Recursive Writing Process/Authroing cycle
plan, draft, revise (big edits), edit (spelling punctuation COPS), publish
Capitaluization, Organization Punctiation Spelling
Brainstorming and webs and outlines are helpful in research
thesis statement
conveys main arguemnt
transition words
However, furthermore, in addition next
over oramentation of language doing toooo much GOAL IS TO ALWAYS BE CLEAR
Primary vs secondary sources
A primary source is a firsthand account of an event, created by someone directly involved at the time it happened, like a diary entry, letter, or photograph, while a secondary source interprets or analyzes information from primary sources, such as a textbook or scholarly article discussing historical events based on primary documents.
Citing Sources/Source Integration
Quotation, Paraphrase, Summaries, in text citation
copying/using without credit
Strategies for writing instruction
writing workshop, models, collaborative writing, process writing
Process writing
planning, drafting, revisng, editing,
Planning Tips for Students
data dump, guided pre-writing, RAFT (Role of write, Audience, Format, Topic), media or tech
Drafting Tip for Students
Framed paragrpahs, essay hamburgers, shared / interactive writing
shared / interactive writing
“Shared writing” and “interactive writing” are both teaching strategies where a teacher and students collaborate to create a piece of text together, with the key difference being that in “shared writing” the teacher primarily writes while students provide ideas, while in “interactive writing” students actively contribute to the physical act of writing by “sharing the pen” with the teacher, allowing for more direct involvement in the writing process
Editing Tips for Students
Modeling/Think alouds and conferencing