written exam 3 Flashcards
the muscle of the inner thigh which is capable of producing hip flexion, hip abduction, hip er, and knee flexion is the
which movement occurs in the coronal (frontal) plane
hip flexion
hip abduction
hip er
hip ir
hip abduction
what is the proximal attachment of the vastus lateralis
lateral lip of the linea aspera, lateral greater trochanter
which muscle hash a proximal attachment on the anterior inferior iliac spine (AIIS)
rectus femoris
which ligament prevents the tibia from moving forward on the femur
anterior cruciate ligament
what muscle has a proximal attachment on the posterior femur just above the lateral and medial condyles
which ligament is most important for stability when a person suffers a blow or hit to the outside (lateral) knee
medial collateral ligament
which of the following is NOT a structure found on the femur
medial malleolus
intertrochanteric line
linea aspera
adductor tubercle
medial malleolus
all of the following have an attachment to the ischial tuberosity EXCEPT
biceps femoris - long head
biceps femoris - short head
aadductor magnus
biceps femoris - short head
what muscle plantar flexes the ankle and assists with knee flexion
what is the primary action of the tibialis posterior
plantar flexion and inversion
the flexor hallucis longus action is to
flex the great toe
action of the tibialis anterior
inverts the foot and dorsiflexes the ankle
what statement is true regarding the fibularis longus and brevis
both insert on the 5th metatarsal
are invertors of the foot
both originate on the tibia
are evertors of the foot
are evertors of the foot
which of the following muscles does NOT extend the hip
gluteus maximus
which of the following muscles crosses two joints
adductor magnus
adductor longus
biceps femoris - short head
which of the following muscles does NOT assist with hip er
gluteus medius
quadratus femoris
tensor fascia latae
gluteus maximus
tensor fascia latae
which of these muscles does NOT insert at the same place as the rest
the function of the tensor fascia latae is to
ir the hip
what muscle brings the lower extremity toward the midline of the body
the gracilis
which of the following muscle does NOT cross the ankle posterior to the medial malleolus
tibialis posterior
flexor hallicus longus
tibialis anterior
flexor digitorum longus
tibialis anterior
which of the following muscles dorsiflexes the ankle
tibialis posterior
fibularis longus
flexor digitorum longus
tibialis anterior
tibialis anterior
out of these, which does NOT invert the foot
tibialis posterior
tibialis anterior
flexor digitorum longus
extensor digitorum longus
extensor digitorum longus
what place can you palpate the dorsalis pedis pulse at
on top of the foot
the primary plantarflexors of the ankle are innervtaed by the
tibial nerve
is “knock knees” the same as genu valgum
true or false
the semimembranosus has its distal attachment on the medial condyle of the femur
true or false
the sartorius is one of the most superficial muscles of the anterior thigh
true or false
the medial malleolus extends more distally than the lateral malleolus
false, lateral extends more distally.
true or false
the term pes planus is similar to a high arch
to stretch the flexor hallicus longus, what muscles will you move and how
dorisflexion at the ankle paired with great toe extension
which hip external rotator sometimes gets tight or contracts and can put pressure on the sciatic nerve
ideal sitting posture the would keep the pelvis and lumbar spine in a neutral position will have you sitting on what bony landmark
ischial tuberosity
what is the origin of the muscle whose insertion is on the linea aspera and adductor tubercle
inferior ramus of pubis, ramus of ischium, ischial tuberosity
lateral border of coccyx, sacrum, posterior iliac crest
inferior ramus of pubis, ramus of ischium, ischial tuberosity
what muscles have a distal attachment together at the pes ancerine
sartorius, gracilis, semitendinosus
what intrinsic muscles of the foot flex the MTP joints and IP joints
the lumbricals
the primary action of the gluteus maximus is ____ and the primary action of the gluteus medius is ______
hip extension
hip ABduction
the common name of the fracture of the base of the 5th metatarsal is known as a ______ fracture
the common mechanism of injury of the anterior talar fibular ligament is
plantar flexion with eversion
plantar flexion with inversion
inversion only
eversion only
plantarflexion with inversion
muscles innervated by the superficial fibular nerve are found in what compartment of the leg
what are the borders of the femoral triangle
adductor longus, inguinal ligament, sartorius
a concentric activation of the hamstring muscles will produce a motion at the knee joint that id in the ______ plane and ____ axis
sagittal plane and frontal axis
true or false: the knee joint is the articulation of the patella, femur, tibia and fibula
what muscles externally rotate the hip (5)
inferior and superior gemellus, piriformis, quadratus femoris and the obturator internus
true or false: when someone has plantar fasciitis, they typically complain that pain is worse in the morning
true or false: the head of the talus articulates with the tibia and fibula to create the ankle joint
true or false: both the tibialis anterior and tibialis posterior can invert the foot
the obturator nerve innervates what muscles
adductor longus, adductor brevis, gracilis
the femoral nerve innervates what muscles
sartorius, vastus lateralis, iliacus, vastus medialis
the tibial nerve innervates what muscles
flexor digitorum longus, gastrocnemius, posterior tibialis
what muscles does the superior gluteal nerve innervate
tensor fascia latae, gluteus minimus, gluteus medius
what muscles does the inferior gluteal nerve innervate
gluteus maximus only
what muscles does the deep fibular nerve innervate
anterior tibialis, extensor hallucis longus
what muscles are innervated my the sciatic nerve
semitendinosus, biceps femoris
what muscles are innervated by the lumbar plexus
psoas major
what muscles are innervated by the superficial fibular nerve
fibularis longus
what muscles are innervated by the sacral plexus
true or false: muscles attached proximally to the ischial ramus extend the knee and flex the hip