WW1 Flashcards
What is the acronym for the 4 major causes of WW1?
What does MAIN stand for?
How was Militarism one of the causes of WW1?
When people spent a lot of money on their army and they had no reason to use it, they were tempted to use it.
How was Imperialism one of the causes of WW1?
Many European countries wanted to expand their empire and this had to be done through war.
How were Alliances of one the causes of WW1?
A small disagreement between two nations can start a war between multiple countries
How were Nationalism of one the causes of WW1?
Many people thought that their country was the best and to prove that they had to have a war with their rivals.
What is Militarism?
Building up large armed forces
What are Alliances?
Groups of countries on the same side that will fight together
What is Imperialism?
Expanding your empire
What is Nationalism?
Taking great pride in your country
What is an arms race?
A race between countries to build an army
What is a death toll?
The number of people who died in an event
What is a long term cause?
A reason that is built up over several years that causes an event
What is a short term cause?
A recent reason or trigger that causes an event
What is the Triple Entente?
The alliance between Britain, France and Russia
What is the long term cause of WW1?
What is the Triple Alliance?
The alliance between Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy
What is the short term cause of WW1?
The assassination of the heir to the Austria-Hungarian throne, Franz Ferdinand
What was the Black Hand?
A group of Serbians who’s main goal was the creation a Greater Serbia
What did the Black Hand plan to do?
Assassinate Franz Ferdinand
Who was Franz Ferdinand?
The heir to the throne of Austria-Hungary
Why did the Black Hand want to assassinate Franz Ferdinand?
To stop the Austrian rule in Serbia
How did Franz Ferdinand get assassinated?
-His car driver went the wrong way
-Princip was waiting outside a cafe when a car pulled up infront of him
-Princip pulled out his gun and killed Franz and his wife
Who is Gavrilo Princip?
A member of the Black Hand who Killed Franz Ferdinand and his wife
How did the assassination of Franz Ferdinand lead to war?
-Austria blames Serbia for the assassination and invades.
-Russia mobilizes to support Serbia.
-Germany, allied with Austria-Hungary, declares war on Russia.
-Germany wanted to defeat France before attacking Russia
-Germany invaded Belgium to reach France
-Britain declares war on Germany.
What is a trench?
A long tunnel in the ground used to cover people from open fire and to hide them from the enemy
Why wasn’t the war over by Christmas?
The only way to attack the enemy was by going through no man’s land which was too risky- there was a stalemate between the two sides.
What is enlistment?
When you sign up to go to war
What is conscription?
Forced enlistment for able bodied people
What is no man’s land?
An unoccupied and dangerous strip of land between opposing trenches
What was trench foot?
An infection of the feet caused by cold, wet and dirty conditions
Who were the big three?
The leaders from the most powerful winning countries of WW1- France, Britain and the USA
What was the treaty of Versailles?
A treaty which the Germans had to sign after the war. It formally ended the war
What did the treaty of Versailles do?
It punished Germany and the other losing countries and it established the League of Nations
What is the League of Nations?
An international organization established to promote peace and to prevent future conflicts
When did WW1 start and end?
Where did the assassination of Franz Ferdinand happen?
When did the assassination of Franz Ferdinand happen?
28 June 1914
When was the Battle of the Somme?
1st of July 1916
What was the aim of the battle of the Somme?
To take pressure of the French in Verdun which was under siege by the German Army since February 1916
Who was nicknamed the Butcher of the Somme?
Douglas Haig
Who was nicknamed the Butcher of the Somme?
Douglas Haig
Why was Douglas Haig named the Butcher of the Somme?
For the hundreds of thousands of British casualties under his command
Give 4 features of the Treaty of Versailles
-Germany had to pay £6.6 million in reparations
-Germany had to give their colonies to France and Britain
-The league of nations was set up
-Germany’s army was limited to 100,000 people