language chosen for its particular effect
Authors Purpose through PIEED
Persuade, Inform, Explain, Entertain, Describe
Text structure
how its made up ex: sequence, cause-and-effect, problem solution, compare & contrast
explicit main idea
deductive reasoning
argument begins with a general statement or premise that is proven
inductive reasoning
facts are gathered and conclusion are drawn from these facts
logical fallacy
error in logic
slippery slope
argument is based on the assumption if one thing occurs another thing is bound to follow
Hasty Generalization
overgeneralizing due to assumptions or prior experience
Cirucular argument
argument that goes in circles bc simply restating argument with no new evidence
Red herring
adding in distracting information to take away from the main point of the argument
false analogy
misleading analogy
no sequitur
introduction of an argument that does not logically flow preceding arguments
False dillema
argument constructed as if end all be all only two optionsn ex: bement bf and the office
rhetorical appeals (3)
ethos, pathos logios