WW2 Flashcards
Causes of WW2
- Adolf Hitler
- First world war
- Bad peace
The treaty of Versailles (came out of WW1)
- Standard: treaty was bad piece of work, achieved none of good that it might have achieved and achieved lots of bad
- Needlessly strict – to much on Germany – financial ruin – opened door for national socialism
o Made it possible for nazis to take over - Wasn’t treaty itself – how treaty was used after been signed
o Hwo the great powers misused it
o Ink was barley dry befire great powers argued over what it meant - Britain and France couldn’t agree on how strict to be w Germany
o Britain lenient
o France strict
o Germany couldn’t please both
o Finally U.S persuaded for opinion and reluctantly and agreed w Britain
Didn’t smooth things over
Britain and France wanted deal on what they owe U.S U.S said no - German gov cam up w way to reduce money it was gonna pay create inflation so value would drop and real cost of paying debts reduce
o Didn’t recognize onece u start inflation hard to control
o Currency becaome valueless
o That’s what opens door for nazis - War guilt clause – Article 231
o Assign financial responsibly
o Reason
o Legitimization
o CAUSING – makes Germany liable to pay for everything including military build up by great powers before the war ramps up cost enormously
o RESPONSIBILTY financial responsibility translated to german, not direct translation “shault” meaning guilty translator provided by german gov provided moral part - Stab in the back theory
o Myth: argues that Germany did not suffer military defeat but betrayed by civilians in Germany socialist and Jews signed treaty, accepted humiliation
o Allows German military to remain unstained
Collective security
- Creation of legue of nations international gov keep world at peace
- Great powers as police, restraining smaller nations and each other
- Inspired idea for its time
- Nothing wrong w treaty , problem w great powers
- Emporer Hirohito lumped in w dictator but not acc dictator
- Mossalini Italy
o Turned to socialism
o 1921; INVITED TO join Italy coaltion gov so he wouldn’t force his way in
o March on rome 2022 sent blackshirts to rome
o Mossalini was invited to form gov by king mossalini never looked back
o 1924 made himself supreme leader (il duce) democary irrelvent almost unlimted power revolutionary nationalism (“make Italy great again”)
Barbrossa: Invasion of Russia
- Race war
- one ideolgy cant survive w out the other - must destroy the other
Joesph Stalin
- Premier of Soviet Union
- 5”4 and consious of height
- Psyco history - suggest brain disorder
- refused priosner exchange for his son
- On 17 September 1939, the Soviet Union invaded Poland from the east, 16 days after Nazi Germany invaded Poland from the west
- Stalin decided Poland is not enough, - take baltics and Finland
Barborossa: The plan
- non agression treaty between Germany and Russia gonna be broken (just between who moves first)
- Under the codename Operation “Barbarossa,” Nazi Germany invaded the Soviet Union on June 22, 1941. This was the largest German military operation of World War II.
- 2 stage operation
- Stalin undertaken purge of army – included some of best genrals (wanted to take out people who are not dedicates communists)
o Added people who were dedicated communists but not as competent
o Added communist watchdogs (poltical conesar)
o Soilders were memorizing communist slogans rather than military training
Barborossa: Soviet Union
- Almost no communications equipment
- Railway network was old
- Military stuck in past
Barborossa: The Campaign
- nazi invasion began – Russians caught by surprise even tho everyone told them they were going to be attacked RIGHT DOWN TO HOUR
- stalin didn’t belive anything , thought he was safe
- only prep was moving most of units into front lines, making them vunrable magnified weakness in them
- German divsions rolled right past Russians
- 100 of thousands captured in first few weeks
- Advanced continues till Russians reached Moscow
- Winter set in Russia coukd fight in cold brought divisons from Russia found it warm
- Germans could not fight well in cold
- Late 1941, Russia worked out lots of problems
- Soviets getting numbers into battlefield, men and women
- Women not rare in soviet army
- Gender discrimination seen as evil in Marxist and communist ideology
o Women closer to equality in soviet union then most other places in world
o Soviet women not turned away
Barborossa: The blunders
- Hitler inflated sense of understanding of miltray operations (magic pipline of miltray blah blah)
- In reality it was no where as good as his poltical intuition
- Moscow – need to defend capital desrroy soviet army in field
o Best possible plan
o Hitler disagreed
o He decided they should advance across whole front
o Wasting time and resources
o Few weeks later hitler decided he was wrong - Descion that stopped nazis from achving descive result in 1941
- Cost Germany real chance to defeat Russia
- Ideological blunder: outgrowth of nazis fixation on race
o Inilation
o Pop of Russia needed to be exterminated
o Ukrain civillans welcome german invaders
o Realized people not intrested in being ruled by stalin/ Russia
Wanted intependance
Sympathetic to germans
The Holodomor – blamed stalin
Germans treated as liberators
Could have been powerful base of support for nazis
But to nazis they were worse then human could not eb delt with - Killing squads
- No german would be convicted to crimes against soviet
- Geneva convention
o Some laws for warfare (civillans, prisoners)
o Germany signed
o Russia didn’t sign so nazis ignored in east
Russian civillans completely unprotected
o Followed in west
o Slaugether on appaling proprtions - Stalin decided to take advantage of nazis ideological blunder
o After assult on civillan pop, messages from conasars changed from communist ideology to nationalism
o Holy mother Russia In danger
o “for the motherland”
o More people understood this idea
o Russian society would fight for every farm, village building
o Bought more stringent coundtermeasures from nazis - Became war w out mercy
- Public hangings
- “Campaign of incredibky nasty”
Secret Wars: Underground Armies
- Parts in history where wars were underground (Gorilla fighting)
- Britsh gov starts to think about this and tries to organize underground armies that were forming (Train them, control them)
- “set europe a blaze” winston chruchhill
Secret wars: set europe a blaze
- Special operations executive: intended to take on specfic tasks in occupied countries
- main task was to organize underground armies
- SOE JOb: conduct espionage, sabotage, and reconnaissance in occupied Europe against the Axis powers, especially Nazi Germany
- the SOE operates all around the world seprate reactions for each occupied country (some more sucessful than others)
France was the main battle ground ( seprate sections- F section)
Secret Wars: F section
- A special division of British intelligence, called F-Section, or French Section, strictly devoted to aiding the resistance groups
- train + equip britsh personnel
- Parachute into france
- head was not a miltray person
(easy to teach someone to be a secret agent, hard to teach them to be french)
all sorts of Jobs not many miltray/ inteligence people
Kevin Macallister (f section)
- From guelph
- Bright - didnt put in max effort - drove teachers crazy
- got by on personality to UofT to study law
- became a sucess - won every academic prize
- regarded as “brillant” and “best mind in century”
- Rhodes scholarship - law at oxford - more intrested in IR
- married french women and lived there, got out b4 german invasion
Frank Pickersgill (f section)
- Mantoba - Uoft Masters in Classics - Phd in Paris - Became journalist
- determined to travel difficult places
- in france when germans invaded - interned - escaped
- came back to britan and met Kevin Mcallister
- both him and kevin genrally not suited to milatay (bad eyesight/balence)
- Both knew France well
- Ideal Candidates for SOE
- they did traning camp together and were together everyday (to learn to be secet agents)
- learned to lie steal and kill
- Parachuted into occupied france in 1942
Physcian mystery
Frank and kevins job was to join a network called physcian
- Physcian covers most f north france
- covered by Francis Sutil
- physican was already infultrated by Nazi SD (intelligence agency) but they didnt know
- SD started with least important and moved in, did this carefully to get to the central command structure
- when kevin and frank parachuted was when SD decided to strike
- they were taken to a prison in Paris
-they were there for weeks and then moved to civillan prison
- they were eventually sent to bokenbault, put on death block and hung and creamated (normandy invasion - SD wants to cover tracks - important people sent to concentration camps)
- story wasnt known till end pf war @ time no one understood what was happening