Final Exam Flashcards
Who was Andrew Carnegie?
•Monopolized steel industry
Who was John D. Rockefeller?
- Standard Oil Co, oil monopoly
* RR Rebates
Who was Cornelius Vanderbilt?
- Steamship and railroad industry
* Accesories transit inc.
What was Laissez-faire?
Little government involvement in businesses. Businesses can compete freely.
What was utopia?
The idea of everyone being equal, and having equal rights and freedom. A free, happy, place. The result of socialism and communism done properly.
Who was Adam Smith?
The person credited with the idea of capitalism.
What was Social Darwinism?
The idea of survival of the fittest in a social and business aspect.
What was a monpoly?
When a business had taken over an entire industry, and has no real competition.
What was the “Island of Tears”?
The nickname for Ellis Island because people got citizenship rejected there.
Who was Karl Marx?
The person credited with the idea of communism.
What does it mean to assimilate?
For foreigners to mix with other groups within a country.
What was an enclave?
A poor area meant for foreigners from a specific region so they feel at home.
What was The Jungle?
A book written by Upton Sinclair to Roosevelt about work conditions.
Who was William Hearst?
•Media industry
Who was JP Morgan?
•Bank, Steel, and railroad industries and many others
What were the Rough Riders?
A group led by Teddy Roosevelt who fought in Cuba in the Spanish American War.
What was the Monroe Doctrine?
A foreign policy that was a warning to europe to stay out of the western hemisphere. Not effective.
What was a progressive?
A political party member who believed in expansion of the US.
What were spheres of influence?
An area of China that each inperialistic nation had an influence on
What was an Open Door policy?
An immigration policy that welcomed most people into the US.
What was Manifest Destiny?
Nation building physically, culturally, spiritually. God gavr us the USA.
What was The Turner thesis?
“With every generation that moves west, citizens become more American.”
America was gods gift, western frontier closed, we have survived all challenges of expansion.
What were the Jim Crow laws?
Very strict laws about black people in the south.
What was “Remember the Maine”?
One of our main motivations going into the spanosh American war because we were convinced the Spanosh sunk the USS Maine.
Who was WEB DuBois?
- Niagra Movement
- Founded NAACP
- Motovated blacks to succeed economically and go to school
What was the Plessy Vs Ferguson Case?
A black male vs the Board of Education about Jim Crow laws, they ended up staying.
What was the 16th Amendment?
Allowed congress to levy income taxes without regard to state population.
What was the 17th Amendment?
Direct state elections for people, state can fill vacant GOV spots.
What was the 18th Amendment?
Made prohibition.
What was the 19th Amendment?
Women can vote.
What is a conservationalist?
Someone who wants to convserve nature and its resources.
What is the Federal Reserve?
An act that local banks cash with a Federal Reserve District Bank or Motherbank. The motherbanks could increase or decrease the districts money supply.
What was Yellow Journalism?
Flase newspaper stories that people listened to.
Who was Samuel Gompers?
The father of unions.
Who was Susan B Anthony?
A womens right activist.
What was Collective Bargaining?
Where business owners would sit down with unions and have a written agreement.
Who was Vladimir Lenin?
The Russian leader who took them out of the war in ww1 and staryed communism in Russia.
Who was Georges Clemenceau?
Frances savior in WW1. He organized France, connected with US, and went to the Treaty of Versailles.
Who was Kaiser Wilhelm II?
The leader of Germany in WW1 who gets exiled when he loses.
Who were the Bolsheviks?
The political party in Russia who supported Lenin.
Who was Otto Von Bismarck?
The chancellor of Germany/Prussia. He was also a military genius.
What was the 14 points?
A WW1 treaty proposed by Wilson. It was rejected by the US Senate and other world leaders.
What was The League of Nations?
A gathering of leaders from each nation to discuss and work out stuff in a neutral emvironment.
What was the War Guilt Clause?
Germany admits all war guilt and its 100% their fault.
What was the Espionage Act?
An Act that punished citizens who speak against the army or help the enemy. Goverment can also censor mail as well.
What was the Comittee on Public Information?
Helped get psychological support for the war and advertised propaganda to the world.
What was the Sedition Act?
No citizen can speak against the gov., constitution, flag, or military.
What was the War Industry Board?
A board meant to spur production and stop waste for the war.
What was the Selective Service Act?
Requires men between 18-45 to register for the army during the war and took those with no exemptions.
What was the Lusitania?
An ship sunk by a German torpedo and 100s of people died.
What was the Zimmerman Letter?
A note written between German that revealed a plan to distract the US the attack us.
What was a flapper?
Young women in the 1920s who had short hair and wore short dresses and carried cigarette holers, they were rebellious.
What was the Jazz Age?
A revolution of Jazz in the 1920s. Many African Americas became famous because of jazz and it was very popular.
What was the Quota Law in the 1920s?
A law the limited to number of immigrants in the world based on how many were already here.
What was The Red Scare?
A term used to describe the tense atmosphere in the 1920s where resentment with Bolsheviks flared into terrorism. Bolsheviks were blamed for everything.
What was A Speakeasie?
An illegal party club with alcohol during prohibition.
What was the Second Bonus Bill?
- Gov gives veterans life insirance after 20 years
* Vetoed, then overridden by congress
What was “normalcy”?
The term used after WW1 because America wanted to go back to normal.
What was the Teapot Dome Scandal?
Albert fall rented out oil facilities to other businessmen and made over $400,000.
What were Hoovervilles?
Groups of shacks made by homeless people in the great depression.
What was the Bonus Army?
A group of WW1 veterans who protested in DC for the bonus bill and were treated cruely.
What was the Dust Bowl?
A problem of FDR’s, it was the area in the middle of the country that was very dry and very poor.
What were the “Fireside Chats”?
The inspirational messages FDR said on the radio every Sunday night for Americans.
What was the “New Deal”?
The 100s of policies FDR had planned to help the country get out of the depression(his policy).
What was Deficit Spending?
Spending Money you technically don’t have.
What was Black Tuesday?
13.4 million shares were sold and none were bought. The biggest stock market crash in US history.
What is buying on margin?
The buyer of stock pays for part of the share in cash and the broker loans them the rest and the broker gets a loan for the bank to cover for the buyer.
What was the Voluntary Plan?
A policy by Hoover that had busines leaders not cut wages and laborers to not ask for raises. Governors and mayors funded public works and got congress to support these projects.
What was Court Packing?
FDR’s strategy to pack the courts with conservative justices.
What was Trickle Down Economics?
Business owners get money and they use it on business and eventually the workers end up getting more money.
What was the RFC?
Hoovers policy that Handed out money to business men for Trickle Down economics and lended to financially exhausted states.
What was the brain trust?
FDR’s smart cabinet to help him make good decisions.
What was the SSA(Social Security Administration)?
Helped retired and disable people have an income.
What was the TVA(Tennessee Valley Authority)?
Addressed poorest part of the nation and provided industry and was the biggest power supplier in the south.
What was the CCC(Civilian Conservation Corps)?
Employed young men from rough environments and provided public works jobs.
What was the GSA(Glass Steagall Act)?
Reestablished federal reserve system and guarenteed deposits. Created confidence in bank system.
What was the PWA(Public Works Administration)?
Employed people and provided public works jobs.
What was the FLSA(Fair Labor Standards Act)?
Goal was to balance interest of big business labor and consumer. Anyone under 16 could not work. Changed minimum wage, work ours, and overtime.
Whatvwas the NLRA(National Labor Relations Act)?
Goal was to balance interest of labor, big business, and consumer. They kept relations running smooth between employers and employees.
What was the WPA(Workers Progress Administration)?
Goal was to employ people and target creative business sector of the US.
What was the Lends Lease Act?
America’s policy to supply goods, materials, and volunteers to the allies.
What was the Non-Agression pact?
A pact between Germany and Russia not to attack each and they split poland in half. Germany violated this agreement.
What was a ghetto?
An area in prison or concentration camps with horrible conditions for the prisoners to live in.
What was Facism?
An economic system created by Mussolini similar to a dictatorship.
Who was Neville Chamberlain?
The leader of Britian at the start of the war and gets thrown out.
Who was Winston Churchill?
The amazing leader of Britian during WW2.
Who was Eduard Daladier?
The leader of France who is exiled at the beginning of the war.
What was the Munich Conference.
A conference where the leaders of Germany, France, Britian, and Switzerland meet and try to work things out.
Who was Charles de Gaulle?
Leader of the Free French movement in WW2.
Who was Marshall Philippe Pétain?
Leader of Vichy France and went to life in prison.
Who was Joseph Stalin?
The leader of Russia in WW2.
Who was Chiang Kai-Shek?
One of the groups of the civil war in China during WW2 and America wanted his group to win and he didn’t.
Who was Benito Mussolini?
The fascist leader of Italy in WW2.
Who was Emperor Hirohito?
The emperor of Japan in WW2.
Who is Hideki Tojo?
Prime Minister of Japan in WW2.
Who was Francisco Franco?
The fascist king of Spain during WW2.
Who was Adolf Hitler?
The communist nazi leader of Germany in WW2.
Who was Isoroku Yamamoto?
The head of the pacific fleet thay attacked Pearl Harbor in WW2.
Who was Mao Zedong?
A group fighting in the Chinese Civil war who won.
Who is Franklin Delano Roosevelt?
The president of the US during most of WW2.
Who was Harry S Truman?
The president of the US at the end of WW2.
What were Taft’s domestic policies?
- Mann-Elkins Act
- Bust Monopolies
- Pinchot scandal
- Conservationalist
What were Wilson’s domestic policies?
- Workers compensation
- Child Labor Law
- 16th, 17, 18, and 19th Amendments
- Federal Reserve System
- Busted Monopolies
- Clayton Antitrust
- Collective Bargaining
- Adamson Act
What were McKinleys domestic policies?
•Dingley Tariff
What were McKinleys foreign policies?
- Annexed Hawaii
- President during boxer rebellion
- Open Door policy
- President during Spanish AM war
What were Roosevelts domestic policies?
- Elkins Act
- Hepburn Act
- Meat inspection Act
- Busted monopolies
- Square Deal
- Conservationalist
- Food and Drug Administration
- New Nationalism
What were Roosevelts foreign policies?
- Speak softly and carry a big stick
- Gentlemens agreement
- panama canal
What were Taft’s foreign policies?
•Dollar diplomacy
What were Wilsons foreign policies?
- Underwood tariff
- moral diplomacy
- President of WW1
What was the Appeasement policy?
A policy made in a meeting where everyone gave into Hitler’s request for the sudetenland.
What were FDRS foreign and domestic policies?
•The new deal policies
What was Herbert Hoovers foreign and domestic policies?
- Volunteerism
- Hawley-Smoot Tariff
- One-year Moretorium
- Tax Cuts
- Balanced Budget
- Public work projects
- Bailed Banks
- Rugged Individualism
What was Warren G. Hardings foreign and domestic policies?
- Fordney McCumber Act
- Normalcy
- Veterans Bereau
- Emergency Act
- Budget and accounting Act
- Quota Act
What were Calvin Coolidge’s foreign and domestic policies?
- Quota Act
- Balanced Budget
- US oil in middle east
- Second Bonus Bill
- Kellogg-Briand pact
- Dawes Plan
- McNary Haugen Act
Who was general Bradley?
The high ranked general who called on Patton in Africa.
Who was General Rommel?
Germany’s top ranking general who was sent to the battle of El Alamein.
What was the Manhattan Project?
The project for the making of the atomic bombs.
What was Hiroshima and Nagasaki?
The two Japenese cities we used the atomic bombs on.
Who was General MacArthur?
The US General in the Baatan death march.
What was blitzkrieg?
An aggressive German offensive strategy.
What was Cash and Carry?
The policy where we would sell to European nations and they had to come here and get it. We werent involved.
What was a genocide/holocaust?
The mass kiing of people or groups of people.
Who was General Eisenhower?
One of the best US Generals who later became a president. Fought in mainland Europe.
Who was General Montgomery?
The general of England who fought in the battle of El Alamein.
Who was General Patton?
A strategic us soldier involved in a soldier slappin incident.
How are socialism, communism, and capitalism different?
Capitalism: Survival of the fittest, pro business, wealth gap, the best prevail, etc.
Communism: Use of military force, lack of rights, dictatorships
Socialism: Lack of motivation and education. Corruption
How do industrialists of the 1900s rise to power?
New Tech Horizontal and Vertical Integration Lower Prices Undercut competition Cheap Labor New Market
What are the reasons the US rises to power?
- Imperializing
- Industrial Revolution
- Spanish-American War
How do tax cuts and tariffs help or hurt a nation?
Tax Cuts help a nation by giving people a break woth finances but hurt it by giving the government less money.
Tariffs help a country by preventing foreign competition, but hurt it by preventing international business.
Why was America the land of opportunity for immigrants and how was life difficult yet rewarding? Cite evidence.
It was the land of opportunity because people could start over if they were poor. Life was difficult because they went througj struggles to get here, but it was rewarding when they got here. Evidence is the boat ride here, and ellis island. And they got jobs when they got here.
How are republicans and democrats different?
Republicans: Pro business, survival of the fittest, natural process, gov involved, wealthy class,
Democrats: Gov not involved, diversity, equality, lower working class,
Name and describe the causes of the Spanish-American war.
- Sugar- Sugar came from Cuba, and their economy crashed when we made sugar tariff
- Yellow Journalism- Made people want to go to war
- Dupuy DeLome- Spanish letter calling McKinley weak
- USS Maine- Everyone thougjt the Spanish blew it up
- Teddie Roosevelt- Rough Riders+Invasion of Philippines and other Spanish territory
What were at least 3 different consumer “booms” in the 1920s?
Housing- People moved to suburbs because they could drive into the cities
Construction- Roads, developments, parks, etc were needing for suburbs and cars.
Radio- Radios were invented and put in cars used as a popular form of communication and entertainment
Car- Cars were more common and used by people allowing them to travel and mobile
Movie/hollywood/tv- People could drive long distances to see movies and entertainment
Vacation/Beaches- People went ok vacation and to beaches because they could travel now
How did the car, Model T, change society?
It was cheaper and allowed everyone to travel. Therefore, people could urbanize, travel, see movies and industry expanded bevause everyone and everyrthing was now mobile.
Describe the causes of the Great Depression.
- Uneven distribution of wealth- Only business owners had money. Work increase, no wage increase
- Credit- People spent money they didnt have
- Uneven distribution of industrial wealth- Too much supply, too little demand. Economy relied on just two industries
- Imbalance of foreign trade- We had WW1 debt. And we relied on other nations, we put tariffs on them, then they put tariffs on us
- Stock market crash- Everyone lost a TON of money, and a way to make money.
How were Hoovers and FDR’s policies different and why did FDR see success?
Hoover didnt provide direct relief and FDR did. FDR also didnt do tariffs that hurt business, and he used the new deal and acted more caring and interacted with American people.
What were the reasons of the stock market crash?
- Overspending, buying on margin, buying on credit,
- Over valued stock
- Unregulayed stock market
- Bank structure-no mother bank
- Banks unstable- farmers loans
Trace the farming problem diring the 1920s under Coolidge, Harding, and Hoover. Why does it improve under FDR?
There was a massive surplus and no one could get rid of it. It improved under FDR because he bought it and stored it in warehouses and sold it to other countries. The tariffs also made it worse.
What were the causes of WW1?
- Nationalism
- Imperialism
- Bismarck and Alliances
- Arms Race
- Pre War Crises
- Assassination
- Balkan Wars
What was the Maginot Line?
Germany’s battle that made France surrender. They had a fake direct attack and then attacked through Belgium and the Netherlands.
What was the Battle of Britian?
The battle between Germany and Britian’s airforces. It involved the bombing of London and Berlin. They bombed air bases and radars, etc.
What was the battle of Stalingrad?
Germany’s battle with the Russians to advance to Stalingrad to get the Volga River. Germany was defeated and overextended.
What was the Battle of El Alamein?
The battle where the Germans sent the Italians to get oil from the British. They couldn’t do it so they sent General Rommel and britian sent Montgomery and American sent Bradley and Patton. The British and Americans won.
What is D-Day?
The day we landed in Calais France and invaded to get rid of Germany.
What was the Battle of Bulge?
Germany focused their military into kne spit in our line and made a bulge in our line and we ended up winning.
Which time periods were high and low moments for the labor class?
High: WW1, WW2, 1920s, progressive era
Low: Great Depression, industrial revolution
What was the Rape of Nanking?
The abuse of women in China and other disgusting thing Japanese soldiers did to people. Japan comitted genocide and killed 20 million chinese.
What was island hopping?
Our strategy to fight Japan, we get islands from Japan so we can have a base near their mainland.
Who were the progressive presidents? Gives examples to why they were progressive.
Woodrow Wilson, Teddy Roosevelt, William Howard Taft, and McKinley. They were progressive because they had things such as strong international presence(imperialism, spanish-am war).
Name positive and negative aspects of imperialism and examples of other nations imperializing.
Positive: Get resources, political/social cleanup, more land
Negative: Wars/Conflicts, deaths, tension
Examples: Getting Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Spanish American war, Japan getting islands, Manchuria/China
What were the positives and negatives of isolationism?
Positives: No foreign entanglements, no foreign competition
Negatives: No foreign business, no extra you have what you have.
What are general characteristics of 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th world nations?
1st: Infrastructure, education, healthcare, wealthy, went through industrial revolution
2nd: None today, between first and third world
3rd: Poor infrastructure and healthcare, small rich ruling class, possible overpopulation, possibility of industrial revolution
4th: Possible overpopulation, very poor, no structured government, none or rogue military, no possibility of industrial revolution
Name and describe the 6 pillars of Fascism.
- Imperialistic: Warlike, dominate weaker nations, extreme nationalism
- Gov. by elite: Divine ruler, best for nation, others arent capable of governing nation
- Conformity code of behavior: social control, censorship, propoganda
- Racism: one superior race, other races are weak and become enslaved
- Opposition to internal order: No other nations worthy of ruling the world
- Corporate State: Capitalism, heavy regulations
What js a kamikaze?
A Japanese soldier who crashed planes into American stuff.