Y9 Summer Work Flashcards
Make flash cards of the key terms of each topic and learn the definitions
movement of a bone/limb away from the midline of the body
movement of a bone/limb towards the midline of the body
aerobic exercise
working at a low/moderate intensity so that the body has time to use oxygen for energy production and can work for a long period of time
small air sacs in the lungs where gaseous exchange takes place
anaerobic exercise
working for short periods of time at a high intensity without oxygen for energy production
the muscle/group of muscles that relax to allow a movement to take place it works in an antagonistic pair with agonist
articulating bones
bones that meet at a joint to create movement
the flowing backwards of blood. Valves in the veins prevent this
blood pressure
the pressure that the blood is under. The systolic reading measures the pressure the blood is under when the heart contracts. The diastolic reading measures the pressure the blood is under when the heart relaxes
network of microscopic blood vessels. They are only one cell thick making it easy for diffusion to occur
cardiac cycle
one cycle of diastole and systole
cardiac output (Q)
the volume of blood ejected from the heart in one minute. Cardiac output (Q) = stroke volume (SV) x heart rate (HR)
cardio respiratory system
the name used to describe the respiratory system and the cardiovascular system working together
deoxygenated blood
blood containing low concentration of oxygen
the phase of the heartbeat when the chambers of the heart relax and fill with blood
diffusion pathway
the distance travelled during diffusion. The diffusion pathway is short in gaseous exchange
Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness, the pain you feel in your muscles the day after you exercise
movement at the ankle joint that flexes the foot upwards and decreases the angle at the ankle joint
Excess Post-exercise Oxygen Consumption (EPOC)
the amount of oxygen needed to recover after exercise. It is characterised by an increased breathing rate and deeper breathing after exercise
the process of breathing out. AKA expiration
the process of breathing out. AKA exhalation
expiratory reserve volume
the amount of air that can be forced out after tidal volume (a normal expiration). Expiration reserve volume decreases during exercise
increases the angle of bones at a joint
physical fatigue is a feeling of extreme/severe tiredness due to a build up of lactic acid in the muscles or working for a long period of time
decrease in the angle of bones at a joint
gaseous exchange
the process where oxygen from the air in the alveoli moves into the blood in the capillaries while carbon dioxide moves from the blood in the capillaries into the air in the alveoli
the protein found in the red blood cell that transports oxygen (as oxyhaemoglobin) and carbon dioxide around the body
heart rate
the number of times your heart beats in one minute. One heartbeat is one contraction and relaxation of the heart. Heart rate is measured in beats per minute (BPM)
the enlargement of an organ or tissue caused by an increase in the size of its cells. When a muscle is trained small tears are created. As they heal they become ticker and increase in size
the process of breathing in. AKA inspiration
the process of breathing in. AKA inhalation
inspiratory reserve volume
the amount of ait that can be forced in after tidal volume (after a normal inspiration). Inspiratory reserve volume decreases during exercise
the amount of energy needed to complete an activity. working at a high intensity requires a large amount of energy. Working at a low intensity requires less energy
isometric contraction
a muscle contraction where the length of the muscle doesn’t change when contracted. there is no limb movement as a result
isotonic contraction
a muscle contraction where the muscle changes length when it contracts resulting in limb movement. Can be concentric (when the muscle contracts and shortens) or eccentric (when the muscle contracts and lengthens)
lactic acid
a mild poison and waste product of anaerobic respiration
musculoskeletal system
the name used to describe the muscular system and the skeletal system working together
oxygenated blood
blood containing a high concentration of oxygen
a chemical formed when haemoglobin bonds to oxygen
plantar flexion
movement at the ankle joint that points the toes and increases the angle at the ankle joint
prime mover (agonist)
the muscle/group of muscles that contract to create movement. The prime mover works in an antagonistic pair with the antagonist
the rhythmic throbbing that you can feel as your arteries pump blood around the body. You can measure your heart rate using your pulse
residual volume
the amount of air that remains in the lungs after maximal expiration. There is no change in the residual volume during exercise
a circular movement around a joint or in other words a movement around an axis
stroke volume (SV)
the volume of blood pumped out of the heart by each ventricle during one contraction
synovial joint
an area of the body where two or more articulating bones meet
the phase of a heartbeat when the chambers of the heart contract and empty the blood; when blood is ejected from the heart
connective tissue that attaches muscle to bone. Its role is to transfer the effort created by a contracting muscle to the bone resulting in the movement of that bone
tidal volume
the normal amount of air inhaled or exhaled per breath. Tidal volume increases with exercise
the narrowing of the internal diameter of a blood vessel to decrease blood flow. The arteries constrict during exercise so that less blood is delivered to inactive areas
the widening of the internal diameter of a blood vessel to increase blood flow. During exercise the arteries dilate so more blood is delivered to active areas, increasing their oxygen supply
vital capacity
the largest volume of air that can be forcibly expired after the deepest possible inspiration