me gustan
I like (the) comedies
me gustan las comedias
it makes me happy
me hace felíz
you can share music
puedes compartir música
How was it for you?
cómo te fue?
Did you like it?
te gustó?
Past tense verb rule: What is the ‘I…’ verb ending for AR verbs in the past (preterite) tense?
verb stem + é
I enjoyed it
lo disfruté
I didn’t enjoy it
no lo disfruté
to spend time well/badly (have a good/bad time)
pasar bien/mal
I had a good time
lo pasé bien
I had a great time
lo pasé genial
I had an awful time
lo pasé fatal
I had a bad time
lo pasé mal
I hated it
lo odié
I liked it
y me gustó
por eso
therefore it was
por eso fue
it was
it was unforgettable
fue inolvidable
it was brilliant
fue estupendo
it was awesome
fue flipante
it was very dull
fue muy pesado
therefore it was very dull
por eso fue muy pesado
a waste of time
una pérdida de tiempo
a waste of money
una pérdida de dinero
a waste of time
fue una pérdida de tiempo
a waste of money
fue una pérdida de dinero
What are you going to….?
Qué vas a?
Are you going to?
vas a?
Future tense grammar rule: How do you form the near future tense ‘I’m going to’?
voy a + infinitive (ar/er/ir)
I am going to go to
voy a ir a
I am going to do
voy a hacer
We are going to + verb
vamos a + infinitive (ar/er/ir)
We are going to go to
vamos a ir a
Do you want?
I want + verb
quiero + infinitive (ar/er/ir)
I want to see
quiero ver
Would you like?
te gustaría?
I would like to be
me gustaría ser
How do you use the internet?
cómo usas la red?
I use my mobile in order to
uso mi móvil para
How did you use the internet yesterday?
cómo usaste la red ayer?
Yesterday I used the internet in order to
ayer usé la red para
in order to share songs
para compartir canciones
I use my computer
uso mi ordenador
yesterday I went on line
ayer fui en línea
the social media = ‘the nets social+es’
las redes sociales
Yesterday I used social media (the nets social+es)
ayer usé las redes sociales
the internet
la red
an advanatge is that you can
una ventaja es que puedes
you can download films
puedes descargar películas
an advantage is that you can
una ventaja es que puedes descargar películas
a disadvantage is that
una desventaja es que
There is online bullying
hay ciberacoso
a disadvantage is that there is online bullying
una desventaja es que hay ciberacoso
to record music
grabar música
it is very useful
es muy útil
it’s very dangerous
es muy peligroso
meet people.
conocer a personas
When I was little, I used to like
cuando era pequeño/a me gustaba
I see films of war
veo películas de guerra
I saw the news / I saw the news
vi el telediario / vi las noticias
I saw a soap
vi una telenovela
I saw the match of football
vi el partido de fútbol
to do
I do
Do you do?
s/he/it does
we do
they do
What do you like to do?
qué te gusta hacer?
I prefer to do swimming
prefiero hacer natación
I’m passionate about to do horse riding
me apasiona hacer equitación
I usually do skating
suelo hacer patinaje
When I was little, I used to like to do sport
cuando era pequeño/a me gustaba hacer deporte
In my city you can do sailing
en mi ciudad puedes hacer vela
What verb ending do you use to translate ‘Used to/’ for AR verbs?
verb stem + aba
What verb ending do you use to translate ‘Used to/’ for ER/IR verbs?
verb stem + ía
I used to like
me gustaba
When I was little, I used to like to play sport
cuando era pequeño/a me gustaba hacer deporte
I used to do /was doing
We used to do / were doing
They used to do/ were doing
I used to play / was playing
We used to play /were playing
They used to play / were playing
before I used to play sports
antes solía hacer deporte
but not anymore
pero ya no
For which specific verb forms/people and tense do the vowels change with stem-changing verbs?
I,you, s/he, they -present tense only (not ‘we’)
For which verb forms and tenses does the verb stem not change?
infinitive/ we form present tense/ all verb forms in all other tenses
For which specific verb forms and tenses does U turn to UE with the stem-changing verb jugar?
I, you, s/he, they -present tense only the verb stem changes from JUG to JUEG
For which verb forms does the U in the JUGAR verb not change to UE?
jugar and jugamos in present tense and it also remains JUG for all other tenses
When do you play football?
cuándo juegas al fútbol?
I play basketball
juego al balonesto
We play football
jugamos al fútbol
Prefer to play basketball
prefiero jugar al baloncesto
I usually play basketball
suelo jugar al baloncesto
What do we call the verbs that have a vowel change?
stem changing verbs
What sound is the UE in Spanish? e.g jUEgo
What sound is the solo U in Spanish? e.g. jUgar
in order to
To share songs
para compartir canciones
What do you usually do?
qué sueles hacer?
I usually
I usually go out with my friends
suelo salir con mis amigos
What do you prefer to do?
qué prefieres hacer
I prefer to download movies
prefiero descargar películas
What did you used to do before?
qué hacías antes?
before, I used to do horse riding
antes, hacía equitación
what do you like?
qué te gusta?
I’m passionate about
me apasiona
You can stream films
puedes transmitir películas
Past tense quesions rule: How do you ask ‘Did you?’ for AR verbs in the past (preterite) tense?
verb stem + ASTE
Past tense questions rule: How do you ask ‘Did you?’ for ER/IR verbs in the past (preterite) tense?
verb stem + ISTE
Past tense verb rule: What is the ‘I…’ verb ending for AR verbs in the past (preterite) tense?
verb stem + É
Past tense verb rule: What is the ‘I…’ verb ending for ER/IR verbs in the past (preterite) tense?
verb stem + í
How did you celebrate your last birthday?
cómo celebraste tu último cumpleaños?
in order to
to celebrate my last birthday
para celebrar mi último cumpleños
Where did you go?
adónde fuiste?
I went to the beach
fui a la playa
what did you do?
qué hiciste?
I did swimming
hice natación
What did you do the last time you had a party?
que hiciste la última vez que tuviste una fiesta?
I had a party with all my friends
tuve una fiesta con todos mis amigos
what did you see?
qué viste?
I saw a comedy in the cinema
vi una comedia en el cine
I had a great time
lo pasé genial
Past tense verb rule: What is the ‘We…’ verb ending for AR verbs in the past (preterite) tense?
verb stem + AMOS
Past tense verb rule: What is the ‘We…’ verb ending for ER/IR verbs in the past (preterite) tense?
verb stem + IMOS
We bought ice cream
compramos helados
We played videogames
jugamos a los videojuegos
we won the match
ganamos el partido
We ate sweets
comimos caramelos
we lost the game
perdimos el partido
We streamed songs
transmitimos canciones
Therefore it was unforgettable
por eso fue inolvidable
What do you do in your free time?
qué haces en tu tiempo libre?
I prefer to go out with friends
prefiero salir con amigos
I tend to read magazines
suelo leer revistas
I tend to download films
suelo descargar películas
I love the comedies
me encantan las comedias
I do not likethe adverts
no me gustan los anuncios
Since they are exciting
ya que son emocionantes
given that x2
puesto que /dado que
since they make me laugh
ya que me hacen reír
since I find that they are funny
ya que encuentro que son graciosos
since ‘they give me fear’ / they scare me
ya que me dan miedo
what I like the most is
lo que más me gusta es
Present tense questions rule: How do you ask ‘Do you?’ for AR or ER/IR verbs in the present tense?
verb stem + as / es
How are you going to celebrate?
cómo vas a celebrar?
Future tense grammar rule: How do you form the near future tense ‘I’m going to’?
voy a + infinitive (ends AR/ER/IR)
I’m going to
voy a
I’m going to go to the Tomatina
voy a ir a la Tomatina
I’m going to celebrate
voy a festejar
We go to + infinitive (AR / ER / IR)
vamos a + infinitive (ar/er/ir)
We’re going to see the fireworks
vamos a ver los fuegos artificiales
What do you want to do?
qué quieres hacer?
I want + infinitive (AR / ER / IR)
quiero + infinitive (ar/er/ir)
I want to see the running of the bulls
quiero ver las corridas (de toros)
what would you like to do?
qué te gustaría hacer?
I would like to go to the San Fermines Festival
me gustaría ir al festival San Fermines
In order to celebrate Christmas
para celebrar Navidad
The year that’s coming
El año que viene
The year that’s coming, I’m going to
El año que viene voy a
The week that’s coming, I am going to celebrate
La semana que viene voy a celebrar
We’re going to go to the theme park
vamos a ir al parque de atracciones
We are going to eat roast
vamos a comer asado
We’re going to eat seafood
vamos a comer mariscos
I want to open my gifts
quiero abrir mis regalos
I’m going to give presents to my family
voy a dar regalos a mi familia
We’re going to see films
vamos a ver películas
It will be extremely exciting
será sumamente emocionante
It will be extremely cool
será extremadamente guay
Present tense questions rule: How do you ask ‘Do you?’ for AR or ER/IR verbs in the present tense?
verb stem + AS? or verb stem + ES?
Present tense verb rule: What is the ‘I…’ verb ending for AR verbs in the present tense?
where do you live?
dónde vives?
I live in a detached house
vivo en una casa individual
“I live there + since 2 years”
vivo allí desde hace 2 años
“I live there + since always”
vivo allí desde hace siempre
I’d like to live in the countryside
me gustaría vivir en el campo
my house is (located) in the outskirts of the city
mi casa está en las afueras de la ciudad
My house has two bedrooms
mi casa tiene dos dormitorios
The street where I live is near the park
la calle donde vivo está cerca del parque
the street where I live is (located) far from the beach
la calle donde vivo está lejos de la playa
I live in a lively neighbourhood
vivo en un barrio animado