Britians Earliest Immigrants Flashcards
Where are the celts from
Central europe
When did the celts settle in England
Around 500 BC
How were the celts proud of their apperance
They kept themselves clean using special soaps and perfumes
When did the romans arrive to Britian
43 AD
Where did the Romans come from
How long did the Romans stay for
400 years
What did the celts usually wear
Wore shirts and cloaks that were colourfully dyed and embroidered
What was the Celts main job
What was the Roman army made of (countries)
Gauls(modern day france),Germans and Hungarians and africans
What did the celts build
What did the celts intoduce to britain
What are morden day roads made from
Old roman roads
Trbal Business was done yearly at assemblies what did they do during the assemblies?
They had land disputes settled,
Accused criminals tried and people appointed to important positions by vote
What were Celtic priests in charge of
Religious rituals - some of their traditions survived today such as Halloween and May Day
What was another name for Celtic priests
What were the names of some important towns that still exist today
Chester,York,Bath,Gloucester,Lincoln,Colcheseter and St Albans
What were romans the first to do
They were the first to use calendars,coins,glass and bricks
Name some of the food that the romans introduced
Cabbages,peas,wine,apples,grapes,turnips carrots and cats
When did the Vikings arrive and from where
800AD from Denmark and Norway and Sweden
What countries invaded (anglo-saxons)
In small groups from Denmark and northen Germany (other tribes such as the jutes from Northan Germany)
What other tribes did the angolo saxons drive away
The celtic tribes which went into wales,Cornwall,Cumbria and Scotland
Where did the vikings take over
North and western britain
What were the Angolo Saxons before converting to Christianty
What were the Angolo Saxons days of the week tuesday
Tiw(the god of combat)= Tuesday
What is wednesday in angolo saxons
What is thursday in Angolo Saxons
What is friday in Angolo Saxons
Freya(goddess lf love and beauty)
What was the nname that the Angolo Sacons gave to England
‘Angle-land’ later England
What words did the Angolo Saxons add to English
Bed,cat,dog,tree,lick,jump,hunt,fox and fart
What is the name of counties and town named by Angolo Saxons endings
When did the normans arrive and from where
France ,1066
What was one of the reasons South Asians came to Britian
So came due to there being wars and to avoid it
What countries in South asia were british holders
India,Pakistan and Bangladesh
What group ruled by the british was Some south asisan countries apart of
The British Empire