writing Flashcards
내 생각에는,
In my opinion,
나는 ~라고 주장한다
I contend/maintain (that) ~
나는 ~라는 의견을 갖고 있다
I am of the opinion that 주어 동사
내 관점으로는, ~이다.
From my point of view, 주어 동사
나는 ~에 찬성한다
I am in favor of~
I am in favor of reinforcing campus security.
나는 ~라고 굳게 믿고 있다
I firmly believe that 주어 동사
나는 ~라는 점에 동의한다
I agree on the point that 주어 동사
나는 ~라는 의견을 강력히 지지한다
I strongly support the idea of~
I strongly support the idea of having students evaluate their teachers.
~은 옳지 않다고 생각한다.
I don’t think it is right to + R
I don’t think it is right to prohibit studdents from accessing school computers for personal use.
나는 ~라는 의견에 반대한다
I am against the idea of~
I am against the idea of censorship of the media.
보편적인 견해와 반대로, ~이다
Contrary to popular opinion,
Contrary to popular opinion, a little stress can be a good thing.
나는 ~인지 의심스럽다/의문이다.
I question whether~
I question whether his words are true.
이것은 ~라는 문제를 야기시킨다
This raises the question of~
This raises the question of privacy in the workplace.
~의 주요한 문제는 -이다.
The major problim with~ is that-
The major problem with saving money is that banks ofer such low interest rates.
A와 B 중 하나를 선택해야 한다면, 나는 ~을 선택하겠다
Given the choice between A and B, I would choose ~
Given the choice between studying alone and studying in a group, I would choose to sudy alone.
~에 장점이 있을지 모르지만, 나는 -하는 것을 선호한다
Perhaps~ has its advantages, but I prefer to~
Perhaps using a credit card has its advantages, but I pefer to pay with cash.
그것이 ~한 이유이다
That is why
That is why it is important to have a balanced diet.
이것은 ~의 원인이다
This gives rise to~
This gives rise to problems such as high cholesterol and heat disease.
이는 ~이기 때문이다
This is because~
This is because inflation causes commodities to increase in price.
~때문에 -하다
S+V on account of~
Many people do not buy CDs anymore on accoun of the rising popularity of downloading music from the Internet.
~는 -라는 사실에서 기인한다
S result(s) from the fact that. S+V
Global warming results from the fact that people value convenience over the health of the environnment.
(이제) ~이니까, -하다
Now that~, S+V
Now that the city has passed a law banning the use of cell phones while driving, the number of accidents should decrease.
내가 ~라고 생각하는 또 다른 이유는 -하기 때문이다
Another reason I believe ~ is that S+V
Another reason I believe uniforms should not be required is that they suppress students’ creativity.
~의 결과로, -하다
As a result of~, S+V
As a result of his injuries, he was unable to continue working.
A는 B의 결과로 생각된다
A is thought to be the result of B
Intelligence is thought to be the result of boh nature and nurture.
~하는지의 여부는 -에 달려 있다
Whether S+V (or nor) depends on-
Whether cell phones have a positive or negative effect on society depends on how they are used.
예상했던 대로, ~이다
As might be expected, S+V
As might be expected, the company ended up going bankrupt.
머지않아 ~하게 될 것이다
It will not be long before S+V
It will not be long before we can take care of most of our financces over the Internet.
~와 비교해볼 때,
Compared with~,
Compared with flying, taking the bus is much cheaper.
비교해 보면, ~이다.
In comparison, S+V
In comparison, sending an email is much easier than writing a letter.
마찬가지로, ~이다.
In the same way, S+V
In the same way, transport systems have made it easier for people to move around.
이처럼, ~이다.
Like this, S+V
Like this, advice is most needed when problems are too difficult to solve on your own.
A와 B 사이에는 몇 가지 차이점이 있다
There are several differences between A and B
There are several differences between huurricanes and tornados.
A와 B는 많은 점에서 유사하다.
A and B are similar in many ways.
Physics and math are similar in many ways.
A와 B는 몇 가지 공통점을 지닌다.
A and B have several things in common
The marketing and advertising industries have several things in comon.
A와 B의 주요 차이점은 ~이다
The main diffference between A and B is that
The main difference between jogging and walkking is that jogging burns more calories.
A와 B를 비교한다면, ~이다.
If you compre A and B, S+V
If you compare high school and college, college classes are more difficult.
A는 B와 비교될 수 없다
A could not compare with B
The movie could not compare with the book on which it was based.
~와 달리 -이다.
Unlike~, S+V
Unlike dogs, cats don’t need to be walked every day.
한편으로는 ~이지만, 다른 한편으로는 -이다.
On the one hand S+V, but on the other hand, S+V
On the one hand cell phones are convenient, but on the other hand, they are often intrusive.
~하는 반면, -이다.
S+V, while~
Students who eat in the cafeteria save money, while students who eat out habe more choices.
대조적으로, ~이다.
In contrast, S+V
In contrast, people who live in rural areas can grow their own food.
반대로, ~이다.
Conversely, S+V
Conversely, the lower the price the greater the demand.
~에 반대하여, -하다.
In opposition to~, S+V
In opposition to the new legislation, citizens angrily protested.
~은 장점과 단점을 모두 지닌다.
S has its advantages and disadvantages.
Using a credit card has its advantages and disadvantages.
~의 장점이 단점보다 훨씬 크다
The advantages of~ far outweigh the disadvantages.
class attendance
Class attendance is necessary for studdents to understand the material.
enter school
Children who attend kindergarten enter school better prepared than other students.
유치원에 다닌 어린이들은 다른 하갱들보다 더욱 잘 준비된 상태에서 입학하게 된다.
어려서 저지르는 실수
youthful mistake
While everyone makes youthful mistakes, it is important that people learn from their past errors.
=It is important for people to learn from their past errors.
role model
It is important for children to have good models when they are young.
사교 기술
social skills
Sports improve children’s health and help them develop social skills.
동료, 또래와 어울리다
interact with peers
대인 의사소통
interpersonal communication
Stuents with poor interpersonal communication skills can benefit from drama classees.
~의 사생활을 침해하다
infringe upon one’s privacy
The goverment doesn’ have (the right) to infringe upon people’s privacy.
일자리를 제공하다
provide job opportunities
그 시설을 가동하기 위해서
To operate the facility
가장 큰 회사들 중 하나
one of the biggest enterprises
돌아오기로 결정했다
decided to come back
여세를 따라
follow the trend
과거에 ~하지 않았었더라면, ~을 하지 못했었을 것이다.
If S had not p.p, S would not have p.p and p.p
그 지역이 크게 발전할 것이다
would beneficial the community greatly
눈부시게 발전했다
developed remarkably.
지탱하기 위해 짓다
built to sustain
대학 입학 허가
university admission
The university admission requirements need to be changed to allow more students to enter school.
대학 입학 허가 요건은 더 많은 학생들이 학교에 입학하게 하도록 바뀔 필요가 있다.
학교를 졸업하다.
graduate from school
In order to graduate from school, students must pass their final exam.
졸업하기 위해서는, 학생들은 기말 시럼을 통과해야만 한다.
필수 과목
required subject
There are too many required subjects for students in college.
대학에는 학생들이 들어야 할 필수 과목이 너무 많다.
corporal punishment
Corporal punishment is not an effective way of disciplining young children.
체벌은 어린 아이들에게 규율을 가르치는 효과적인 방법이 아니다.
강의를 하다
give a lecture
In order to gove an interesting lecture, a teachershpuld employ a variety pf visual aids.
흥미를 끄는 강의를 하기 위해서, 교사는 다양한 시각 자료를 활용해야 한다.
lifelong education
The growing interest in lifelong education has shown that learning never stops.
평생 교육에 대해 증가하는 관심은 배움에는 끝이 없다는 것을 보여 준다.
youthful mistake
While everyone makes youthful mistakes, it is important that people learn from their past errors.
누구나 어릴 때 실수를 저지를 수 있지만, 과거 자신의 잘못으로부터 배우는 것이 중요하다.
interact with peers
Many professors are now assigning work that requires students to interact with their peers.
요즘에는 많은 교수들이 학생들에게 다른 학생들과 어울리는 것을 요구하는과제를 내주고 있다.
숙제, 과제
homework assignment
By regularly completing their homework assignment, students gain a better understanding of the material.
규칙적으로 과제를 완수함으로써, 학생들은 수업 내용을 더 잘 이해하게 된다.