Wrist And Hand Lecture Flashcards
How much of the upper limb movement occurs in the hand?
What part of the hand is involved in the most function?
Thumb (40-50%)
What 2 fingers together are involved in 40% of hand movement?
The index finger (20%)
The middle finer (20%)
What is the strongest finger?
The chiropratic index finder.
important for percision and power.
What type of joint is the distal radioulnar joint?
double piviot
What is the triangular fibrocartilage complex?
TFCC - a fibrocartilage disc that helps with the indirect articulation of the ulna. It improve the congruency of the joint surfaces and acts as a cousion against compressive forces.
Which side (ulnar or radial) has more deviation? Why?
Ulnar - the styloid process is about .5 inch shorter on the ulnar side. This allows for greater ROM (more space to move)
What does the ulnar head articulate with?
ulnar notch of the radius laterally, and the TFCC distally
What is the difference between Collies’ Fracture and Revers Collies’ Fracture? Give the AKAs for each.
They are both fractures within 25-30mm of the wrist joint.
Collies (AKA Dinner Fork Fracture) - the segment after the fracture line goes POSTERIOR
Revers Collies (AKA Smith’s Fracture) - the segment after the fracture line goes ANTERIOR
How much of the axial load’s transmission between hand and forearm is though the (Triangular Fibrocartilage Complex) TFCC?
What is the most commonly fractured bone in the wrist?
Nevicular (AKA Scaphoid)
What is the largest carpal bone on the proximal row?
What is the largest carpal bone?
What tendon covers the capitate posteriorly?
Extensor carpi radialis brevis tendon
Extensor carpi radialis brevis: OINAB?
O: Lateral epicondyle
I: Base of the 3rd metacarpal posteriorly
N: Deep Radial Nerve (C6 C7)
A: Extends hand at the wrist. Radially deviates the hand at the wrist
B: Radial Recurrent Artery
Extensor carpii radialis longus: OINAB:
O: Lateral Epicondyle
I: Base of the 2nd metacarpal posteriorly
N: Radial or Deep Radial Nerve (C5 C6)
A: Extends the hand at the wrist. Radially deviates the hand at the wrist. Weak elbow flexor/supinator
B: Radial Recurrent Artery
What is the most commonly sublexated carpal bone?
What carpal bone is the secound most commonly fractured?
Which carpal bone articulates with the largest metacarpal base?
Which carpal bone takes the most stress? Why?
When the hand extends the capal arch flattens, and all of the extra stress is placed on the Lunate since it is at the center of that arch.
Describe the midcarpal joints.
Compound articulation, since each row has both a concave and a convex surface
Proximal Row: convex laterally, concave medially
What provides stability to the carpometacarpal joints? Where are the caropmetacrapal joints?
palmar and dorsal carpometacarpal and intermetacarpal ligaments
joints are between the distal carpals and the bases of the metacarpals
What ligaments originate from the TFCC?
- ulnolunate
- ulnotriquetral ligaments
- the ulnar collateral,
- the radioulnar ligaments
- the ulnocarpal ligaments
What capal bones articulate with the Radius?
Scaphoid and lunate