Writing a Prescription Flashcards
Dx =
Px =
Tx =
AE =
AR =
Adverse Event
Adverse Reaction
CD =
Suspected Adverse Reaction
Suitably Qualified Person
Registered Qualified Person
Veterinary Medicines Directorate
National Office of Animal Health
Code Of Professional Conduct (RCVS)
Control Drugs
Prescription Only Medicine
○ Veterinarian
Prescription Only Medicine
○ Veterinarian / Pharmacist / SQP
Non-food animals
○ Veterinarian / Pharmacist / SQP
Authorised Veterinary Medicine
○ General Sale List
What regulations do prescriptions have to follow?
Veterinary surgeons act
Veterinary Medicines Regulation
Misuse of Drugs Act
What is a prescription? (EU LAW)
Any prescription for a veterinary medicinal product issued by a professional person qualified to do so in accordance with applicable national law
Veterinary meaning - for animals
Prescribing is an action
What are the two classes of medicine which vets can prescribe?
POM-V (Prescription Only Medicine - by Veterinary Surgeon)
POM-VPS (Prescription Only Medicine - Veterinarian / Pharmacist / Suitably Qualified Person)
Prescription Only Medicine - Veterinarian / Pharmacist / Suitably Qualified Person
One of the most common ways veterinary medicines are purchased/prescribed
Clinical assessment does not have to be carried out
Animal does not have to be under RQPs care
RQP must have sufficient information about the animal and the
POM-VPS Example
Flea and worming treatment in pets at home
Must physically examine animal before prescribing
Must be responsible for health of animal
Must maintain records of the herd/individual
Must be supplied from registered premises
Non-food Animals, veterinary surgeon, pharmacist or SQP
For companion animals excluding horses
Doesn’t require clinical assessment
What are the steps to writing a prescription?
1 - Print/write legibly - indelible
○ Sign in ink with your normal signature
○ Include the date
2 - Use generic product name for drugs in capital letters
○ Ensure the full name is also stated
○ Include the pharmaceutical form and strength
3 - State duration and total quantity supplied
4 - write in micro/nanograms
5 - put 0 before decimal point (0.3) but not (3.0)
6 - Give precise instructions concerning route, dose and formulation
7 - If need altering - rewrite
8 - Declare that ‘animal is under my care’
9 - State whether drug follows cascade
How many times can prescriptions be repeated?
No more than three times before re-checking patient
Never if a controlled drug
Must physically examine animal before prescribing
Must be responsible for health of animal
Health and safety of prescribing
Always follow the cascade
Follow COPC
Must always:
○ Be satisfied that the person who will use the product is competent to use it safely
○ Advise on the safe administration of product
○ Advise any warnings or contra-indications on the label or package leaflet
○ Not prescribe more than the minimum quantity required for the treatment
○ Supply drug in appropriate containers and with appropriate labelling
How do you report misuse?
Report to VMD
○ May be a GDPR and confidentiality issue but generally RCVS will support you
Justified breach
If in doubt call RCVS first
Report if suspected