XXI - Musculoskeletal System Flashcards
This is a group of hereditary disorders caused by defective synthesis of type I collagen. Classic finding of a “blue sclerae” is seen in one type of this disorder. SEE SLIDE 21.1.

Osteogenesis Imperfecta, or brittle bone disease (TOPNOTCH)Robbins Basic Pathology,8th ed., p802
Characterized by , disproportionate shortening of the proximal extremities, bowing of the legs, and a lordotic (sway-backed) posture. SEE SLIDE 21.2.

Achrondroplasia (TOPNOTCH)Robbins Basic Pathology,8th ed., p802
A group of rare genetic disorders characterized by reduced osteoclast-mediated bone resorption and therefore defective bone remodelling. Literally means “stone bone”.
Osteopetrosis(TOPNOTCH)Robbins Basic Pathology,8th ed., p802
The hallmark of this disease is loss of bone cortices are thinned and trabeculae are reduced in thickness. Osteoclastic activity is present but not dramatically increased. Mineral content of the bone tissue is normal.
Osteoporosis (TOPNOTCH)Robbins Basic Pathology,8th ed., p804
Characterized by repetitive episodes of frenzied, regional osteoclastic activity and bone resorption, followed by exuberant bone formation, and finally by an apparent exhaustion of cellular activity. Pathognomonic feature is a “mosaic pattern” of lamellar bone. SEE SLIDE 21.3.

Paget Disease (Osteitis Deformans) (TOPNOTCH)Robbins Basic Pathology,8th ed., p806
The hallmark of this disease is increased osteoclastic activity, with bone resorption. This leads to characteristic radiographic changes best seen along the radial aspect of the middle phalanges of the second and third fingers. SEE SLIDE 21.4.

Hyperparathyroidism (TOPNOTCH)Robbins Basic Pathology,8th ed., p808
Characterized by dead bone with empty lacunae is interspersed with areas of fat necrosis and insoluble calcium soaps. The cortex is usually not affected because of collateral blood supply. SEE SLIDE 21.5.

Osteonecrosis (avascular necrosis)(TOPNOTCH)Robbins Basic Pathology,8th ed., p809
Inflammation of the bone and marrow cavity.
Osteomyelitis(TOPNOTCH)Robbins Basic Pathology,8th ed., p809
What do you call the dead entrapped bone seen in infected sites of bones affected with osteomyelitis?
Sequestrum(TOPNOTCH)Robbins Basic Pathology,8th ed., p809
What do you call the shell of living tissue around a segment of devitalized bone?
Involucrum (TOPNOTCH)Robbins Basic Pathology,8th ed., p809
Benign bone tumor characterized as exophytic growths attached to bone surface of the face and skull, which may histologically resemble normal bone.
Osteoma(TOPNOTCH)Robbins Basic Pathology,8th ed., p811
Benign bone tumor that are cortical tumors, histologically described as interlacing trabeculae of woven bone. Characteristic symptom is pain. Common locations include the metaphyses of the femur and tibia. SEE SLIDE 21.6.

Osteoid osteoma(TOPNOTCH)Robbins Basic Pathology,8th ed., p811
These bone-forming lesions arise in vertebral transverse and spinous processes of the VERTEBRAL COLUMN, which may be histologically similar to osteoid osteoma.
Osteoblastoma(TOPNOTCH)Robbins Basic Pathology,8th ed., p811
A bone-producing malignant mesenchymal tumor, characterized as gritty, gray-white tumors, often exhibiting hemorrhage and cystic degeneration. The production of mineralized or unmineralized bone (osteoid) by malignant cells is essential for diagnosis. SEE SLIDE 21.7

Osteosarcomas(TOPNOTCH)Robbins Basic Pathology,8th ed., p811
These are relatively common benign hyaline cartilage-capped outgrowths attached by a bony stalk to the underlying skeleton.
Osteochondromas (TOPNOTCH)Robbins Basic Pathology,8th ed., p814
These are benign tumors of hyaline cartilage, described as gray-blue, translucent well-circumscribed nodules. May be seen in metaphyseal regions of tubular bones of the hands and feet. On x-ray, the unmineralized nodules of cartilage produce well-circumscribed oval lucencies surrounded by thin rims of radiodense bone (O-ring sign). SEE SLIDE 21.8.

Enchondromas (TOPNOTCH)Robbins Basic Pathology,8th ed., p814
Chondromas seen on the bone surface.
Juxtacortical chondromas(TOPNOTCH)Robbins Basic Pathology,8th ed., p814
These lesions arise within the medullary cavity of the bone to form an expansile glistening mass that often erodes the cortex. They exhibit malignant hyaline and myxoid cartilage.
Conventional chondrosarcomas (TOPNOTCH)Robbins Basic Pathology,8th ed., p814
These tumors are characterized as viscous and gelatinous, with the matrix oozing from the cut surface. Spotty calcifications are typically present, with central necrosis creating cystic spaces.
Myxoid chondrosarcomas(TOPNOTCH)Robbins Basic Pathology,8th ed., p815
Presents as sharply demarcated radiolucencies surrounded by a thin zone of sclerosis. They are gray to yellow-brown, and microscopically are cellular lesions composed of cytologically benign fibroblasts and macrophages. The fibroblasts classically exhibit a “storiform (pinwheel) pattern”.
Fibrous Cortical Defect and Nonossifying Fibroma (TOPNOTCH)Robbins Basic Pathology,8th ed., p815
A benign tumor of the bone wherein all components of normal bone are present, but they fail to differentiate into mature structures. Curved trabeculae of woven bone mimick “Chinese characters” histologically. SEE SLIDE 21.9.

Fibrous Dysplasia (TOPNOTCH)Robbins Basic Pathology,8th ed., p816
Primary malignant small round-cell tumor of bone and soft tissue, characterized by Sheets of small round cells with scant, cleared cytoplasm, circled about a central fibrillary space or “Homer-Wright rosettes”. SEE SLIDE 21.10.

Ewing sarcoma (TOPNOTCH)Robbins Basic Pathology,8th ed., p817
A relatively uncommon benign tumor usually arising in individuals in their 20s to 40s. These are large and red-brown lesions with frequent cystic degeneration, composed of uniform oval mononuclear cells with frequent mitoses, with scattered osteoclast-type giant cells containing 100 or more nuclei. SEE SLIDE 21.11.

Giant-cell tumors (GCTs)/Osteoclastoma(TOPNOTCH)Robbins Basic Pathology, 9th ed., p.1204
These are the most common malignant tumor of bone.
Metastatic tumors (TOPNOTCH)Robbins Basic Pathology,8th ed., p818