Y9 - T3: Space And Beyond Flashcards
What is the theory of how the universe started?
The Big Bang Theory
How long has the Universe been around for?
13.8 Billion Years
What is Radiation?
This is the particles or waves emitted by radioactive substances. Quite often, this comes from the nucleus of a radioactive atom.
How does radiation occur?
This happens in radioactive atoms when the nucleus is unstable. To form a more stable atom it emits particles or waves.
What are the three types of radioactive decay?
Alpha, Beta and Gamma
What is the Radioactive source?
This is the number of unstable nuclei that decay every second.
What is the Count Rate?
This is the number of decays recorded each second by a detector.
What is the Half - Life of a Radioactive Element?
This is the time it takes for half the atoms in a sample to decay.
What are satellites used for?
GPS, Discovering more about the Universe, Taking Pictures, Transmitting information, Satellite TV and the Weather.
What are some risks of the space programme?
- Equipment can be damaged and people could get injured which could mean the mission would be delayed or cause deaths.
- The rocket could explode on take-off which could kill many people.
- If the heat shield is damaged it means you could be exposed to heat due to friction when going through the atmosphere.
- When the capsule comes back in to the atmosphere the parachutes could have a hole in them or not activate.
What are some benefits of the Space Programme?
- The shock-absorbing material used in sports shoes were developed for spacesuits.
- Water filters use technology designed to recycle astronauts’ urine.
- Baby-milk formulas are based on rich protein drinks developed for astronauts.
What ideas were developed in the universe by what cultures?
- In India people thought that the Earth was supported by 12 pillars.
- There was an idea that the Earth was supported on the back of a turtle.
- People in Thailand thought the solar eclipse happened when a God called Rahu swallowed the Sun.
Why couldn’t atoms be formed immediately after the Big Bang?
This was because the universe was to hot and dense for atoms to form.
What is a piece of evidence to support the Big Bang Theory?
Galaxies are still moving apart and those moving further away are moving more quickly.
What is meant by the Big Bang?
This is how astronomers explain the way the universe began.
What observation couldn’t be explained by the Geocentric Model?
Retrograde Motion - This is the idea that the planets looked like they were going backwards.
How do you get a Satellite into space?
They first attatch the satellite to a rocket, the rocket pushes waste gases out of the bottom of it. There are forces of the rocket on the gases and force between the gases on the rocket. There are also forces between the rocket and the Earth. When the force of the air on the rockey is bigger than the force of the Earth on the rocket, it will take off.
How do you get a satellite into orbit?
To get into orbit the engineers have to launch it to the right height and fire it at the right speed. The force of gravity would keep it in orbit.
How old is our Solar System?
4.5 Billion Years Old.
What are some risks of using radioactive materials?
- Radiation can cause many diseases including cancer which is a disease daused by cells of the body growing out of control.
- High doses of radiation can cause Acute Radiation Syndrom (ARS) or Cutaneous Radiation Injuries (CRI).
What are some uses of Radiation?
- Radiation kills diseased cells faster than killing healthy cells so could be used to treat tumors.
- Take pictures of the body also known as an X-Ray
What conditions are needed for their to be life on Earth to exist?
- How many stats have solar systems.
- Whether any planets have the right temperature.
- Whether life has developed on any of these planets.
How do astronomers search for life on other planets?
Astronomers use telescopes and satellites.
What are some qualities of Geostationary Orbit?
- Stay above the same point on Earth
- Speed of Orbit matches Earth’s rotation (24 Hours)
- Used for Communication, Satellite TV, Weather, Intelligence
What are some qualities of Polar Orbit?
- Lower Orbit around the Earth passing over the North and South poles
- Earth rotates underneath them as they orbit
- Used for large scale mapping and global weather monitoring