AP Art history Flashcards
Conical tower and circular wall of great Zimbabwe
southeastern zimbabwe, Shona peoples.
Citadel- city palace
for royalty, social classes
made of granite blocks
ashlar masonry
Wall plaque from Oba’s palace
Benin, Endo peoples
made of cast brass
depicts the king, he is riding horse and is the largest
is on the walls of the palace
shows power of the king and documents the king
long wax casting process
Sika dwa ko (golden stool)
Ashanti peoples, Ghana
gold over wood and gold attachments
sacred object, never been sat on
believed in fell out of the sky and contained sansum/sunsum (soul of Ashanti peoples)
Ndop (portrait figure) of King Mishe
Kuba peoples, democratic rep of Congo
identity of specific people
has a calm face with a drum
each figure has own accessory
commissioned by the king- establishes his royal power
documenting kings, sacred object
incized details and burnished wood
large head- power and smart
Power figure (Nkisi n’kondi)
Kongo peoples, Democratic rep of Congo
wood and metal
dots above eyebrows
hole in center may be filled with things
holds power of community
every nail would symbolize a contract
nail into it and activate it’s power
Female (pwo) mask
Chokwe peoples, Democratic rep of Congo
wood, fiber, pigment, metal
portrayed as the ideal woman/beauty
taught coming of age boys how to respect women
calm eyes braided hair, large earrings, even skin tone
women are in charge in this society
performance to honor women- men were the dancers
Portrait mask (Mblo)
Baule peoples, Ivory Coast
wood and pigment
portrait of old women- Moya yanso
she was known as the best dancer and most beautiful
large head- small mouth
performance-never meant to be displayed
stylized and for specific people
Bundu mask
Sande society, Mende peoples, West African forest of Liberia
wood, cloth and fibers
very small face, closhed eyes, small nose and mouth, chin rolls
lays on top of head with fibers coming down
idealized beauty
performance symbolizing transformation into women hood
female dancers
Ikenga (shrine figure)
Igbo peoples, Nigeria
animal and human qualities
all have horns
commissioned by invidual people
no centralized power station for Igbo people
everyone is important and everyone can have one of these
carved to represent power of individual, kept in home of owner
Lukasa (memory board)
Mbudye society, Luba peoples ( democratic rep of Congo)
wood, beads and metal
beads placed in specific patterns and when touched they can display an important event
only priests are able to translate
device holding narrative
Aka elephant mask
Bamileke, Cameroon
wood, raffla, cloth and beads
elephants symbolize power
got beads through trade
bamileke is an elite society
this is only part of the costume
performance is dramatic with drums
highly detailed and intricate
colorful, human and animal qualities
Reliquary Figure (byeri)
Fang peoples, Cameroon
muscles are meant to show strength and to fight off evil spirits
young and old, living and dead
figure that sits on top of relic and guarded the boxes to fight off evil spirits
bigger head and calm face
Veranda post of enthroned king and senior wife
olowe of isle, Yoruba peoples
wood and pigment
4 figures, queen is the largest
junior wife, trickster God, and fan bearer on ground
scarification on queen
veranda post- elaborate structural support for veranda at palace
sculpture in the round
Chavin de Huantar
Peru, Chavin
stone, granite and hammered gold alloy
old temple and new temple
believed nose ornaments would transform wearer into animal depicted
pilgrimage site
ceremonies and rituals
Chiapas, Mexico. Maya
stepped pyramids
lattice roof
contour rivalry
lintel- tells story of blood letting
visual narratives
royal family members communicating with spirits- talking about empire
high relief and low relief
Templo Mayor
Modern Mexico City, Mexica/Aztec
serpent heads surrounding temple
Olmec style mask found in temple made of jadeite
stepped pyramid
chacmool- figure in front holding something, lounging
made of stone, for elite peoples
Templo Mayor (Coyolxauhqui stone)
At base of temple
connected to goddess- tried killing her mother because she was having a kid, her brother came out fully grown and chopped her up into pieces and kicked her down the mountain
don’t mess with the aztects
responsible for finding temple
her headdress and earrings showed she was a goddess
Templo Mayor (calander stone )
skull right in the middle
shows how Aztecs would define space and time
contour rivalry
radial symmetry
popular symbol
Ruler’s feather headdress
feathers and gold
vibrant colors and rare materials
shows power of empire and demonstrates status
part of costume
City of Cusco
Peru. Inka
capitol of Inka empire
broken by social class
meant to be shaped as a puma
dedicated to the sun god
axis mundi- center of everything
ashlar masonry
built on terraces
Inka and Spanish cultures
women were equal until the Spanish came and made them into the slaves
Maize Cobs
sheet metal/repousee
honoring crops and agriculture
silver and gold
found in courtyard of temple with a whole metal garden
status symbol
garden that will last forever
flat pieces of metal- repousee hammering and forming the metal into a specific shape
City of Machu Picchu
Central Highlands, Peru. Inka
city carved into the mountains
retreat area for the elite
ashlar masonry
finding and collecting water
fertile climate
observatory- to look at stars and landscape
relic of ancestors
trapezoidal windows
terrices- flat surface for agriculture carved into mountain (helped slow down effects of erosion)
All T’oqapu tunic
camelid fiber and cotton
hundreds of threats
collecting spinning and dyeing fibers took lots of word
abstract designs and unity and order
finest textiles made by women
highly important and sacred
woven on backstrap loop- one end tied to post the other around back of weaver
Mesa Verde cliff dwellings
each family received a room in the dwelling
inhabited for 200 years most likely abandoned when water source dried up
clans moved together for support
pueblo- town built into sides of cliff housing 100s of people
farming did above Pueblo everything had to imported into structure
Great Serpent Mound
Southern Ohio. Mississippian
earthwork/effigy mound
associated with snakes and crop fertility
slightly crescent shaped
mounds changed and enlarged over years
architectural and sculptural
no written records
Bandolier bag
Lenape, Delaware tribe eastern woodlands
beadwork on leather
both Native American and Europen motif
based on bags carried by European soldiers
women made these
beads and silk ribbons imported from europe
still worn today
for men and women to wear
functional and beautiful
status symbol
large beaded pouch
held at hip level abstracted and symetrical designs
Transformation Mask
Kwakwaka’wakw, north coast of canada
wood, paint and string
mythological thunder bird
when it opens its human
cords pulled to open mask
culture was based on fishing and hunting and was traditional
worn at pot latch ceremony which showed the wealth of the host
Painted elk hide
Made by Cotsiogo. Shoshone, wind river reservation in wyoming
painted elk hide
performance of sundance in the middle
made on reservations and sold to white people
visual history
skinned animal, dryer out and then stretched out to make flat
stamping and stenciling
Black on Black ceramic vessel
Maria Martinez, puebloan, Pueblo new Mexico
blackwear ceramic
based on traditional designs
top band- rain clouds and sky bottom band-bird?
Maria lived on reservation her whole life, tried to sell ceramics being made on reservation
elevated into fine art
traditional and contemporary
art deco
painted slip on ceramics
geometric and abstract forms
registers- 2 bands at top
symbols from natural forms
black us from oxygen in kiln
made many to sell on potters wheel