WRONG Qs- Term 1 Flashcards
Function of endoplasmic reticulum (1 mark):
Protein synthesis
Function of Golgi apparatus (1 marks):
Modifying protein (adds carbs to protein) making a glycoprotein
Describe the structure and function of the nucleus (4 marks):
- double membrane AND pores
- chromosomes
- nucleolus
- holds genetic information for polypeptides
- DNA replication occurs
- production of mRNA
Explain why the organelles visible in the photograph would not have been visible in an optical light microscope (2 marks):
1) low resolution
2) because wavelength of light is not short enough
Describe how you could make a temporary mount of a piece of plant tissue to observe the position of starch grains in the cells when using an optical (light) microscope (4 marks):
1) add a drop of water to glass slide
2) obtain thin section and place on slide
3) Stalin with iodine in potassium iodide
4) lower cover slip using mounted needle
Describe how a peptide bound is formed between two amino acids to form a dipeptide (2 marks):
1) a condensation reaction- loses a water molecule
2) formed between an amine and hydroxyl group
Describe how the secondary structure of a polypeptide is produced by bonds between amino acids (2 marks):
1) hydrogen bonds
2) between NH and C=O group
Explain why two proteins have the same number and type of amino acids but different territory structures (2 marks):
1) different primary structure
2) form disulphide bonds in different places
Compare and contrast the structure of starch and cellulose (6 marks):
1) starch is bigger and cellulose is smaller
2) starch contains A- glucose and cellulose contains B-glucose
3) both are glucose polymers
4) both contain glycosidic bonds
5) both contain hydrogen, carbon and oxygen only
6) both contain glucose
7) starch is coiled, cellulose is straight
Describe how a triglyceride molecule is formed (3 marks):
1) formed between glycerol and three fatty acids
2) ester bond is formed
3) condensation reaction forming 3 molecules of water r
Describe how the structure of glycogen is related to it’s function (6 marks):
1) helical so compact
2) branched- more enzymes- faster hydrolysis
3) polymer of glucose so easily hydrolysed
4) large, insoluble molecules do not affect the water potential of the cell
5) glucose polymer so provides respiratory substrate for enzymes
Protein associated with DNA in a chromosome:
His tone
Describe the role of DNA polymerase in the semi-conservative replication of DNA (3 marks):
1) joins adjacent DNA nucleotides
2) catalyses condensation reactions
3) catalyses formation of phosphodiester bonds between nucleotides
Contrast how an optical microscope and a transmission electron microscope work and contrast the limitations of their use when studying cells (6 marks):
1) TEM use electrons and optical use light
2) TEM allows for greater resolution so smaller organelles can be observed
3) TEM views only dead/ dehydrated specimens and optical can view live specimens
4) TEM does not show colour, optical can
5) TEM requires a thinner specimen
6) TEM requires a more complex/ time consuming preparation
Describe binary fission in bacteria (3 marks):
1) replication of circular DNA
2) replication of plasmids
3) division of cytoplasm to produce daughter cells