The Holacaust Flashcards
What is Anti-Judaism
being against the Jewish faith as a religion
What is Anti-Semitism
being racist or discriminating against Jewish people, based on a belief that they are their own race or ethnicity.
What would most people use the Jewish as
A scape goat by blaming them for what was wrong in society an example is the black death
What happened in Nazi Germany rather than anti Judaism
It became anti semitism. This is due to the Nazis beleving that the Jewish people were seprate, different humanity
What is the term “aryan”
White European person blonde hair blue eyes (perfect race)
Where were jews forced to live
Jews were forced to live in ghettos as people belevied they should remain separate
At the time what heirchary was becoming popular
The idea of people being divied into superior and inferior races
What was the main relgion in Europe
Christianity so if you were Jewish it was unusal and different
Who would German people blame for their loss in WW1
They would blame the German Jews who fought for their country and died at the arm of the police
What were the Jews accused of (to do with children)
They were accused of murdering children to use their blood for making passover bread
What Christian blame the Jewish for
Crucifying Jesus
What the Jews blamed for (a disease)
The black death
What where the jews seen as
A race rather than a relegion
Many belevied if a Jew changed their faith what would happen
They would stay a jew and that it was in their blood
Where jews in medevil times allowed to have any job they wanted
No they could only have a set amount of Jobs such as tax collectors
What were jews accused of (a type of action that wicthes do)
Performing magic
What type of clothing were jews forced to wear
They were forced to wear the same hats,badges, or certain items of clothing to show they were Jewish
What book was realsed against Jews
Protocols of the elders of zion (an anti-Jewish book) which lies about jews plotting world dommination
Where would the Jews go due to bring cut off from one another
The Jews would settle all across Europe and the middle east in small communties because they were cut off from society by Christian persecution
Who were the Nazis and who made the group
It was a group formed by Adolf Hitler in 1919
In 1920 what was the small political group is name (formulated by Germany)
National socialist German Workers Party (NSDAP)
What year did Hitler became the Nazi leader
In 1921
What was the nazi’s idea on the German living space
That they needed more space to live to become a stronger country
What was Germanys idea on a leader
Instead of a democracy Germany wanted a single strong leader with complete power
What is social Darwinsim
The idea that human beings could be grouped into different ‘races’ and that those ‘races’ are in constant competition with one another and that Germany belonged to the strongest ‘race’ the ‘Aryan race’
What does self sufficiency mean
That Germany should not depend on other countries for food or materials
In what year was hitler made Chancellor of Germany
In 1933
What does Untermensch mean
It means that they are undiseriable
Explain what Eugenics and social Darwinism is
Its where people would “breed” humans selectviely and choose the “best” specimens that could create the best humans
In April 1933 what did the Nazi’s do to all Jewish shops
The Nazi’s enforced a boycott (to refuse to buy, use, or participate in (something) as a way of protesting) agsinst all Jewish shops
In 1938 what (kristallnacht) (destruction of Jewish)
This was known as the ‘night of broken glass’ which took place in Germany where thousands of Jewish synagogues and homes are destroyed. Hundreds were murded.
In April 1945 what happened to Hilter
Hitler decided to kill himself and writes his last words and blames all the Jews for their problmes in Germany he also urges all the German people to observe the ‘racial laws’
In March 1933 what happened in the Dachau (Germany poltics)
It’s opened for political oppenents of Hilter and most of the people sent here are part of the communist and socialist party
In 1938 what were all jews forced to wear
A star of David badge. And the prices of sll their belongings plumited to only 5,000 Reichsmarks
What happened in April 1937 ( to a race)
Groups of black people were rounded up and forcibly sterilised
What happened in July 1941 (killing)
A leading Nazi is given the order to organise a mass murder of Jewish people
In the summer of 1940 what happend to those of different sexuallities
Gay men begin to be sent to concentration camps.In some camps,they are castrated.
What happened in September 1935
The Nuremberg laws were passed by the Nazis. This included banning Jewish marriages and they weren’t allowed to be citizes
What was lenions idea on racism
He belevied that education was key to tackle racism
In 1993 who was murdered and what happened
Stephen Lawrence,Leon 82 led a group of 60,000 people to protest for human rights and for the closure of the British Nationsl party
What happened that fullied people anoute Stephen Lawrence is death
No one was connvicted for his death
What did leon start to do
Leon spent his life speaking to thousands od school children,students,police cadets,nurses,fire fighters and teachers about his holocaust experience
What was leon given by the queen
For his work Lenon was given an OBE for his services in education by the queen in 1998
What did many illford locals do in remembarance of Leon
The people placed a permanent memorial in Valentine park to remember Leon nd his legacy to fight aginst racism.
While in the concentration Camp what would Leon often do
He would often pray and promise to God that if he would survive he would live to tell the world what took place there
What would leon often do in Ilford
He would go shopping in the highstreet and the market and bump into the local grocer,dentist and newsagent
How many Jews were in Poland
How many Jews were in Albania
How many Jews were in Great Britian
Who were Jehovah’s witnesses
They were people who didn’t follow Hitler and swaer loyalty to him
What were jews seen as for many
They were seen as scapegoats for peoples problems
What would rulers of other countries do to make life hard for Jews
They passed laws which were unfair towards the Jewish and also they were unable to get certain jobs
Where was the places where Jews would be forced to live
What would happen to Jews all across the world
They would be unwelcomed and they would be expelled from countries and other beliefs would sterotype the such as Christians
Who let Jews originally come into the country
King William the conqueror and he gave them protection
What changed for Jews in the 1100s
They started to be wrongly accussed of murdering Christians and ant- Judaism grew
What was one of the worst instances against Jews
It was in York in 1190 when around 150 Jewish people died after being trapped in a tour
What grew of the mext hundred of years when the Jews were in England
The resentment against them and persecution against them
Who ordered for the Jews to leave the country
King Edward in 1290
What happened in 1655 that let Jews come back
A new rule was passed which ment that allowed for the Jews to return back to England
What were jews accused of in 1348
They were of posioning wells during the black in France and were burned
What was the converstaion about that the King of England had with his advisors in 1290
How they had hanged more than 250 Jews 3 years ago and how they had more wealth than English people,the nobles don’t trust them
What was said in the dairy of a Russian Jew
How they are all starving and freezing in the miserable village,how the weather ruined the harvest so there is no food which is affecting many people some of which are children or families