WW1 Flashcards
When was WW1 declared
August 1914
When were people convinced WW1 would be over by
Both sides were convinced the war would be over by Christmas
What was the war seen as to many
‘A show’
How long was WW1 actually
4 years and 3 months
What was the germans worst nightmare
Fighting on two battle fronts against France and Russia at the same time
What is a Front
It’s the name of an area where two armies meet each other
What was the name of the plan where the Germans split off into two and what is it
The Schlieffen plan this was in honour of the man who came up with the idea. The plan was to quickly defeat France with a huge knockout blow through Belgium before moving the soldiers to the east to face the eneromas but slow Russian army
What happened when the Germans put the Schlieffen plan into act
Thing quickly took a grim turn as the Belgian army which the Germans fought they could defeat tought back with the help of the British (BEF) held the Germans up at Mons. While the Russians attacked from the east
What made trenches such good defensive systems
Trenches were made to make attacks difficult. This ment that traditional attacks were inneffective
What were trench rats like
The rats were firstly there due to food scraps and dead bodies. In addition rats were able to produce mass numbers of offspring up 880 in a year meaning trenches woukd be packed with them and they grew up to the size of cats and would steal soliders is food
Whats was food like in trenches
At the beginning of war soldiers were fed good amounts of food but the longer the war prolonged smaller amounts of food were handed out meaning soldiers would eat corned beef,bread and biscuits (which were stale) to make bread they would use turnips and have oxo a weak tea and due to using 2 pans everything tasted the same.
What was disease like in trenchs (trench foot)y
Many soldiers in WW1 suffered from trench foot.This was an infection of the foot caused by the cold , wet and dirty muddy trenches due to soldiers not being able to remove wet socks or boots as the feet go numb and skin would turn red or blue, if not treated amputation may need to take place
How many men durning WW1 in the winter had trench foot
20,000 men of the british army
What can be seen in every town and village of the Britian
The name of dead soldiers,sailors and airmen on memorials
Why was the WW1 called the great war
Because no one experienced a war on this magniuted before and millions of men were split onto two alliances,due to spending 4 years on the battle front.
How many people died to the use of the world most deadliest weapons
9 million people which is 5000 deaths per day for 7 days a week over 4 years
In what city in the midlands of Britian has 30,000 mens names who werent found
Birmingham is Hall of Memory
What have many schools and factories in Britian built to honer people
What were ways that led to WW1 taking place (Nationalism)
People starting to take pride for their country this was mostly in Europe due to them thinking their country was the best.
What were the ways that led to WW1 (Militarism)
People were keen anout their military such as the armies and navies. To make sure that their army was the best. Leading to countries being in an arms race ( where countries increase the size and quality of there reasources)
What were the ways that led to WW1 (Imperialism)
Countries who had empiers were starting to race one another to gain control of other nations,mostly in Affrica this led for more tension and rivalries. To beganalso to see one another as threats.
What were the ways that led to WW1
Due to countries feeling a sence of threat they looked for friends to back them up in war known as allies
Europe split into two alliances what were there names
Britain,France and Russia formed the triple Entente while Germany,Austria-Hungary and Italy formed the triple Alliance.
What was the idea of of alliances
The idea was to put people off of starting a waras it would mean fighting against not one but three nations
What was a disadvantage about alliances
If two countries got into an argument that ment that the whole of Europe may go into war.
What happened on the 28th of June 1914 in Bosnian city
The heir to the throne Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife were murded
What empire was Bosnia apart of
Bosnia was apart of the Austro-Hungarain Empire
What year did Austro-Hungari conquer Bosnia
In 1908
What neigbouring country did Boanian want to join
They wanted to join Serbia
What was the name of the Serbian gang that planned to assassinate Archduke Franz
The ‘black hand’
Who did the royals come to vist in Bosnia
The town mayor
How many people were injured in the Assassination behind the royals in Bosnia
Several people
Who was the person who killed the royals in Bosnia
18 year old Gavrilo Princip
How did the two royals die in Bosnia
The royals were shot,Ferdinad in the throat and his wife in the stomach
What happens on July 28th 1914
Austria-Hungary blame serbia for killing Ferdinand so they attack Serbia
What happens on the 29th of July 1914
Russia get involved due to having an alliance with Serbia and attack Austria Hungary
What happens on August 1st 1914
Germany has an alliance with Austria-Hungary so they declare war on Russia
What hapeens on the 2nd of August
Britian prepares it’s own warships
What happenes on the 3rd of August
Germany plan to attack the French and then attack Russia
What happens on the 4th of August
Germany ask to go through Belgium to attack France and belgium refuse but the Germans still go through
What is the deal Belgium and Britian have
That England should protect them from attacks which dates back to 1839
What happens on the 6th of August
Austria Hungary declares war on Russia
What happens on the 12th of August
Britian and France declare war on Austria-Hungary
What side did Italy join
What was the number if countries that joined the war
28 countries
Name 4 countries on the allie side
Britian and its empire,France,Belgium and Serbia
Name four countries on the central powers
Germany,Austria Hungary,Turkey and Bulgaria
What is a duckboard
They were placed on the ground to stop troops from sinking in the mud
What was a fire step
Where soldiers would look to shoot
What were dugouts
A room where people were anle to recieve calls
What are periscopes
It lets troops see over the top without the risk of getting shot
What is barbed wire
It was used to slow down attacks
What was a machine gun
It was rapid firing gun that shoot down attack troops
What were concrete bunckers
It was reinforced buncker
What was artillery
It was huge guns that fired enermous explosives or posionous shells for miles
What were machine gun nest
They would protect the machine gunner from enemies
What was sandbags
It was reinforced walls,that what muffel explosions and soak up moisture
What was areoplanes
It would help spot targets for artelliery and drop bombs on enemies.
What ere communication trenches
They were linked to the front line and were reserved
What were gas bells
They were rung to tell troops to put on gas masks
What was daily life like in trenches (early hours)
The day would start with a stand to and everyone gathering thier weapons,people would do the ritual the morning hate where they would be told to stand down meaning there would be no night raid.
What was work like on a daily basis
People would repare their thrences,fill sandbags,carry supplies and run errands and clean their weapons. Every soldier had thier own lee enfiled rifle which they had to clean
What were soldiers is isuue with water
Their issue with water was that it would taste awful due to there being to much chloride of lime.
What was the soldiers issue with winter
Peope may be frozen in the ice and it may cause others distrees
What would the British do with there soldiers to keep them happy
They would make sure every soldier only fought for 5 days a month at the frontline
In January of 1919 where did all the countries meet up
They met up in Paris in the Palace of Versailles
What wa sthe British,France and the US known as
The big 3 because they represented the most powerful winning countries
What were the germans and the Austro Hungarians and Turk or Bulgarians not allowed to do
They were not allowed to send their viewpoints
Who wa sthe priminster of Britian
David loyd George
What was Davids lloyd’s job as a priminster after WW1(British Priminster)
To make the German’s pay but he wanted avoid humiliating them
What was Woodrow Wilson is job as president of the United States of America
He wanted to try and make Germany not become aggresive and he wanted them to not be punished and wanted everyone to have a self determination
Who is George Clemenceau
The prime Minister of France
What did the priminster of france want for Germany
Around 1.4 million frenchmen died in their war efforts and huge parts of the country was destroyed. He wanted revenge on Germany
How much did Germany have to pay off for the treaty of Versailles and what did they have to sign
6600 million and they had to sign that they started the war
What did Germany also have to hand over to Britian and France (treaty of Versialles)
What happened to some parts of Germany after the treaty of Versailles
Parts of the country were cut apart to create new countries
What was created for countries to talk about their complaints
The leaugue of nations
What objects were taken away from Germany as a result of going to war
Their air force,submarines and they were allowed no where near to France
Where is the leaugue of nations is head quaters
In Geneva,Switzerland
How many countries sogned up for the leauge of Nations
What would the countries in the leauge of nations do if another country invaded one of their countries
They would stop giving them supplies such as trading
Name 3 success of the leaugue of Nations
Freed 200,000 slaves, Helped 400,000 prosoners of war return home and sorted out a dispite between Finland and Sweden
What were some of the failures of the league of nations
It never had it’s own armed force,it couldn’t stop Japan from invading China in 1931 and it couldn’t stop dtop italy from invading Ethiopia in 1935