Y8 EOYE culture & context Flashcards
Why did the Romans sacrifice?
- offerings were made in exchange for favour or good fortune
- a type of offering was a sacrifice, which could be either big or small.
What did the romans sacrifice?
- grains, cakes or vegetables, but the pay believed that the gods loved animal sacrifices
- only the best animals could be sacrificed
How was an animal sacrificed?
- everyone had to be clean and the animal was washed and sometimes even decorated with wool and ribbon
- the animal and people attending sacrifice would walk in a procession to the altar where the sacrifice took place
- the person sacrificing animal would wash their hands, and offer a prayer saying which god(ess) was being honoured and what was asked for in return
- wine/grain would be poured over the head and animal would be sacrificed and gutted
- entrails were inspected. Good entrails = success, bad entrails = displeasing to gods, must be repeated
- if the animal was good and was a pig/sheep, it was divided up and eaten
- thigh bones wrapped in fat was the part that the gods liked the most and was burned over a fire
What did romans write curses on?
Romans specifically asked gods to punish another person. One was writing on curse tablets called defixiones
What were the curse tablets made of?
Lead, clay, wood or papyrus
What types of things were written on curse tablets?
The curse was inscribe and addressed to a god, asking that someone be punished. Sometimes they included weird symbols on them, but this may have added meaning.
Where did people put curse tablets?
- rolled up + thrown into water
- buried in the ground
- placed somewhere significant like a tomb
Why did the romans have festivals?
- to have fun
- to worship their gods
What types of things happened during festivals?
- some Roman holidays were public events that lasted for several days and had events such as gladiator shows + chariot races and huge feasts
- some religious ceremonies were small + private
- all law courts + schools were closed during this time
What did saturnalia celebrate?
- in honour of Saturn
- celebrates return of light after the winter solstice
How long did saturnalia last for?
- Several days
- law courts + schools and businesses were closed
What were the main events of Saturnalia?
- young pig was sacrificed in temple of Saturn
- public banquet which everyone went to
- statue of Saturn was sat a banquet, and his woollen chains (representing chains + restraint) were removed to show that he could have some fun, too
- people would celebrate at home after feast
Practical jokes would be played + gifts were given to children
When was Lupercalia?
Held annually in Rome on 15th feb
Who did Lupercalia honour?
- Lupercus: Roman god of fertility
- Romulus: founder of Rome
What happened during Lupercalia?
- a dog and goats are sacrificed in luper cave, were the she-wolf cared for Romulus and Remus as babies
- 2 youths were smeared w sacrificial blood + given thin bloody strips of animal skin
- youths would run round streets and whip women with the februums
- being whipped by a februum was believed to aid fertility