WT-Psychoanalytic Flashcards
Stephen Reid
•Mamillius= Leontes’ “masculine self” / Perdita = “feminine self”
Murray Schwartz
•‘The myth of “twinn’d lambs” is a retrospective idealisation of boyhood in the interest of clinging to a paradisal version of pre-Oedipal existence when confronted by the temptation towards sexual contact.’
•‘As Mamillius’ name implies, Leontes’ masculine image of himself is maternally fixated.’
Janet Adelman
•‘Shakespeare achieves the recuperation of the maternal body…by immersion in the fertile space of a decidedly female pastoral…filled with the vibrant energies of sexuality and seasonal change, it stands as a rebuke to Polixenes’ static and nostalgic male pastoral…The pastoral initiates this recuperation…moving from tragedy to romance by demonstrating that this place of “otherness” can be a source of richness…’
•‘…the primary psychic significance of the play’s radical break with Leontes’s consciousness…the only possible antidote to his disease…Leontes’s psyche is presented as the locus of the disease…’
•‘…if Leontes’s attempt to control the world by banishing the female had unmade the world for him, Hermione’s coming to life figures the return of the world to him and his capacity to tolerate and participate in its aliveness, with all its attendant risks.’
•‘…in Paulina’s refuge, which Leontes’s long penitential submission entitles him to enter, maternal presence can be restored. And the restoration turns on bringing him face to face with exactly what he has done, so that he can undo it step by step, vesting Hermione with life as he has earlier deprived her of it. For the statue grants him what he thought he wanted: the unreliable female body reduced to an icon he could possess forever, static and unchanging.’
Opening dialogue btw Cam + Arch discussing L + Pol’s friendship:
They were trained together in their childhoods; and there rooted between them then such an affection which cannot choose but branch now. Since their more mature dignities and royal necessities made separation of their society… (1.1.19-21 p.84)
- ‘trained’ implications of duty + destiny + formality
- verbs ‘rooted’ + ‘branch’ coupled w adj ‘mature’ connote natural course of growth from childhood →adulthood
- Jux btw ‘childhood affections’ + ‘more mature dignities’ mirroring L’s internal conflict
- Setting scene for L’s bitter rejection of duty in favour indulging pleasure principles
Opening dialogue btw Cam + Arch discussing Mam as heir to throne:
It is a gallant child, one that…makes old hearts fresh. (1.1.32-33 p.85)
- Emphasis on patriarchal succession + faith of subjects placed on Mam (highlight tragedy of death for contemp aud)
- Mam = L’s ‘masc self’ (Reid) foreshadows inevitable untimely death b/c L must identify w ‘fem self’ to achieve redemption
- Jux btw ‘old’ + ‘fresh’ emphasis on Mam’s youth + regenerative properties / youth characterised as ‘unspeakable comfort’ + desirable
Pol to L (+H) as he begins his reasoning for needing to leave Sic + return to Bo:
Nine changes of the watery star hath been The shepherd’s note since we have left our throne… (1.2.1-2 p.85)
•‘nine changes’ = ref to period of human gestation / ‘watery star’ = moon (fem symbol) →pattern of dict serves to draw audience’s atten to H’s pregnant body
•Pol uses this lang to begin his reasoning for needing to leave Sic →resentment from L to H b/c sees her as severing homosoc bonds
•L desires to return to pre-Oedipal existence free from ‘temptations’ of women
OR: •L feels intimidated by H’s maternal power / sees H as mother figure →Oedipal anxieties
Pol to H reminiscing a/b idyllic childhood w/ L:
We were as twinn’d lambs that did frisk i’th’sun (1.2.66 p.89)
- Phonetic qualities e.g. clipped assonance + soft consonance →nostalgic tone
- Pastoral imagery + biblical allusion to prelapsarian Eden
- Pol + L idealise their sexless youth + wish to be ‘boy eternal’
Pol to H on how/why halcyon days ended:
O my most sacred lady! Temptations have since then been born to’s (1.2.75-79 p.90)
- ‘temptations’ bib allusion to Eve as perpetrator for fall of Man
- ‘born to’s’ = passive voice (men abjuring responsibility) / verb choice ‘born’ shows maternal lang pervades speech despite disdain for role of women in society
- Pol + L idealise their youth + associate loss of this w sexual maturity
L recalling courtship w H before she agreed to marry him:
‘three crabbed months’ that ‘soured themselves to death’ (1.2.108-101 p.91)
- Jux nostalgia of Pol’s childhood recollections
- ‘crabbed’ + ‘soured’ + ‘death’ = resentful tone / pattern of dict assoc w over-maturing/ripening + becoming ruined
- L has disdain for duty as king + husb/ desires return pre-sexual boyhood before ‘temptations’ caused him to ‘sin’
- Positions H as reluctant bride + further evidence L sees her as mother figure
L seeking comfort in young son Mam:
The say we are almost as like as eggs (1.2.128-129 p.93)
- ‘eggs’ connote embryo i.e. earliest point in human dev emphasizes L’s drastic infantile reg
- L tries to identify w Mam b/c feels betrayed by previous ‘twin’ Pol
- Described by Adelman as ‘…a deeply irrational attempt to replace the lost twin ship by reinstating the fantasy of male parthenogenesis in Mamillius.’
Observing Mam →reflecting on own youth:
Looking on the lines of my boy’s face, methoughts I did recoil twenty-three years, and saw myself unbreeched…my dagger muzzled…’ (1.2.152-157 p.95)
- ‘recoil’ connotes disgust/fear/repulsion →L has aversion to current state of adult + sexual maturity + wishes to return to earlier stage of psychosexual dev
- ‘unbreeched’ = in child’s clothing i.e. X yet sexually mature / ‘dagger’ = phallic imagery + martial symb/ ‘muzzled’ connotes restrain + suppression emphasising L’s state of infantile reg + repulsion towards sexual maturity
L salaciously imagining H’s supposed infidelity w Pol:
And many a man there is…That little thinks she [his wife] has been sluiced in’s absence…No barricado for a belly; know’t; It will let in and out the enemy With bag and baggage: many thousand on’s Have the disease, and feel’t not. (1.2.185-205 p.97-98)
•‘sluiced’ + ‘bag and baggage →graphic imagery assoc w male sexual exp / L indulging in fantasy of repressed desires?
OR •L demonising sex as lewd, explicit + undesirable exp to distance himself from sexual maturity (infantile reg)
•Objectifying H as ‘a belly’ L tries to claim her body as male space which he must defend (‘barricado’) from the ‘enemy’ (Pol/father figure)
•‘disease’ = adulthood? Repressed desires? Sexual desires?
Mam to H:
A sad tale’s best for winter (2.1.25-26 p.113)
- 1 of only 2 female, domestic spaces in the play (other is Paul’s gallery in A5)•‘winter’s tale’ i.e. fairy tale traditionally gendered female →Mam comfortable in this space
- Connotations of Mam’s name
- L forcibly removes Mam from maternal space at crucial stage in dev →arrested dev + untimely death
- Motif of seasons + significance of title / winter = dormant rep L’s wishes for X change but w/o change X growth
Mam to H:
I have drunk, and seen the spider.’ (2.1.45 p.114)
- Metaphor for L’s narrow + warped view of world →focused only on his needs + desires while neglecting those of his family + subjects
- Link to oral contamination →spider = women? “fem self”?
Seizing Mam from H:
Give me the boy. I am glad you did not nurse him. Though he does bear some signs of me, yet you have too much blood in him. (2.1.56-58 p.115)
- Mam forcibly removed from nurturing fem space / name connotes bond b/w mother + child →adumbrates Mam’s untimely death b/c X survive w/o maternal nurturance
- ‘not nurse him’ –placing H as source of corruption (broader pattern of d)
- ‘too much blood in him’ –L seeks to rid his world of “corrupting” fem influ→ doomed to fail b/c integ role women play
Paul convincing jailer to let her take Perd to L:
This child was prisoner to the womb and is by law and process of great nature thence freed and enfranchised… (2.2.58-59 p.126)
- challenges L’s latent womb fantasy / infant reg b/c Paul highlights natural process of birth + freedom/independence that comes w this
- ‘office becomes a woman best’ →Paul recognizes L rejecting “fem self” t/f only strong, determined fem influ can “cure” him
L a/b Mam’s decline in health:
Conceiving the dishonour of his mother, He straight declined, droop’d, took it deeply (2.3.13-14 p.128)
- ‘dishonour’, ‘declined’, ‘droop’d’, ‘deeply’ allit emphasizes Mam dramatic decline since being forcibly removed from mother →arrested dev due to ↓maternal care + nurturance
- L trying to negate maternal role by blaming H for Mam’s decline