WWI Flashcards
Draw and label a map of Europe in 1914 including alliances.
See text
What were the four major factors in causing WWI?
Militarism, alliances, and imperialism, and nationalism.
What is the philosophy behind militarism?
Issues with other countries should be settled by war.
What is an example of militarism in 1870?
Germany unified. France went to war to stop them becoming a country.
What was the arms race?
-Countries expected to go to war at any time
-Getting bigger, better weapons
Military spending increased
How did military spending increase from 1870 to 1900?
1870: $100 million
1900: $250 million
What was the standing army of Austria-Hungary, France, Russia, Germany, and Great Britain in 1914
Austria-Hungary: 3 million France: 3.5 million Russia: 4.4 million Germany: 8.5 million Great Britain: 700 000+320 000 colonists to help them. Massive navy instead of army
Why did Germany have such a big army in 1914?
Germany was surrounded by enemies. They also had a militaristic tradition as a country.
When and what was the naval race?
1900s. Both Britain and Germany started building dreadnaughts. Realizing that the Germans couldn’t beat the ‘Brits at their own game they were like, FINE and started making killer submarines.
What was a dreadnaught?
Dreadnaughts were mega battleships
- take on an entire navy
- steel covered
- instead of shooting only from the sides they had tiered turrets which allowed them to shoot in any position
- steam powered
What was the purpose of alliances?
- pledge to support other countries in times of war
- supposed to be a deterrent from other countries attacking.
What was the relationship between Germany and France?
-traditional enemies
What was Alsace Lorraine?
- Tract of land between France and Germany
- large coal and other reserves
- Germany took from France
- France wanted revenge and the Germans expected it
What does Germany do regarding alliances in 1875?
Chancellor Bismark makes alliances with Russia and Austria-Hungary
Why did Germany start making alliances?
- surrounded by enemies
- expected a war with France, wanted to deter them.
What happens regarding the Triple Alliance in 1882?
- Italy joins alliance
- Kaiser Wilhelm (German) talks bad about Russia. Their relationship downgrades to just a friendship.
What happens to the Triple Alliance in 1890?
Wilhelm continues to undue work done by Bismark. Alliance with Russia gone
What happens to the alliances in 1892?
Russia allies with France
Why is Germany a threat?
They are an economic powerhouse
What happens to the Triple Entente in 1904?
Britain joins with Russia and France (even though Britain and France are traditional enemies
Britain is talking to Italy, who will switch sides once the war begins.
What is the situation in the Balkans in 1914?
- a unique cultural area
- Austria-Hungary is mostly in control
- Serbia wanted freedom.
- Russia is allied with Serbia
What is the trigger event to the war and how does it play out?
- June 28 1914
- Serbians have a terrorist group called the “Black Hand”
- Archduke Ferdinand is to be the next leader of Austria-Hungary
- he comes to Bosnia
- Bosnian serbs of the Black Hand plan to assassinate him
- find his route where he will drive through the town. Low security since he did not want a big military presence
- group of about 14 guys set up along road
- passes first guy, he does nothing
- next day has a bomb, throws it, but forgets delay. Archduke not hurt
- takes poison, which doesn’t work. Tries to drown himself in 4 inches of river
- everyone else in line too shocked to do anything
- regroup at park
- leader goes off to get a sandwich
- Archduke decides to go visit those injured by bomb in hospital
- driver takes wrong turn
- leader happens to be coming out of sandwich shop and shoots him
- Austria-Hungary finds out through interrogation that the assassins were from Serbia
- gives Serbia 24 hour ultimatum, which they partially refuse
- Austria Hungary declares war on Serbia
What is imperialism?
Expanding your country to include colonies in other parts of the world. Resources were often extracted, processed, then sold to the colonies.
What was the colony situation before 1905?
Old countries all had colonies. Germany had none. They only land left was in Africa. Germany manages to take Morocco from France.
Diamonds are found in Dutch part of South Africa. Britain fights for it and Canada joins.
What happens in Africa 1905?
- everyone is fighting with each other over colonies
- Germany proposes redrawing the map of Africa so that everyone got colonies. (Africans not included)
What is Canada’s military situation before WWI?
- no army, just a militia
- met two times a year for training, but it wasn’t taken seriously.
Who was Same Hughes?
- Minister of militia
- didn’t even like the military
- when war started, went from least important position to the most important
What are Hughes’ plans for training troops in August 15 1914?
- In two weeks:
- get 20 000 volunteers
- Give free trains to anyone going to Valcartier and sign up when you get there
What was Valcartier the ideal in August 1914.
- automatic horse troughs
- electricity
- showers
- 3 mile long rifle range
- fresh water
- telephone
- wants to buy Canadian
What was problem with Valcartier the ideal and Hughes’ training plan?
- This all happens in two weeks. Currently, Valcartier is just a cornfield in Northern Quebec, even though there were existing camps
- budget problems
- Lack of technology. All work has to be hand done
- Picked a remote location
- no way of counting how many people showed up
- needs thousands of items from Canadian companies that don’t exist
How many people joined the Canadian army?
35 000
What was the McAdams’ shovel and what were the problems with it?
Shovel attachment to Ross rifle.
- Dirt got in barrel, causing them to blow up
- McAdams makes lots of money
- Shovel useless, had holes in it
- many rifle heavy
What gun did the Canadians use?
Ross Rifle, Canadian made
What were the volunteers for war like?
- 50% from out west
- thought war would be over by Christmas
- many unemployed
- wanted to see the world
- didn’t know what they were getting into.
What was Valcatier, the reality?
- lots of route marches but no combat training
- Polluted water. Latrines flooded and drained into river they drank from
- Fickle promotions, not based on merit
- Overcrowded, taking shifts to sleep in bell tents
- Not enough medical care to go around
- No organized training
- Rifle range overcrowded, some left never shooting a gun
What the First Canadian Contingent?
35 000 who left initially. Loading ships was very disorganized.
How does Germany prepare for war in 1898?
Kiezer Wilhelm approaches General Von Schlieffen to arrange a sucker punch to launch as soon as war starts to give them advantage, since they have enemies on both sides. Has 16 years to perfect it. Code name “Plan 17”
Who was Von Schlieffen?
General, Chief of Staff (GERMAN)
Draw the Von Schlieffen plan with steps
See text
What are the strengths and weaknesses of the Von Schlieffen plan?
-if successful, France will no longer be an issue
-Belgium will not expect an attack, easy traveling
-Can attack French forces from both sides
-France may beat the 10% army and invade Germany. Has to last 3 days
-Russia may get to the German border sooner than expected and start to invade
What happens to Von Schlieffen?
-Dies 1913
Replaced by VonMoltka, who changes the plan
Draw Von Moltka’s plan
See text
Draw a diagram of a typical trench system.
See text
When and where and how many casualties was the battle of Ypres?
April 22 1915 In Belgium. 6000 Canadian casualties
What is the main thing that happens at Ypres?
- Germans launch new secret weapon: Chlorine gas
- This was a test
- Everyone started retreating except Canadians
- Canadians hold off Germans by breathing through a pee soaked shirt, negating effects
- Canadians become known as an elite group of Stormtroopers
What is the difference between chlorine and mustard gas?
Chlorine gas burns and kills you within 20 min. It is clear, colourless
Mustard gas is yellow, burns and blisters on contact, and stays active for longer
Who was Colonel Schringer
- medical Officer in Canadian army with background in chemistry
- Recognizes chlorine gas at Ypres. Tells Canadians to pee on some fabric to neutralize effect
What happened at Ypres at Christmas?
Germans send in 100 000 Christmas trees. On all sides everyone starts singing Christmas carols. People are fraternizing
What were the German’s feelings about using gas at Ypres?
Von Falkenhayn wanted to break stalemate
They actually broke a convention. Many were against using gas because it was considered unethical.
What warning is there about gas at Ypres?
- April 9th German soldier defects and says there will be gas
- April 15th another guy does the same thing
- French commander and British commander do nothing about it
Where, when,and how many Canadian casualties were at the battle of Sommes?
July 1st 1916, 24 000 casualties. At a river in France
Who is the British commander at Sommes?
Douglas Haig, Field Marshal
Draw the battle of Sommes
See text
When was the battle of Vimy Ridge, where was it, and how many Canadian casualties?
In France, April 1917 13 400 casualties. First Canadian victory
Draw the battle of Vimy Ridge
See text
Who is the commander at Vimy Ridge?
General Arthur Currie, sent by Haig to launch a frontal assult
Why is Currie a unique commander at Vimy Ridge?
- Asks for only Canadians. Gets 40 000 Canadians at Vimy Ridge
- Prints and distributes 40 000 maps to the soldiers with all known information
- Makes a 3D scale model of Vimy Ridge. Brings soldiers in and shows them the plan at least 6 months before battle
- Asks soldiers for ideas and uses them
- Makes captains personally responsible for the health of their troups
- Makes sure the soldiers are in peak physical condition
- Hides half of army in underground tunnels so the Germans don’t know how many there are
- Had all men practicing brand new maneuver for day of battle