Introduction Flashcards
What is the difference between the home country and the host country?
Home country: the country where a company is legally registered and has its headquarters. The home country’s government has jurisdiction over the company’s legal matters.
Host country: the foreign country where a multinational company (MNC) conducts business operations and locates its foreign direct investment (FDI).
what is the difference between a mne and a mnc?
MNE (Multinational Enterprise) refers to a company or organization that owns or controls production or services in more than one country.
MNC (Multinational Corporation), similar to MNE, an MNC is a corporation that operates in multiple countries but is typically headquartered in one.
what is a mne?
MNE (Multinational Enterprise) refers to a company or organization that owns or controls production or services in more than one country
what is a mnc?
MNC (Multinational Corporation), similar to MNE, an MNC is a corporation that operates in multiple countries but is typically headquartered in one.
what is a gc?
GC (Global Corporation) refers to a corporation with worldwide operations and strategy, but with a centralized headquarters.
what is a tnc?
TNC (Transnational Corporation): similar to MNC but emphasizes decentralized operations and a focus on being locally adaptive.
what is the difference between wholly-owned and IJVs?
Wholly-Owned Subsidiaries (WOS) are a business entity completely owned and controlled by a parent company. The parent company owns 100% of the equity or shares.
An IJV is a partnership between two or more parties (typically from different countries) that come together to form a new business entity for shared objectives.
what is a nation state?
A nation-state is a type of political entity where the boundaries of a nation (a group of people with a shared culture, history, language, or identity) coincide with the boundaries of a state (a political and legal entity with governance and authority over a territory)
what are national boundaries?
National boundaries refer to the geographical lines that define the territorial extent of a country or state. These boundaries separate one nation or state from another and are recognized in international law.
what is national sovereignty?
National sovereignty refers to a state’s absolute authority and independence to govern itself without interference from external powers. This concept is central to international law and the idea of statehood.
what is the difference between inward and outward FDI?
Inward FDI refers to foreign entities investing in a country’s domestic businesses or assets. This means foreign companies or individuals are bringing capital into a host country. Outward FDI refers to domestic companies or individuals investing in foreign businesses or assets. This means capital flows from the home country to foreign countries.
What are the key issues in the global business environment?
International trade liberalization
Government’s impact on international trade
Issues related to socio- economic development
What are the top 3 leading countries in exports of international merchandise trade?
- China
- Usa
- Germany
What are the top 3 leading countries in imports of international merchandise trade?
- China
- Germany
What are the top 3 countries in international merchandise trade in terms of % of GDP?
- Hong Kong
- Djibouti
- Slovenia