WW1 Unit Test Flashcards
What was the “Diplomatic Trick” in the Franco-Prussian war?
A genius strategy used and created by Otto Von Bismarck where he sends Spain a telegraph that they were sending someone to put in Spain’s throne. Otto knew France would intercept the telegraph, and he knew they wouldn’t like it. This made France declare war, and they attacked the southern German city states(originally loyal to France) and that turned the city states against France and Prussia/Germany ended up winning.
What were the results of the Franco-Prussian war?
- Napolean III exiled
- France is humiliated, colonial power defeated
- France is in political chaos
- Prussia unites and officially becomes Germany
- War reparations: France pay 1 Billion to Germany
- France gives Germany Alsace+Lorraine
•France hates Germany
Who was Otto Von Bismarck?
A military genius who was Germany’s Chancellor forced to resign in 1890 by Kaiser II. He was known as the Iron Chancellor or the Blood Chancellor for his ruthlessness. He did a lot of good for Germany.
What was the Tirpitz plan?
A plan by Kaiser II that was announced to the world, the plan was to build a large navy for Germany.
What was the Schleiffen plan?
A plan announced to the world by Kaiser II. It was a plan to for an attack on France from 3 different directions in theory that it would take Russia 6 weeks to help France. The plan was ultimately to take out France quickly.
Who was Herbert Asquith?
The Prime Minister of England who took them into WW1. He had bad moments with the Battle of Somme and the Battle of Gallipoli. He was ultimately ousted for her errors.
Who was King Kaiser Wilhelm I?
The king of Germany who won the Franco-Prussian war alongside Otto Von Bismarck.
Who was King Kaiser Wilhelm II?
The king of Germany who took them into and led them through WW1. He made multiple war-losing mistakes, including forcing Otto Von Bismarck to resign.
What were the mistakes of King Kaiser Wilhelm II in regards to WW1?
- Stopped paying Russia to be allies. This allowed France to pay Russia to be THEIR ally
- Stopped paying Italy to be an ally and stop peacemaking between Italy and A-H
- France is allowed to pay Italy now tk be THEIR ally
- Announcing to the world about the Schleiffen and Tirpitz plan
- Not stopping Balkan Wars
Problems of the Ottoman Empire in WW1
- Armenian Genocide
- Youngs Turks want to overthrow Hamid II even though they were just as bad.
- Balkan Wars
- Balkans join together for independence from the Ottomans
- Russia wants warm water ports from Ottomans
What was the Armenian Genocide?
A HUGE Genocide by Sultan Hamid II to get rid of Christians in the Empire(most people were muslims there). Millions of Armenians and Greeks were killed in murders, concentration camps, and death marches.
Who was Enver Pasha?
The head of the Young Turks political party. He acted like he wanted democracy but instead he was a complete dictator who just used the Young Turks to get into power.
Who were the Young Turks?
A political party in the Ottoman Empire that wanted democracy instead of a Caliphate. They overthrew Sultan Hamid II
What was a Powder Keg?
A term used to describe the people in the Balkans. Its actually a barrel full of gun powder that will explode on contact with fire. It was used as an analogy for constant war in the Balkans.
What was the WW1 background of the Ottoman Empire?
"Sick man of Europe" Crumbling Empire (Problems) Caliphate because of bad leaders Lost much of its territory over time Other countries were waiting to take over them
What was the WW1 background for England?
"Splendid Isolation" #1 in the world for colonies #1 in the world for industrial power #1 in the world for navy
Why did England get involved in the War?
- Fear of a blockade
- Tirpitz plan(British thought it meant blockade)
- Colonies
- Wilhelm II military speeches
- Schleiffen Plan
What was the WW1 background of Italy?
Unified in 1870
Politically stable, some factories, not industrialized
Low military/Low Tech/High Poverty
Popular because of position in the Mediteranean
Switched alliances because of Treaty of London(From Triple Alliance to Allies)
What was the treaty of London?
A treaty that got Italy to join the allies in WW1 that…
- Naval aid from England✅
- Italy gets funding from England and France✅
- Russia provides Army aid✅
- If allies win, Italy gets war reparations❎
- If allies win, Italy gets the German colonies in Africa❎
- If allies win Italy gets tyrol✅,Trieste❎, Dalmata❎, Istria❎
✅=Italy ended up getting it
❎=England/France broke deal, Italy didnt get it
What is the WW1 background of Austria-Hungary?
Emperor-Franz Josef Agrarian with some factories Not industrial/Low military/Low Tech Fair Standard of living, had civil laws Had territorial problems
What problems did Austria-Hungary have prior to WW1?
- Many ethnic groups in A-H want independence(nationalism)
- “Greater Serbian Movement”, Serbians want Bosnia-Sarajevo
- Russia was a protector of Serbia and empowered them so Russia could have a warm water port
- June 28, 1914, start of WW1. Gavrilo Princip assassinates Franz Ferdinand for Black Hand. Happened in Sarajevo, Bosnia, A-H
Who was Franz Ferdinand?
A Serbian Archduke who was next in line for the throne for A-H. He was assassinated before he took the throne by the Black Hand. His family didnt want him taking the throne anyway because he married a peasant.
Who was Gavrilo Princip?
A member of the Serbian terrorist group, the Black Hand. He was the assassin of Franz Ferdinand.
What was the Black Hand?
A Serbian mafia/terrorist group responsible for the assassination of Franz Ferdinand.
Who was Franz Josef?
The emperor of A-H who had no one in line for his throne except his nephew. He died during WW1 with no one to take the throne.
What was Germany’s Background before WW1?
Franco Prussian War(Winners) Unified Industrial/Good military Good standard of living/civil laws/workers rights/Good educations Enemies of France
What was France’s Background before WW1?
Franco-Prussian War(Losers) Enemies with Germany Transitional from Monarchy to democracy Chaotic Still good military/education/Standard of living Debt to Germany
Who was Antonio Solandra?
The Prime Minister of Italy who took them into WW1 and was ousted for errors
Who was King Victor Emmanuel III?
The king of Italy before, during, and after WW1.
What were the main causes of WW1?
- Nationalism
- Imperialism
- Bismarck and Alliances
- Arms Race
- Pre War Crises
- Assassination
- Balkan Wars
How did nationalism help cause WW1?
Many Countries wanted independence
Ex: Balkans forming a league against Ottomans
Some countries(powerful) wanted world domination Ex: Germany trying to take out large powers(France)
Many countries united to be powers and were threatening to others
Ex: Germany and Englands relationship
How did Imperialism help cause WW1?
Multiple Powerful countries fighting for the same land
Ex: Germany, France, Italy, and England fighting over territories in Africa
Caused the formation of Alliances which is another cause in itself of big wars
Ex: Triple Entente
Created an Arms race and rose Tensions
Ex: Tirpitz Plan
How did Bismarck and his Alliances help cause WW1?
Alliances caused tension and made some people stronger and some people weaker. Everyone wanted alliances in case of a war.
What were dreadnoughts?
Very large and Very fast navy ships. They heavily outarmed any other ships. They were by far better at everything than any other navy ship.
How did the Arms Race help cause WW1?
Everyone wanted to be better prepared than anyone else for the looming war. This created tension.
What was the Arms Race?
A race by multiple powerful countries before WW1 to increase military, army, and naval strength. This included the Schleiffen plan, Tirpitz plan, and the mass bullding of Dreadnoughts.
How did Pre War Criseses in Morocco help cause WW1?
Britian gave France Morocco, and France wanted Morocco as a Protectorate. Germany wanted Morocco to be independent. Germany declared anyone who tried to colonize Morocco would be attacked. This almost ended in war, but it was worked out in the Conference of Algeciras.
How did assassinations help cause WW1?
Franz Ferdinand was assassinated by Gavrilo Princip. This caused A-H to declare war on Serbia, and A-H’s ally Germany to as well. Serbia was a protectorate of Russia, so Russia declared war of Germany and A-H. Germany and A-H declared war on Russia who was in the Triple Alliance etc.
How did the Balkan Wars help cause WW1?
The Balkans were a mess, they wanted independence and people wanted to imperialize them for many different reasons.
What is a Stalemate?
A stand still in a fight. Both sides are on defense, almost like a tie.
What was No-Mans land in WW1?
The area between French and German trenches in the trench warfare. It was extremely dangerous. You had to go through it to go to the enemies trench.
What was Trench Foot?
The moisture and infection of soldiers feet in the damp and wet trenches. Feet crinkle, the skin peels off, you have open sores, and exposure to sickness and rats.
What is Dysentary?
Loss of control of your bowels due to bacterial infection.
What was Trench fever?
A multitude of sicknesses that could be gathered from the trenches.
What is Shell Shock?
Loss of mental stability due to conditions of the war
What is Post Traumatic Stress Disorder?
Almost like Shell Shock after a war. You have bad dreams and visions from the war.
What were the advantages of Trench Warefare?
Good protection from above ground fighting, especially machine guns
Hard to get rid of trenches
Can become a network of supplies for telephones, telegraphs, and a place to rest
What were the problems with Trench Warfare?
Easy to use poison gas and kill everyone in a trench
Men had to fight in the day and dig at night
Created long stalemates
Had to go into no mans land to get on offense
HORRIBLE sanitation(Trench foot/fever, Dysentary, Rats)
Hard to get food
Lack of technology
How was Trench Warfare set up?
Men dug out trenches below ground level
All fighting was in France
French made underground city
Trenches and city were wet and unsaintary
Trenches on both sides, no mans land in the middle
Problems of Russia before WW1
- “Divine Right of Kings” (No laws, everyone thought the ruler was a god)
- Dictatorship-No social reforms
- Pograms-Killing of Russian Jews
- Russify” Ethnics groups couldnt celebrate their traditions or holidays
- Not industrial
- Massive Debt
What were the 4 main groups protesting in the Russian Revolution?
- Peasants
- Wokers-“Soviets”
- Intelligensia
- Soldiers
What did the peasants want in the Russian Revolution?
They were under fuedalism and had to pay labd lords. They wanted their own land free of taxes from land lords.
What did the workers or “Soviets” want from the Russian Revolution?
They wanted labor laws and saftey.
Represented small portion of people
What did the Intelligensia want from the Russian Revolution?
A constitution with civil rights, laws, a congress, etc.
What did the soldiers want from the Russian Revolution?
They wanted out of the war. They had a 90% casualty rate. They got bad weapons or none at all and little food shpply.
Who were the Soviets?
The workers of Russia, they worked in factories and other jobs that didnt have a high pay.
Who was the Intelligensia?
People of Russia with professional jobs, lawyers, doctors, gov worker etc.
Example: Lennin and Kerensky
What is a Duma?
A Russian word for congress.
Who was Alexander Kerensky?
A Russian govt. leader who was the leader of the new congress. He knew the constitution Czar Nicholas wrote was phony and he approached Czar Nicholas and asked him to step down.
Who was Czar Nicholas?
The Russian leader who stepped down and went into self exile. He was before the revolution
Who was Vladimir Lennin?
The leader of the Russian Revolution. He is very well liked by the people and he overthrows Kerensky. His goal is world communism. He takes Russia out of WW1.
What does Vladimir Lennin say his solition for the peasants is?
Gov will take land from Landlords.
What is Lennin’s reality for the peasants?
He applies communism. The gov owns the land instead of the landlords. Landlords are thrown in jail. The peasants protest and the ones who protest are put in a fence in siberia and starve to death and get the “Red Terror”. They end up unhappy.
What is Lennin’s solution for the workers?
Gov will focus on building factories and creating workers rights. They will rename Russia the “Soviet Union”(USSR) or Union of Socialist Soviet Republic
What is Lennin’s reality for the workers?
Workers share profits, get rid of business owners. Workers end up happy
What is the Bolshevik party?
The people who support Lennin’s plans. They called themselves “Reds”
What is Lennin’s solution for the Intelligensia?
A consititution and a national assembly(congress)
What is Lennin’s reality for the Intelligensia?
There are no civil rights laws in communism. They are killed if they protest, they end up unhappy.
What is Lennin’s solution for the soldiers?
The 1917 Brest Litovsk Treaty. Russia leaves war. A secret deal where Germans wont attack Russia if Russia sends food.
What is Lennin’s reality for the soldiers?
Soldiers are very happy that they get to leave the war, even though they become the red army that kills protestors.
What is the 1917 Litovsk Treaty?
A treaty that made Russia leave WW1. The Germans wouldnt attack Russia and vice versa if Russia sent Germany food supplies.
What is Russia’s general WW1 background?
Weak, poor, and pathetic
Czar Nicholas steps down but gets them in WW1
Alexander Kerensky rules
Vladimir Lennin comes to power and makes Russia communist and removes them from the war.
Who was Winston Churchill?
He was second in charge of Englands large navy during the war. He also operated in room 40.
What is Room 40?
Room 40 was the room in the British Admiralty where secret intelligence workers were, the intercepted German telegraphs.
Who was Captian Turner?
The Captain of the Lusitania when it sunk.
How and why did the Lusitania sink?
The Lusitania was shot by the Germans with a torpedo. The shot an area of the ship where they intended for it to sink slowly so the innocent people could get off. It was shot because the Lusitania concealed weapons. The Germans also warned Americans not to sail where they ended up going. The British also WANTED the Lusitania to sink so America would get involved in the war. This had a lot to do with the British not stopping the boat, they even knew when it was going to get shot.
What battles did the Americans take part in?
St. Mihiel
St. Mihuel
What is the First battle of Marne?
The battle where the Germans intended to complete the Schleiffen plan. The surrounded Paris instead of just going in, it was their fatal mistake.
What was the Zimmerman note?
A note between a German in Germany and a German in Mexico that was intercepted by Britian. It said that if the US didnt stay neutral, they would ally with Mexico and cause trouble in the US. This made the US enter the war.
What were the two famous quotes by Woodrow Wilson about why we entered the war?
“Freedom of the Seas”(We couldn’t trade safely)
“Make the world safe for democracy”(Remove dictators aka central powers)
What is the date of the start of WW1?
June 28, 1914