Battles Of Greece Flashcards
Who ruled Greek leniently
King cyrus of persia
How did the Greeks react with king Cyrus of Persia
They saw the struggle in freedom in slavery opposed but still conquered by Persia
Who conquered Asia minor and other Greek city states
King Cyrus of Persia
Who ruled when I onion Greeks started war in their help by the Athenians
King Darius
When the union Greek started war who help them and who won
They were health by Athenians and Persians were defeated
How long did a Greeko Persian conflict last
Three decades
What happened in the marathon war
King Darius sent ambassadors to Greece theuper sweet that he was king Athenians in Spartans declined it
Who led the marathon war
What did the Greek hoplites during the marathon war
They charged across the plane, crashed persian foces through phalanx
Who won in the Marathon war
Who was King during the battle in Thermopylae
King xerxes
It’s like a sandal close the door close the door I mean close the door close the door I lock off in the USA Jym koala one more player one more 40 second minutes a second drop toys are going along to minutes the tile and 40 seconds in the minion song Glasgow jaguar in seconds to on iPad
Battle in thermopylae
Persians came to Greece to seek revenge
Who betrayed the Greeks and in what battle or war
An ephilites betrayed the Greeks for rewards from the Persians it was at the battle in thermopylae
Who andhow did betray the Greeks
An ephialates Betrayed the Greeks to receive a reward he told them that the narrow pass to outflank the Greek
Who died in the battle in thermopylae
Many soldiers and king Leonardes of Sparta
Who persuaded the development of a navy
In what battle were the Greeks outnumbered and outmaneuvered Persians
Battle in thermopylae
Who won in the battle in thermopylae
What happened in the battle of Plataea
A few months later Greeks form the largest army defeated Persian army a Plataea Greeks one and we’re now now free
True or false version formed the largest army defeated the Greeks
Joke time
What did the banana say to the avocado when he was not feeling well la la la la la la