WW2 Flashcards
Known as
Bloodiest war
Most costly in
human life
6 years and 1 day
Spanned across
five continents
estimated cost is
1.6 Trillion dollars.
Germany and the Treaty of Versailles
The Great Depression
Failure of Appeasement Policy
Rise of Ideologies and Extremist political leaders
Germany was furious because.
of the punishments it received such as reparations and territorial reduction
German government from 1919 to 1933.
Weimar government
Why weimar is name
It is so called because the assembly that adopted its constitution met at Weimar from February 6 to August 11, 1919.
assumed the power in the beginning of 1930s and promised to destroy the treaty they believed to be unfair for them.
economic crisis in which the US stock market crashed. Production fell, many lost their jobs, and economic systems were thrown into disarray
Great Depression
allows Hitler to expand territories with being unchecked.
Appeasement Policy is term called that
Reasons of appeasement policy
France and Britain wanted to avoid war because they learned from the horrors of WW1.
Foreign policy of pacifying an aggrieved country through negotiation in order to prevent war
welfare of the government is more important than the welfare of the people
the government has absolute power over all aspects of the citizens’ lives.
strengthening the military power of a country.
? between ? assist the other in the event of war with, neither would seek a separate peace or armistice
Pact of steel, Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy
economic and military bloc consisting of nations in East and Southeast Asia
Greater east asia co peosperity sphere
Japan invaded ? in the 1910. And .? 1931
Korea, china
to provide the nations within the sphere the economic stability through mutual trading within the area who will supply Japan
Hitler violated again the TOV when he sent troops to
Rhineland ng France.
Hitler invaded
Hitler threatened that he will invade
Sudetenland in Czechoslovakia.
Hitler violated the agreement when he invaded the
Czechoslovakia in 1939.
Hitler then targeted
Poland because he wanted to get the ? Or the land in between Eastern Prussia and Germany.
Polish corridor o
Who betrayed who
SU, france, britain
German-Soviet Nonaggression Pact, when
two countries agreed to take no military action against each other for the next ?.
germany, soviet ,10 years
France and Britain declared war against soviet for betraying them. T or F
a defense alliance between the countries to
deter the United States from entering the conflict.
Tripartite pact, japan-germany-italy
Tripartitepact aka
Axis powers
Launches ? against Poland, Denmark, and Norway
BLITZKRIEG (lightning war)
? gains control of the Netherlands, Luxembourg, and Belgium; ? surrenders to Germany
Germany, france