Yama/Niyama Flashcards
Yama 1 - Ahimsa
Noninjury. Do not harm others by thought, word or deed
Yama 2 - Satya
Truthfulness. Refrain from lying and betraying promises
Yama 3 - Asteya
Non Stealing. Neither steal nor covet nor enter into debt
Yama 4 - Brahmachariya
Sexual Purity. Control lust by remaining celibate when single and faithful in marriage.
Yama 5 - Kshama
Patience. Restrain intolerance with people and impatience with circumstances.
Yama 6 - Dhriti
Steadfastness. Overcome non-perseverance, fear, indecision and changeableness
Yama 7 - Daya
Compassion. Conquer callous, cruel and insensitive feelings toward all beings
Yama 8 - Arjava
Honesty. Renounce deception and wrong doing
Yama 9 - Mitāhāra
Moderate appetite. Neither eat too much nor consume meat, fish, fowl, or eggs
Yama 10 - Saucha
Purity. Avoid impurity in body, mind, and speech
Niyama 1 - Santosha
Contentment. Seek joy and serenity in life.
Niyama 2 - Tapaha
Austerity. Perform Sadhana, penance, tapas and sacrifice
Niyama 3 - Dana
Charity. Tithe and give creatively without thought of reward.
Niyama 4 - Āstikya
Faith. Believe firmly in God, Gods, guru and the path to enlightenment.
Niyama 5 - Isvarapujana
Worship. Cultivate devotion through daily worship and meditation.
Niyama 6 - Mati
Cognition. Develop a spiritual will and intellect with guru’s guidance.
Niyama 7 - Siddhantasravana
Scriptural Study. Study the teaching and listen to the wise of your lineage.
Niyama 8 - Hri
Remorse. Be modest and show shame for misdeeds.
Niyama 9 - Vrata
Sacred vows. Fulfill religious vows, rules and observances faithfully.
Niyama 10 - Japa
Recitation. Chant holy mantrams daily.