10 Manifestations Of God Flashcards
What is the Primal Manifestation of God?
- Vibration
John 1:1
“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God”
- Vibration
What is the “Word” referenced in John 1:1?
The Word is creative Vibration, the first active expression of the Unmanifested Infinite. It is God in the Creative aspect of His nature.
- Vibration
What came from the Original Cosmic Vibration?
Everything we behold in creation
- Vibration
What does the outgoing aspect of Vibration do?
Structures and sustains all created forms, and draws man’s consciousness outward to material things.
- Vibration
What does the inflowing aspect of Vibration accomplish?
It has a divine magnetism that draws our consciousness and ultimately all creation back to God.
- Vibration
What do you attune yourself too in meditation?
Inwardly flowing Vibration
- Vibration
What are the two manifested qualities of Vibration and what do they do?
Sound and Light and they reveal God’s inherent presence
- Sound
- Light
What is the primal Sound?
Aum, Amen, the voice of God, the original of all sounds, all languages
- Sound
What happens when you commune with Aum?
You commune with God
Jesus referred to Aum as what?
The Comforter — John 14:26
- Sound
What is light?
The substance of all Creation
Genesis 1:3
God said, Let there be light: and there was light
- Light
What are the material expressions of light?
Electrons, protons, atoms, and elements of matter
- Light
What is Lights finer expressions?
Lifetrons of the subtle astral world and the thoughtrons of the causal world
- Light
What is Cosmic Intelligence? (4th manifestation)
It is God’s manifestation as the unchanging eternal principle that in orderly fashion creates, upholds, and dissolves countless universes and all animate and inanimate forms therein. It is the immutable cosmic law (dharma, truth) that operates without the knowledge, consent, or cooperation of humanity
- Intelligence\
What results in suffering?
Going against cosmic law and employing free will to misuse the spark of divine intelligence God and given
- Intelligence
What is Wisdom? (5th Manifestation of God)
Manifested Intelligence is Wisdom. It is directly knowing what is truth through the intuitive conviction of the soul.
- Wisdom
What does wisdom help you to do?
It guides your reason and discrimination it the right course of action in all things.
- Wisdom
What happens when you feel God as Devotion? (6th manifestation of God)
Experience a relationship in which there is an element of separateness: you worship Him with profound reverence and longing, and in time feel the loving response of God. You enjoy the bliss of being both a giver and receiver in divine communion.
- Devotion
What happens when God manifests as Love? (7th manifestation of God)
When God manifests as Love there is a blissful merging of the soul and Spirit: the devotee and God become One.
- Love
What is Love?
The divine force of attraction in creation that is ever pulling everything toward unity and harmony in God.
- Love
What happens when the Love of God becomes you?
This Love embraces everyone and everything; you feel that all mankind is yours, everyone is a part of your own family. A friend to and an enemy of none, because you see God in everyone.
What is peace? (8th Manifestation of God)
It is the absence of restlessness, sorrow, worry, or any kind irritation.
What is noteworthy about God’s manifestation of Peace?
It is the devotee’s first proof of God’s presence and divine response. You know that God is with you.
What is the state deeper than Peace? (9th manifestation of God)
Compare Calmness to Peace
Peace is a lake wherein all ripples of disturbance have subsided. Calmness is that still lake when the moon and stars become perfectly reflected therein.
- Calmness
What is the eternal nature of God?
Ever-existing, ever-conscious, ever-new Bliss. The wellspring of all happiness — Joy Unending
- Bliss