Why is international governance needed?
International Governance is needed:
- To eliminate “Beggar thy neighbour” policies (e.g., trade protectionism)
- To manage and control externalities (e.g., environmental pollution
- To regulate, police and manage other problems (e.g., overfishing in the seas and oceans; greenhouse gases and the depletion of the ozone layer?
International cooperation between states is important to keep the world economy open and functioning.
What kind of international institutions are there?
- International regimes: Principles, norms, rules, and decision- making procedures around which actor expectations converge in a given issue area (e.g., GATT, Kyoto Protocol)
- International organisations: Legal and physical bodies that manage and implement international regimes (e.g., WTO)
What are the main international economic institutions today?
- International Monetary Fund (IMF)
- Bank for International Settlements (BIS)
- General Agreement on Tariffs & Trade
- World Trade Organization (WTO)
Aid and Development:
- World Bank
- United Nations Development Program (UNDP)
- Regional development banks
why were all the institutions created in the mid-1940s?
bretton woods
what was the goal of bretton woods?
to create a postwar economic environment to promote worldwide peace and prosperity
what happened in bretton woods?
When 44 countries met in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire in 1944, they created the Bretton Woods era.
Created at the end of WWII:
- International Monetary Fund
- International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (Official name of the World Bank)
It created a system based on the gold standard.
when did the bretton woods end?
Bretton Woods system ended August 15, 1971.
what are the objectives of the IMF?
It was established to:
- promote international monetary cooperation and stability, by monitoring foreign exchange systems, and ensuring orderly exchange arrangements;
- to foster economic growth and high levels of employment;
- and to provide temporary financial assistance to countries to help ease balance of payments adjustment.
when was imf established?
how many countries are in the imf?
facts about imf
- $1 trillion is amount available for lending
- 34 current lending arrangements
- 76 recipient countries of emergency pandemic financing
- $303 million for technical advice, training and learning
how does the membership in the imf work?
Open to any country willing to agree to rules and regulations. Membership requires payment (deposit) of a quota.
Quota size reflects the global importance of the country’s economy and political considerations.
The quota:
- determines voting power
- serves as part of official reserves
- determines country’s borrowing power
what are the top 10 countries in the weighted voting system of the imf decision making?
- United States (17.43%)
- Japan (6.47%)
- China (6.40%)
- Germany (5.59%)
- France (4.23%)
- United Kingdom (4.23%)
- Italy (3.16%)
- India (2.75%)
- Russian Federation (2.71%)
- Brazil (2.32%)
- Canada (2.31%)
what is the largest and smallest member of the IMF?
The largest member of the IMF is the United States, with a current quota of SDR 42.1 billion (about $65 billion), and the smallest member is Tuvalu, with a current quota of SDR 1. million (about $2.78 million).
when was the The International Bank for Reconstruction And Development (World Bank) created?
The International Bank for Reconstruction And Development (World Bank) was created in 1945 with the following goals
what are the goals of the International Bank for Reconstruction And Development (World Bank)?
- goal 1: help finance reconstruction of european economies (accomplished in mid 1950s)
- goal 2: build the economy of developing countries
how does the membership in the world bank work?
The World Bank is like a cooperative, made up of 189 member countries as of August 2023. These member countries, or shareholders, are represented by a Board of Governors, who are the ultimate policymakers at the World Bank.
Membership requires payment (deposit) of a quota. Quota size reflects global importance of country’s economy and political considerations.
The quota:
- determines voting power
- serves as part of official reserves
- determines country’s borrowing power
how much were the IBRD (World Bank) subscriptions in july 2024?
IBRD Subscriptions as of July 2024 - $267 billion
what are the top 10 countries in the weighted voting system of the world bank decision making?
- United States 15.49%
- Japan 7.08%
- China 5.87%
- Germany 4.21%
- France 3.86%
- United Kingdom 3.86%
- India 3.03%
- Russian Federation 2.82%
- Saudi Arabia 2.74%
- Italy 2.58%
- Canada 2.51%
when whas the BIS (Bank For International Settlements) created and why?
Established in 1930, Basel, Switzerland to manage Germany’s war reparation payments imposed by the Treaty of Versailles.
what are the roles of the BIS today?
- The central bank of central banks
- Ensures international cooperation of central banks and assists with monetary policy development.
- Ensures that central banks maintain reserve assets and capital/asset ratios above prescribed international minimums to avoid over-indebtedness.
- Lender of last resort.
how was the beginning of the GATT?
The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) was developed as part of the Havana, Cuba conference in 1947 (ITO). It provided forum for trade ministers to discuss barriers to international trade