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The Swing by Jean Honore Fragonard
Secret relationship with another man when married.
women roleplaying with hat, poking fun at lower class
kicking off shoe-loosing her virginity
wealth and power
pastel colors. whispy brushstrokes, dreamy and illustrative
natural setting
The Tete a Tete by William Hogarth
satire on rococo
Married couple, hungover
arranged marriage for power
home in shambles
guy has syphilis- is cheating
satire, social commentary on Rococo and how they never show the consequences of actions- like affairs
power leads to death
darker colors, illustrative
Self Portrait by Elisabeth Louise Vigee Le Brun
painting Portrait of Marie Antoinette
she works for french royalty
- a loyalist
has to leave France during french revolution
smile shows her optimism in hopes she can go back to france and work
whispy brush strokes
Portrait of Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz by Miguel Cabera
Spanish colonial
Nun reading in library
establishing her intellectual pursuits
dedication to faith on badge
portrays her as a feminist icon during the enlightenment, others to pursue their goals
she becomes a martyr
warmer colors, humanism- individual
A Philosopher Giving a Lecture on the Orrery by Joseph Wright of Derby
the array of people shows that anyone can learn in the enlightenment
enlightenment- want to base answers on fact
secular painting and genre panting
dramatic lighting, tenebrism
The Oath of the Horatii by Jacques Louis David
triplets who fought against the Luratti to decide the outcome of a war between their cities
Paris salon become famous during this time
exemplum virtutis- virtuous behavior highlighted in neoclassical art
classical themes, warm colors, mythological people
- classical Greek
The Death of Marat by Jacques Louis David
he is a rebel, he becomes a martyr after being stabbed by Charlotte Corday in bathtub, she believed killing him would end the reign of terror
he is content in dying for cause
very idealized, dramatic lighting
George Washington by Jean Antoine Houdon
power and authority
George looking forward to the future of America
commissioned by gov of Virginia, reaches out to Thomas Jefferson to find a sculptor in france
made to honor him and establish as first president
marble and contrapasto is Greco roman
Monticello In Virginia by Thomas Jefferson
home of tj
Greco roman influence- Doric columns, pediment, rotunda, oculus, clerestory windows, symentru, perfection, balance
new innovations- brick, wood and glass
Y no hair remedio by Francisco de Goya
romanticism- emotional dramatic and serious, political
blindfolded- psychological torture
shows sacrifices people are making for peace
Goya making these in secret, direct treason to his country
directly talking about nepolean wars between Spain and France
found after goya’s death
visual protest- social commentary and historical narrative
supposed to make you feel suffocated and awestruck
illustrative, black and white-dramatic
Saturn Devouring One of his Children by Francisco Goya
phrophecy of one of Saturn’s children would kill him, so he eats them all but forgets about Zeus who ends up killing him
crazed wide expression inhuman
dark subject matter
relates to a countries/kings need of power/willing to do anything for power- social commentary
became connected to his legacy
less details, dark colors bright red blood
Slave Ship by Joseph Mallord William Turner
ship is focal point
sea creatures/monsters in water waiting to eat slaves
1781- reference to Zong slave ship going from AFrica to Jamacia, where a big typhoon was coming in and in order to collect insurance money they throw slaves off- insurance fraud
social commentary and historical narrative
SUBLIME- evokes strong emotions
idealized- beautiful, exaggeration, not realistic, whispy forms, less details, dramatic
The Oxbow by Thomas Cole
lighting struck tree- broken
small guy actively painting tame side of view
shows untamed violence of nature- overgrown, dark, lightening strike and a tamed side- farmland houses civilization sunlight order
Cole leader of Hudson river school- artists actively painting landscapes, interested in new land
social commentary
symbol of manifest destiny- God given right for Americans to expand West
man vs nature
panorama view
The Valley of Mexico from the Hillside of Santa Isabel by Jose Maria Velasco
shows small local people- Indigenous with civilization- houses and railroads
2 volcanos in back based on Aztec gods
represents old civilization and new civilization, tradition is still alive (older is farther in background)
genre painting, landscape
Highlighting their culture
war of mexico- independence from Spain, painting=propaganda
blurry in background
La Grande Odalisque by Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres
cultural appropriation- wearing turban, arabesque on bed
prostitute- showing off her wealth
exotic beauty not attainable for everyone
- Paris interested in the exotic
break from tradition
for the elite
elongated body, twisted form, long arms and legs
mannerism influence
idealizes her beauty
cooler colors
Liberty Leading the People by Eugene Delacroix
personification of freedom to France - holding flag
nudity- beauty and free- Greco roman influence
freedom for everyone - all different ages and social classes here
social commentary -political
symmetry, the sublime, whispy brush strokes
effects of war, hope for freedom
Westminster Hall in London England by Charles Barry and Augustus Pugin
romanticism/neo Gothic
gothic revival
classical layout
centered arches, long windows, elongated forms, stained glass
central lobby-like agora - classic traditions of democracy
NO neoclassical bc it is associated with the revolution
for government, home to house of Parliament led by prime ministers
symmetry shows order
The Burghers of Calais by Auguste Rodin
dramatic, wrinkles and details in form, all in a grim mood
lots of expressions- serious and tense
council men- Hundred year war king demands Calais surrender keys of city and sacrifice 6 council men
historical narrative
heroic figures
Still Like in Studio by Louis Jacques Mande Dauguerre
candid photograph
oldest surviving daguerreotype- rare
objects to study from in studio like rams head, cut of nude women etc
industrial revolution- new ideas
photography not seen as a art form
very innovative
grainy , lots of highlights
Nadar raising photography to height of art by Honore Daumier
nadar=photographer promoting himself. he is willing to do anything for photograph
daumiers political cartoon on photography craze
Daumier=a printmaker, sells these prints and takes advantage of craze
social commentary
lithograph print-handdrawn, need greeese pencils and large stone
more detail
The Horse in Motion by Eadweard Muybridge
one of the first motion pictures/animations
due to a bet
takes high speed camera photographs and invents a projector to put images together
zoopraxiscope-projector of animals moving
albumen- eggwhites on sheet, coated with silver nitrate
The Steerage by Alfred Stieglitz
avant garde photography
photography to capture issues
sees scene of lower class and takes picture, different from what he knows- documentation
social commentary - American dream
sharper details- photographs have greatly improved
avant garde- photography more accepted as art
The Stone Breakers by Gustave Courbet
realism -social commentary
low status making gravel for roads
young and older man, experienced and inexperienced
Paris salon rejected
social commentary on low class
muted dark natural colors
rough brush strokes
, focus on people
scale sends message
Olympia by Edourad Manet
prostitute-not ashamed looking directly as viewer , not shy does not care about her clients
inspiration for impressionism
contemporary nude
illustrative, brushstrokes, blocky colors, cold and de saturated, dark and light shadows
The Saint Lazare Station by Claude Monet
impressionism- real scenes with no embellishment- focus on light and colors and forms, simple
real scene in contemporary life
Monet perfecting impressionism
captures similar things in different points of the day
quickly as possible
en plein air– painting outside what you see
daily life
illustrative and abstracted, lots of movement
The Coiffure by Mary Cassatt
coiffure-elaborate hairstyle for high class- title doesn’t match subject matter
part of her routine, viewers are intruding
influence from Japan, trade from ykiyo-e prints
lots of these prints sold to Middle class
daily life
cultural influence
simplistic and quick
thin outlines, flat planes of color, limited warm colors
The Starry Night by Vincent Van Gogh
post impressionism
Cyprus tree native to France
paining from window from asylum on a hill
has a psychotic break - cut off ear
swoopy forms-still in episode
not made in one night so partly from imagination
study of night
visible brushstrokes, illustrative, capturing moment, embellishment, impasto-thick applications of paint
Where do we come from? What are we? Where are we going? by Paul Gaugin
post impressionism
diverse people of all ages
narrative of life and death, physical time on earth
documentation from Paul’s perspective
supposed to be Paul’s final masterpiece
human existence
adding ?’s to art-postimpress
abstracted, flat forms, less details, blues and greens
Mont Sainte Victoire by Paul Cezanne
post impressionism
part of series of views of mountain
panorama of mountain
studies from view, makes dozens of these
documentation of natural landscape
en plein air but more abstract
becomes a leading force in cubism
linear brushstrokes, patchwork application of colors
The Scream by Edvard Munch
symbolism -visuals for metaphors or feelings, dark subjects
androgynous figure-skull like face
body warped, elongated forms
surrounding people unaware of screaming
his interpretation of his anxiety, personification
unnatural forms, curving lines, less focus on forms more focus on emotions
The Kiss by Gustav Klimt
symbolism/art nouveau
gentile intimate love
put in Vienna show
romantic intimacy
referencing the past- mythological love?
floral items and nature, curved forms and patterns, mythological
Goldfish by Henri Matisse
goldfish were exotic as well as plants in back
cultural influence/trade
shows humans love to have control
matisse spent time in Morocco and got influence
still life genre painting
blotchy, visible brushstrokes, flat planes of color, unnatural colors, tilted perspective
Les Demoiselles d’Avignon by Pablo Picasso
background very fragmented
women naked-prostitutes
wearing African masks
primitivism-, cultural influence
derragatory towards women
his right as a man to choose which women he wants
Picasso hates women
depicting women from male gaze
linear, frontal, confident
less abstracted, recognizable forms, lots of color, flatter no text
The Portuguese by Georges Braque
geometrical forms
tan,black,white-neutral earthy colors
layered text and forms
inspired by memories of portuguese
inventor of cubism
one of the earliest cubism paintings
broken abstracted forms
new way of seeing the world
contemporary, focusing on the pure form of something
The Kiss by Constatin Brancusi
elongated arms
inspo from klimt kiss
love in modern era
metaphor for love, becoming the other person
in the armory show in NYC, european artists to showcase their art in america
primitivism, inspo from African masks
biomorphic sculpure
linear sharp forms, less human like
connected together forever
very simple, no details
modern era more about meaning over skill
Self Portrait as a Soilder by Ernst Ludwig Kirchner
German expressionism-die brucke
supposed to make you feel uncomfortable
about Kirchner’s personal mindset
WW1, Kirchner volunteer for army- psychological trauma and fear of war
manifestation of Kirchner’s fear
emotional and dark
more realistic than cubism
die brucke=the bridge-connecting, metaohor
Memorial Sheet for Karl Liebknecht by Kathe Kollwitz
German Expressionism-
dark subjects matter and colors
Karl a leader of the social Democratic party of germany-assasinaed, conflicting with communist party
supporters of all ages
political artist
sharp forms, woodcut
deep lines on each face
Illustration from the results of the first five year plan by Varvara Stepanova
power lines, machines factories-industrial revolution
march of people to show support
common people
celebrating success of 5 year plan, vision for the future
promotion of communism
5 year plan to industrialze Russia, shooting Russia to the future- did not end well
taken from real print media, fast way of making art
Fountain by Marcel Duchamp
Dada- anti establishment, breaking traditions, anything can be art and anyone can call it art
testing limits of art
readymade- pre existing urnial
makes a joke with signature
commenting on industry and capitalism rich vs poor and industrial revolution- satire
breaks all rules of art
thoughts over skill
political statement
Composition with red, blue, and yellow by Piet Mondrian
de still
primary colors and dark lines
basics of art
purest forms, equation for art
cubism but even more innovative
challenges traditions
he believed the more abstract the more advanced humans were getting
futuristic, artifical
Improvisation 28 by Vaassily Kandinsky
German Expressionism- der blaue reiter - the blue rider, interested with expressiing yourself with color
viewed as childlike
lines, colors, unrecognizable forms
made-up on the spot, in the moment
abstract emotions
degenerative artist, lots of his stuff destroyed
challenging traditions
self expression through abstraction
Object by Meret Oppenheim
readymade and gazel fur
playful way of going back, past more contemporary - inspo from Manet paining
idea from picasso at luncheon
senses of human being
based on imaginiation, dreams things that exist and adding a weird element
fur is feminine untamed gazel, teacup is more prim and proper
duality of women
not about skil about the thought behind it
The Two Fridas by Frida Kahlo
one with her heart healthy one with it empty- before and after her husband Diego left
both holding hands and supporting each other
wearing trad clothes
personal narrative
reflective f her feelings and emotions
she has her own beauty standards
whispy brushstrokes
flatter planes of color
Dream of a Sunday afternoon in the Alameda Park by diego rivera
surrealism/Mexican mural
la Catrina central figure with snake
Diego as a child, frida beind him
highlights the history of Mexico
not sugarcoated, the reality
horror vacculi
vibrant colors
bendy trees
conquest and colonization on left, independence and revolution in middle modern achievements on right
The JUngle by Wilfredo Lam
abstracted humans, cartoonist illustrative
sugar cane plants surrounding, Cuba
lots of dif cultural influence
speaking from own expeineces
African masks
santeria-african beliefs with Catholic customs included
Carson Pirie and Scott building by Louis Sullivan
art nouveau in architecutre
skyscraper connected to business
competing to be tallest building
iron and steel new forms
terra cotta new form
visual heirachy- bosss on top workers on bottom
meant to be a department store
earliest American skyscraper
ornate decorative imagery on iron
abstracted floral imagery
Chicago windows- larger plane in middle two smaller on each side- modern and supportive
Seagram Building by Ludwig Miles an der Rohe and Philip Johnson
international style
more reinforcement between windows
more about aesthetics over practicality
Seagram whiskey commissioned to show their success, NYC height of art world at time
lots of windows
balance mathmatical
Fallingwater by Frank Lloyd Wright
organic architecture/prairie style
built on waterfall
lots of repairs overtime
commissioned by Kaufman, his son was interested, ended up not liking but became one of wrights best works
wright took control of whole project
weekend retreat for wealthy
organic architecture
organic materials, stone wood etc
modern, lots of light, sharp lines, open space
Villa Savoye by Le Courbusier
international style
courbusier 5 points of arch
- pilotis- concrete pilar to elevate space and pull off ground
- open floor plan- all flows
-free facade, no elaborate decorations, plain
- horizontal ribbon windows- wraps around house separated by bars
- roof garden
his masterpiece
domestic space
geometric forms
few walls, only black white abd gray, natural light
House in New Castle County by Robert Venturi John Rauch and Denise Scott Brown
post modern-reaction to modernism
open floor plan
makes you confused
everything clashes
social commentary
domestic space
redirecting American architecture
post modernism- no rules, last art movement, opens door for anything to be art
crowded, no order or balance
The Migration of the Negro by Jacob Lawrence
Harlem Renaissance
segregation in restaurant ‘
Black people devoid of identity
social commnentary
narrative, documentation of experiences of Black people
Lawrence product of great migration
personal connection
angular forms
muted colors, minimal details, flat planes of color, no shadows
Women 1 by William Kooning
Abstract expressionism
comment on traditional beauty standards
this is the modern women
Kooning thinks grotesque is joyous
social commentary on beauty standards
positive, contemoorary women
wild brushstrokes, many layers of paint added and scraped off
thick applications of [paint, muddy colors
The Bay by Helen Frankenthaler
abstract expressionism
colors move on their own-not preplanned
not recognizable
titles important in modern art to distinguish what forms are
action of painting itself
color field painting- color illiciting motion in viewer
color theory
soak stain- canvas first soaked in water
Marilyn Diptych by Andy Warhol
pop art
marilyn- beauty standards
tribute memorial to her by Andy
left is bright colors, more perfect right is black and white metaohor for her life
life and death
commntary of celebrity life
silk screening
can recreate many times